Presentations by AdEdge Water Technologies, LLC
Matches: 3
Flow Reversal for High Recovery Desalination of Municipal Wastewater
The extensive network of NEWater plants in Singapore use RO to produce high quality water for the semiconductor industry from municipal wastewater. They also fill an increased need for drinking water. In conventional NEWater plants, recovery is limited to 75-80% by the supersaturation of calcium phosphate and iron in the concentrate. When tail memb...
75% is Totally 70's: New Water, High Recovery, Concentrate Management
Concentrate management is a key issue for the use of reverse osmosis (RO) technology. Reducing the amount of RO concentrate is critical for all inland RO applications. The Flow-Reversal RO technology employs conventional RO equipment with 2 unique functions to improve recovery: Flow-reversal and Block Rotation. This is a continious process that d...
Flow-Reversal High-Recovery RO Resolved Water Quality Issues & Created Savings in Industrial Applications
Treatment processes almost always involve Reverse Osmosis (RO). RO provides the physical barrier needed to remove multiple contaminants, facilitate regulatory compliance, and over the years, has gained the trust of engineers, operators, and consumers. Conventional RO technology effectively removes dissolved solids, micro-molecules, and pathogens, b...