Presentations by Avista Technologies,
Matches: 41
Pretreatment and Fouling
This PowerPoint presentation discusses membrane fouling and cleaning methods with some discussion about pretreatment options....
RO Chemistry
This paper provides a through discussion of fouling and scaling as well as treatment and technology that are used to control loss of membrane productivity and performance. A basic yet thorough understanding of antiscalant is provided for operators....
Chemical Applications - Pre/Post/Cleaning Membrane Systems
Discussion of pretreatment, post treatment and cleaning chemicals in conjunction basic Reverse Osmosis (RO) and Nanofiltration (NF) systems...
Pretreatment Options for High Silica Waters
This PowerPoint presentation describes pretreatment options for dealing with silica in membrane feed waters....
RO Troubleshooting, Brining Analytical & Chemistry Together
This PowerPoint presentation discusses membrane fouling and methods to determine what the foulant is and how much fouling has occurred....
RO Monitoring and Troubleshooting
This PowerPoint discusses membrane system troubleshooting and system monitoring methods...
Membrane Autopsy
This presentation discusses autopsy procedures for reverse osmosis (RO) membranes. The presentation includes procedures for identifying physical membrane damage, particulate fouling, organic fouling, scaling, and biological fouling. Testing procedures discussed include visual inspection, the Fujiwara test, energy dispersive X-ray analysis, and Chro...
Advancements in Green Chemistry for Membrane Systems
This presentation discusses the development, testing, and applicability of green chemical cleaning and antiscalant products for reverse osmosis (RO) processes. The presentation begins with an overview of the goals of green chemical development which include the production of chemicals free of EDTA and phosphates. Testing procedures and results are ...
Advances in UF/MF Autopsies
Modern day advances in analytical techniques have evolved the Ultrafiltration and Microfiltration (UF/MF) autopsy into a highly advanced science. Fiber profiling techniques, Chromatic Elemental Imaging (CEI), along with cleaning studies including single fiber performance data have allowed for a more accurate and in-depth treatment of fouling. This ...
RO Membrane and Element Design
This presentation describes what Reverse Osmosis is and gives detailed overview of construction of spiral wound elements, including permeate spacer and anti-telescoping device. It also describes operating limitations such as maximum applied pressure, maximum chlorine concentration/tolerance, maximum operating temperature, allowable feedwater pH r...
Operation and Troubleshooting
This presentation covers operation and troubleshooting of Spiral Wound RO elements. It covers operational parameters including system operations, data collection, data normalization and membrane life expectancy. When fouling occurs, systematic process needs to be followed to determine causes and Implement corrective actions. Membrane autopsy prov...
Operation and Troubleshooting
Membrane system operations and troubleshooting is reviewed. Recommended maintenance protocols treatment plants are detailed including oversight of data through normalization to detect potential problems. Membrane fouling and scaling is also described with information presented on typical causes and methods to reverse or clean membranes to restore o...
Advancement in Membrane Fouling Analysis Using Chromatic Elemental Imaging
This paper discusses Chromatic Elemental Imaging (CEI) as it relates to identifying the spatial distribution and relative concentrations of elements with high accuracy and resolution for membrane separation and filtration technologies. Discussed are the benefits of the technology and a comparison to Element Mapping (EM), Scanning Electron Microscop...
In Field Troubleshooting and Cleaning
This presentation from a preconference workshop in 2014 that addressed Optimizing Performance and Troubleshooting Techniques for Membrane Plants. IN field troubleshooting along with cleaning recommendations were given. Normalization of data was reviewed...
What's New in Membrane Autopsies
This presentation on membrane autopsies is from a preconference workshop in 2014 that addresses issues from an Operators point of view. Why and when to perform a membrane autopsy along with methods to determine foulants and damage to membrane elements is given....
Spiral-Wound Membrane Performance Monitoring for System Optimization
Spiral-wound water purification elements (e.g. reverse osmosis, nanofiltration) were developedin the 1960s in response to increasing water demand. Since then, the need for pure water has evolved to include not only the residential but also industrial sectors as most product developments and processes require ultrapure water. As the need for this wa...
Improving Reverse Osmosis System Performance in Agricultural Applications
This is a case study on a hydroponic grower in California and explores challenges that growers face when incorporating RO systems into their operations. The study illustrates how a water treatment system can operate on two different feed waters and one reclaimed water source. It also shows how improvements allowed the site to run on all of them an...
Sustainability through Membrane System Optimization in a Beverage Facility
This paper offers a case study on a California beverage facility that set a goal to reduce their water consumption by 20%. In order to achieve that target and still meet their production goals, plant engineers, operators, consultants and members of the newly implemented sustainability committee convened and focused on the reverse osmosis (RO) syste...
The RO Retrofit: Making Things Right
This paper details two retrofit case studies for systems located in the City of Toluca and the City of Macomb, Illinois, USA. A reverse osmosis system process or design retrofit is a truly viable option for municipalities that own and operate systems that are no longer performing as promised or as designed. Retrofits can offer very satisfying retur...
Reducing The Operating Costs of Brackish Water Systems Through Seasonal Optimization
This paper specifically discusses the success of implementing seasonal pretreatment adjustments by experienced operators with primary feedwater sources originating from the Bull Run Watershed in the Pacific Northwest, USA. Through careful monitoring of water parameters and the meticulous collection and review of normalized data, the Bull Run Waters...
Advances In Membrane Fouling Prediction & Autopsies
This presentation will focus on how the latest analytical tools are used to identify foulants on membrane surfaces and how the spacial orientation and deposition mechanisms help to predict future process changes. Examples of both spiral RO membranes and hollow fiber UF membranes are used to demonstrate how science provides the most reliable path fo...
Membrane Operator Certification (MOC) Training
In this topic we will discuss an overview of the MOC curriculum, this overview will include the change from one course to the now four courses that are being offered by the AMTA affialiates....
Improved Chemicals for Higher Recovery Rates
High recovery systems are a trending topic in the water treatment industry. Recent applications show the new targeted recoveries to be 85% or higher. Broad spectrum antiscalants work well with conventional RO designs and recoveries (typically 85% or less). However, high recovery RO's require special consideration to an antiscalant selection that fo...
Maximizing Membrane Life: Lessons Learned from a Three Year Study on Performance Recovery
Reverse Osmosis (RO) membranes are susceptible to several different types of foulants and scales. Common foulants observed in RO systems are organics, metals, clays and colloidal material. Common scales that are observed are carbonate, phosphate, sulfate and silica. Onsite cleaning is the norm to remove these foulants and scales but sometimes a des...
Advancements in Scaling Calculations and an In Depth Look at Antiscalant Dosing for Stressed Waters and High Recovery Systems
Over the past few decades the Reverse Osmosis (RO) industry has observed an increase in applications in challenging waters. Water sources that were never considered suitable for RO are now commonplace, including municipal waste streams, industrial waste, and even mining waste. Furthermore, regulatory restrictions, environmental obligations, solid w...
A Review of Methods For Membrane Process Optimization
Optimizing membrane performance has always involved looking at operations, system design, and process design as part of a typical troubleshooting approach. There are significant advancements in the realm of system diganostics and membrane perfomance analysis that further ensure an accurate and reliable outcome. This presentation will review some of...
A Study of Iron Redox Reactions and Associated Irreversible Damage Within Reverse Osmosis Systems
Case studies on reverse osmosis systems experiencing unexplained rejection loss with deep well water sources. Comparisons are assessed between sites with similar water sources that run smoothly and ones that experience problems....
Membrane Process Optimization: Chemistry & Analytical Techniques
Optimizing membrane performance has always involved looking at operations, system design, and process design as part of a typical troubleshooting approach. There are significant advancements in the realm of system diganostics and membrane perfomance analysis that further ensure an accurate and reliable outcome. This presentation will review how mem...
Membrane Fouling and Cleaning
Many reverse osmosis (RO) systems experience scale and fouling issues that may result in system downtime and labor-intensive Clean-In-Place (CIP). System operators are required to perform CIP to restore performance often with limited training and tools. This presentation dicusses RO foulants and symptoms, proper cleaning procedures, and cleaning c...
Foulant Identification at Midwestern MF/UF Membrane Plants
This presentation focuses on the types of fouling that are currently being experienced at a variety of MF/UF membrane plants in the Midwest. The discussion includes how the foulant materials are setting up in the MF/UF membrane elements and how the autopsy process is being used to identify foulants and provide solutions for their removal. Several ...
NF Design and Operation at 98% Recovery - Two Years of Operation and CIP Results
The City of Signal Hill's nanofiltration plant was designed and built primarily for color removal and some total dissolved solids reduction. The plant was successfully built and started up over two years ago. After more than one year of operation the plant was cleaned for the first time. This paper will present information on the plant design and o...
Reality of Membrane Cleaning Onsite
Onsite CIP systems vary significantly depending on manufacturer or system budget. RO CIP process will also vary depending on the type and degree of fouling in the RO system. This presentation will show some examples of various types of CIP systems while discussing the benefit or challenge their specific design poses. Determining foulant type and ma...
RO Pretreatment in the Upper Midwest: What The Last 25 Years Has Taught Us
This presentation focuses on the different types of RO membrane pretreatment that have been used over the past 25 years in the Upper Midwest. The discussion covers both well water and surface water feed sources, and treatment processes such as UF/MF membranes, clarification/filtration, and iron/manganese management strategies. Case study examples a...
RO Membrane Autopsy
All the different analysis methods and tools that are used to perform a membarne autopsy will be discussed. In addition, the reasons why to have an autopsy perfomed, membrane selection for the autopsy, and interpretation of the results will be covered....
Water Quality, The Forgotten Secret to System Optimization
When reverse osmosis (RO) and nanofiltration (NF) systems are designed, the water quality is the most crucial piece of information. It is the deciding factor for which membranes will be used, what pretreatment will need to be installed, how much water can be recovered and the cost of energy that will be required to run the system. However, after th...
Water Quality, The Forgotten Secret to System Optimization
When reverse osmosis (RO) and nanofiltration (NF) systems are designed, the water quality is the most crucial piece of information. It is the deciding factor for which membranes will be used, what pretreatment will need to be installed, how much water can be recovered and the cost of energy that will be required to run the system. However, after th...
Understanding Salt Rejection the Path to a Healthy Membrane Life
This presentation is all about membrane rejection, how to calculate it, where to sample for it, and what the numbers are telling us. Knowing how to collect and analyze this information on a RO membrane system will allow an operator to setup a conductivity profile and then a rejection profile for all parts of the RO process. Using these skills will ...
Understanding Rejection: The Path to a Healthy Membrane Life
This presentation is all about membrane rejection, how to calculate it, where to sample for it, and what the numbers are telling us. Knowing how to collect and analyze this information on a RO membrane system will allow an operator to setup a conductivity profile and then a rejection profile for all parts of the RO process. Using these skills will ...