Presentations by AMTA
Matches: 145
RO/NF Basics
Reverse Osmosis (RO) and Nanofiltration (NF) basics and a comparison between the two membrane processes. Introduction to technical terms used in describing these two membrane processes and characterizing performance....
RO/NF Basics
Reverse Osmosis (RO) and Nanofiltration (NF) basics and a comparison between the two membrane processes. Introduction to technical terms used in describing these two membrane processes and characterizing performance...
RO/NF Basics
This presentation covers the basics of reveres Osmosis and Nanofiltration Membrane processes. Explanation of applicable pressure ranges, type of media, sizing considerations and other critical design considerations is provided and fouling and scaling concerns are addressed....
Membrane Retrofitting for Power Savings
This presentation discusses recent improvements in ro membrane performance, including specific flux, salt passage, and active area per unit. It also discusses the application of these improvements to reduce membrane cost and pressure requirements. Examples are given where these have been accomplished....
The Role of Membranes in the Future of Water
This PowerPoint presentation reviews the current state of membrane technology and future developments anticipated in 2013....
Membrane Directions and Improvements
This PowerPoint discusses basic membrane technology and directions that it is taking in the future....
RO/NF Basics & Terminology
This PowerPoint presentation discusses the basics for reverse osmosis and nanofiltration membrane technology...
Differences in MF/UF and RO/NF Membrane Properties
This presenation provides on overview of membranes used for water treatment. It includes a description of membrane configurations, membrane materials, removal mechanisms, and membrane structure for MF, UF, NF, and RO....
Overview of Membranes & Terms MF, UF, RO, NF and MBR
The presentation will give a brief introduction to membrane technology including microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, reverse osmosis and membrane bioreactors. Terminology and operating parameters will be discussed as well as differences between the different membrane processes....
What?s New for Florida?
The presentation will describe the history of membrane technology in Florida with a review of the current state of affairs and then focus on the future projects and demands for membrane facilities in the state....
Advancements in Membrane Technology
This presentation on advancements of membrane technology is from a preconference workshop in 2014 that discussed optimization in membrane plant performance. New developments in large diameter elements system design, membrane manufacturing and even concentrate disposal were given....
Introduction to Membrane Technology
The presentation will describe the basics of membrane technology with an introduction to reverse osmosis, microfiltration and ultrafiltration. The differnces in how the separations are achieved and how the processes opearate will be given. Examples of where RO, MF and UF are applied will be mentioned with particular attention to unconventional wate...
Membrane Basics
The presenation will be aimed at individuals that are not familiar with membrane basics and terminology. Basic priniciles of reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, microfitration, nanofiltration will be reviewed with an emphais on how they function and differ. A short review of the different membrane module and element construction will be given alo...
Vision on Membrane Technology Applications in North America
Reverse Osmosis and Concentrate Generation
This presentation will describe the basics of reverse osmosis and how concentrate is part of the process. The importance of recovery rate, salt passage, concentrate factor and more will be discussed. The presention will provice a basis for the discussion about concentrate management....
Spoonbill Marsh Wetland Discussion
Cover the on-going projects currently being funded by Reclamation in the area of concentrate management. The work covers from well known technologies such as wetlands to the creation of a toolbox that identifies technologies currently available. The presentation will also identify the various paths that Reclamation is taking to address the concerns...
Introduction to Membrane Technology
Membrane basics are presented with a short review of high pressure and low pressure technology, membrane construction and properties. A few membrane related terms will be presented and a discussion of membrane systems will be given. This presentation is meant to be a basic primer for those not familiar with membrane treatment and a refresher cour...
Membrane Activity in the Southeast United States
The presentation reviews the status of membrane activity in the Southeast and presents a list of membrane related activity in 2018. A summary of new projects, retrofits, membrane replacement and issues to be dealt with is discussed....
Membrane Technology Basics and Their Applications in the Mid-Atlantic Region
There will be a short refresher on the basics of the variety of membrane processes and key issues around their use. A review of the membrane plants and usage in the Mid-Atlantic area will be given....
Membrane Activity in Florida
This paper presents a brief summary of the membrane installations within Florida and compares them to the United States information. Currently active membrane related projects in the state are discussed including new installations, membrane replacement and pilot plant activity....
Membrane Activity For Water Treatment In North America
The Presentation will review reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, microfiltration, ultrafiltration, and membrane bioreactors . Statistics on the number of facilities, types of feed sources, methods to deal with byproduct streams, and means of disposal will be given. The last part of the presentation will address some things to watch within the membrane...
Membrane Facilities Evolution and Future Directions
The Presentation is an overview of Reverse osmosis efforts over the past forty six years and takes a look at how Reverse Osmosis System designs have changed with a look at many facilities. Likewise, several different pilot testing equipment will be discussed....
Membrane Processes
The presenations will provide a background on membrane processes for water treatment including RO, NF, MF and UF along with basic terminology and key points....
Membrane Processes
The presenations will provide a background on membrane processes for water treatment including RO, NF, MF and UF along with basic terminology and key points....
Membrane Treatment Basics for Waste Water Operators
The Presentation is an introduction to membranes for waste water plant operators. It reviews membrane basics and gives examples of where membranes are used for waste water treatment....
Membrane Processes
The presenations will provide a background on membrane processes for water treatment including RO, NF, MF and UF along with basic terminology and key points....