Presentations by Black
Matches: 66
Start Up of the Minneapolis Water Works Membrane Filtration Plant
This presentation covers the Minneapolis membrane filtration facility. It covers the history prior to the plant, the drivers behind the need and the details of procurement and operation. Also discussed are pilot testing, product selection, design layout and issues and well as operational details....
Preliminary Results from AwwaRF 3010: Zero Liquid Discharge for Inland Desalination
This Presentation discusses the work completed on the 2004 Zero Liquid Discharge 3010 project. Covered are computer modeling, bench test and pilot test results that will go into the final project that will be completed in 2006. This project uses fluidized bed crystallization and the slurry precipative process....
Ceramic Membranes with Flocculation for Organic Matter Removal
Ceramic membranes were first installed 15 years ago on full scale systems because of their mechanical and chemical stability. More favorable economics of organic membranes led to their widespread application in hundreds of installations world-wide. However, challenges concerning fiber breakage of organic membranes and the control of irreversible ...
CIP Waste Options for Membrane Filtration Water Treatment Plants
For some utilities, disposal of the waste streams generated by membrane filtration and MF/UF membrane systems that do not have available options for disposal is becoming a challenge. This paper discusses the various treatment and disposal alternatives for CIP waste streams from MF/UF utilities. Typical waste streams from MF/UF utilities include spe...
Evaluating Fouling Characteristics and Cleaning Methods After Lime Softened
Water District No. 1 of Johnson County, Kansas (WaterOne) is a large utility that supplies water to approximately 340,000 people in the Kansas City metropolitan area. Currently, WaterOne is planning a new 30 mgd treatment facility that will treat Missouri River water withdrawn through horizontal collector wells. One proposed treatment process wou...
Reuse Down Under: Membranes Provide Drought Relief for Queensland
Using the largest water recycling project in the Southern Hemisphere, Australia's Western Corridor Recycled Water Project (WCRWP), as an example, the paper discusses state-of-the-art water reclamation with membranes (MF/UF and 2-pass RO). Combining a triple-membrane approach with other processes, at build-out WCRWP will include a combined capacity...
Practical Hands-On Lessons from Commissioning the 70 MGD Columbia Heights Membrane Filtration Plant
This paper describes practical Hands-on lessons from commissioning the 70-MGD Columbia Heights Membrane Filtration Plant...
Unique Application of MF/UF: Hydrogen Sulfide Removal
This paper discusses a pilot program where hydrogen sulfide gas is removed by first oxidizing to particulate form, elemental sulfur, and then filtering with MF/UF....
Design, Construction & Startup of a Fast Track Water Reclamation Facility in Australia
This paper describes the Design, Construction & Startup of a Fast Track Water Reclamation Facility. This project was designed, built, and commissioned in the record time of 14 months (contract awarded in June 2006 and commissioned in August 2007). The paper presents a brief description of design and constructability issues of this fast track projec...
No Sewer & 60 Miles Out of Town: Remote Water Source Yields Piloting Challenges on the West Texas Plains
The City of Lubbock, Texas is conducting a program to connect to and utilize a new water source, Lake Alan Henry (LAH). This water source will be used to supply a new water treatment plant with an initial capacity of 15 mgd (57 Ml/d), expandable to 50 mgd (190 Ml/d) in the future....
Desalination with Zero Liquid Discharge, Results From Two AwwaRF Projects
Concentrate management represents the greatest barrier to the implementation of desalination technologies. Zero Liquid discharge (ZLD) options maximize water production while minimizing discharge managment issues. his project evaluates ZLD technologies and pretreatments that show promise for use in high organic carbon brackish waters....
Performance and Cost Comparison of Ceramic to Polymeric Micro/Ultrafiltration (MF/UF) Membranes Treating Surface Water
Ceramic vs. Polymeric Membranes comparison...
Geneva RO Water Treatment Facility
Review of the Geneva, Illinois 8mgd Water Treatment Facility. This facility draws both shallow and deep groundwater, utilizing separate pretreatment schemes prior to reverse osmosis treatment....
Pretreatment Optimization for an Impaired Groundwater Supply
To offset imported State Project Water, the City of Santa Monica is resuming the use of local, impaired groundwater resources contaminated with MTBE and TBA. Using membrane softening, these contamnants are effectively removed. However, ambient iron and manganese levels prematurely foul the softening membranes. Optimized green sand filtration with...
WRF Concentrate Research
Inland desalination and concentrate management. Where concentrate disposal is constrained or restricted industry is increasingly viewing it as a resource rather than a waste. Discussion of cost for various, and some innovative processes employed to recover all of the concentrate as potable water and solids Zero liquid discharge (ZLD) desalination...
Membrane Applications - Capital and Operating Costs
This presentation provides an overview of capital and operating costs for microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis. Caution is given about what is included in the cost calculations and it is emphasized that concentrate disposal should be considered from early stages of the project....
MF/UF Operator Training: Transitioning from Granular To Membrane Filters
This PowerPoint discusses MF/UF Operator Training: Transitioning from Granular Media to Membrane Filtration...
The Alphabet Soup of Membrane Abbreviations
This presentation provides a general overview of terminology for low pressure (microfiltration/ultrafiltration) and high pressure (nanofiltration/reverse osmosis) membranes. The low pressure membrane discussion includes a description of log removal values and air integrity testing. Membrane materials for low pressure and high pressure membranes are...
Operations & Costs for Membrane Surface Water Treatment 10 Years After Startup
The complex regulatory landscape for water and wastewater in Ontario encompasses numerous Ministries, multiple Acts and and a seemingly endless array of regulations, guidelines and extra-provincial directives adopted by reference in the legislation. The matter can be further complicated by the introduction of membrane technologies used in regulate...
Ceramic Membrane Filtration System Characteristics
This presentation provides an overview of ceramic membrane filtration system. It discusses similarities and differences between Ceramic and Polymeric micro filtration systems. They both provides excellent filtration, low turbidity and greater than 4-log giardia and crypto removal. Ceramic membranes have a longer life and have higher chemical tole...
Is Recovering Energy in Low Pressure RO Systems Worth It?
Is recovering energy in low pressure RO systems worth it? The energy consumption of RO process itself accounts for 80% of the overall energy consumption of the facility, and cost of energy accounts for approximately 50% of the annual operating costs. The economics would very much depend on the amount of energy that is recoverable and, more import...
Real World Fiber Breakage Rates and Costs
This paper summarizes surveys of and discussions with multiple WTP operators of MF/UF-based plants about their full scale facilities, focusing on the frequency of fiber breaks and the associated costs for labor and repairs. Costs are presented in US Dollars. The data are normalized to reflect the relative usage by manufacturer to represent the actu...
Zero Liquid Discharge Desalination
This paper summarizes a research effort which examined electrodialysis metathesis (EDM) to treat concentrate. EDM has the potential to meet be a cost-effective water recovery method and an opportunity to concentrate solids into salt products. EDM provides two advantages in treating concentrate because it has a much higher rates of water recovery c...
Providing adequate system capacity and safe water quality are outlined as the primary goals of treatment operations. To monitor the effectiveness of microfiltration and ultrafiltration treatment, various water quality indices are reviewed. The importance of operational trend graphing and normalization is highlighted....
Project Delivery Theory and Case-History Application
The optimal project, and construction, delivery method depends on application specific drivers. One important step in the delivery process is the selection of a Program Team (Prime Engineer). A case study for one method called Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) is discussed including end user benefits and incentives....
Navigating the Regulations: MF/UF Surface Water Treatment in Texas
This paper will be of interest to utilities and engineers planning or operating MF/UF WTPs in Texas. The discussion, tables, and flow charts will provide checklists of requirements for MF/UF membrane projects....
San Antonio Water System Brackish Groundwater Desalination Program
San Antonio, along with many parts of Texas is experiencing double digit growth rates every 10 years. San Antonio Water System (SAWS) must be able to provide adequate water supplies in order to meet this growth. SAWS, currently gets the majority of their drinking water from the Edwards Aquifer, but water levels are decreasing, resulting in limitati...
Back To Basics: Comparing Pilot Data to Real-Life Performance
This presentation from a preconference workshop in 2014 for Back to Basics on membrane technology gives a comparison of pilot plant data to actual plant data. How to evaluate piloting needs and procurement costs are presented....
Singapore's 3rd and 4th Taps - Overview of Newater and Seawater Desalination Plants
This paper discusses the procurement methods used and cost of the water from Singapore?s seawater desalination and reuse supplies. The cost of the water either desalinated seawater or NEWater is compared as a function of year of implementation and also global market conditions....
Evaluating and Testing Ceramic Membranes to Expand Treatment Capacity
Results from the City of El Dorado?s (Kansas) pilot testing and information about the applicability of ceramic membranes are presented, as well as the capital and operating cost comparison of the polymeric and ceramic membrane alternatives. This paper and presentation benefit other utilities that are looking to expand or add capacity and are consi...
Maximizing Water Resources: A 99% Efficient Membrane Treatment System
This paper and presentation provide an overview of the following: history of project and why 99% efficient is cost effective; configuration of the new treatment system; discussions with regulatory agencies to obtain approval; challenges with balancing new system start-up and performance testing while maintaining plant production capacity; changes i...
15,000 hours of Membrane Operational Experience: City of San Diego Advanced Water Purification Facility
Data generated from the City of San Diego Advanced Water Purification (AWP) demonstration project was used to support the City?s proposal for conditional regulatory approval and estimate of capital, operational and maintenance (O&M) costs of a potential full-scale project. The potential full-scale project would purify tertiary effluent from North C...
Managing Membranes To Minimize Opex: An Update 10 Years After Start-up
This paper discusses the active management of a 10 MGD membrane filtration system to minimize operational costs over a decade of operation....
Emerging Desalination Technologies - An Update
This paper updates the current status of the new desalination technologies and provides comparison with respect to the principles of operation, source(s) of energy required, scalability to large scale applications, potential environmental impacts, footprint, operating parameters (such as recovery, treated water quality), and potential environmental...
Source Water Control Strategies to Ensure Treatment Reliability at Orange County Water District's Groundwater Replenishment System
Orange County Water District's (OCWD) Advanced Water Purification Facility (AWPF) treats secondary municipal wastewater effluent using MF, RO, and ultraviolet (UV) and hydrogen peroxide in an Advance Oxidation Process (AOP). Source water variations can impact performance and reliability by operation of secondary biological treatment trains and by ...
Performance Testing of the Silicon Valley Advanced Water Purification Center?s 8 MGD Integrated Membrane System to Expand Reuse and Reliability
The Santa Clara Water District with the City of San Jose, CA commissioned the Silicon Valley Advanced Water Purification Center (SVAWPC). The state of the art facility treats secondary effluent from using an intergrated membrane system (IMS) consisting of mictofiltration (MF), reverse osmosis (RO), followed by ultra violet (UV) disinfection. Paper...
Evaluation of Ceramic MBR Technology for Water Reuse
This paper presents membrane operational and water quality performance data collected over a 30 day reporting period using Meiden Ceramic Flat Sheet (CFM . MBR is ongoing at the City of Escondido?s Hale Avenue Resource Recovery Facility (HARRF) located in Escondido, California. The primary goal of the testing is to demonstrate the CFM membrane can ...
Capital Cost for Phased Expansions for Brackish Groundwater Desalination in Texas
This paper presents the capitol cost for a phased expansion for the San Antonio Water Systems ( SAWS) program to integrate 30 million gallons per day of desalinated brackish groundwater into their overall water supply strategy. The Brackish Groundwater Desalination (BGD) program is anticipated to be constructed in three phases. Phase one will del...
Ceramic MF/UF - Technology for the Future?
Ceramic membranes may be the future for microfiltration and/or ultrafiltration (MF/UF) membrane-based water treatment. Presentation compares ceramic MF/UF to the more widely applied polymeric options, considering advantages and disadvantages, as well as a summary of currently available ceramic membrane systems....
Evaluation Of An RO Based Advanced Water Treatment Train To Augment The City Of Santa Monica's Potable Water Supply
This paper will discuss performance of various RO membranes tested as part of the challenge testing for various contaminants, performance of various antiscalants and membrane evaluation components of the over pilot study....
Application of Flat Sheet Ceramic Membrane Technology for Water Reuse
Meidensha Corporation (Tokyo, Japan) contracted Black & Veatch to perform third party demonstration testing of their ceramic flat sheet membrane CFM membrane to demonstrate its ability to meet the California Division of Drinking Water (DDW) Recycled Water Criteria per California Code of Regulations Title 22. The City of Escondido (City), California...
Post-Treatment of RO Permeate with Calcite Contact to Provide Stability and Corrosion Control
Reverse osmosis (RO) permeate is aggressive, corrosive since it is soft, low alkalinity water with slightly acidic pH. Unless properly post-treated, finished water from RO facilities can cause corrosion to downstream fixtures and piping including the distribution system. Post-treatment includes chemical addition to adjust water quality. Blending a ...
Drinking Water Permit for the Carlsbad Desalination Facility -Demonstrating How To Obtain Log Removal Credits for RO Membranes
Startup and Initial Operations of the Saws Brackish Groundwater Desalination Project
San Antonio, along with many parts of Texas is experiencing double digit growth rates every 10 years. San Antonio Water System (SAWS) must be able to provide adequate water supplies in order to meet this growth. SAWS, currently, gets the majority of their drinking water from the Edwards Aquifer, but water levels are decreasing, resulting in limitat...
What?s the Value in Piloting? A Case Study from the Fargo MWTP Project
The City of Fargo, ND currently is constructing a 15 MGD integrated membrane water treatment plant (pretreatment, UF, & RO) slated to be finished in 2018. Prior to design, the City performed an extensive pilot program to prove out the membrane process for Sulfate removal as well as refine treatment process. This presentation will cover lessons le...
Out with the Old -In with the New: Replacing 9 Year Old UF Membranes With Another Manufacturer's Modules
Many older proprietary microfiltration and ultrafiltration (MF/UF) membrane systems have been in service long enough to require replacement of elements. This paper presents methods to specify and select new replacement elements for existing proprietary systems allowing competitive bids between suitable manufacturers (rather than risking higher cost...
Strategic Water Resource for Hong Kong - 135 MLD Tsuen Kwon O Seawater Desalination Plant
Hong Kong is one of the most densely populated regions that is experiencing stresses on its water resources. The Water Supply Department (WSD) of Hong Kong has initiated a Total Water Management strategy to manage demand and supply. As part of this effort, it is implementing a seawater desalination plant with 135 MLD capacity, expandable to 270 MLD...
High-Recovery Treatment of RO Concentrate With Electrodialysis Metathesis
This important study evaluated a new electrodialysis (ED) technology, electrodialysis metathesis (EDM), which offers the potential to reduce the costs and energy associated with RO concentrate treatment, while reducing solid waste by-products. The paper will provide background information on EDM technology along with 6 months of demonstration testi...
Initial Performance of Membrane and Remineralization Processes for the Saws Brackish Groundwater Desalination Plant
At its proposed buildout capacity of 30 MGD, the SAWS BGD project will be the largest municipal RO treatment facility in the state of Texas and one of the largest in-land potable desalination facilities in the United States. This is the only municipal RO treatment plant in Texas that uses a three-stage RO system with an overall feed water recovery ...
Out With The Old - In With The New: Working With a Regulator to Replace 9-Year Old UF Membranes
Many older proprietary microfiltration and ultrafiltration (MF/UF) membrane systems have been in service long enough to require replacement of the membrane elements. This paper presents methods to specify and select new replacement elements for existing proprietary systems allowing competitive bids between suitable manufacturers (rather than riskin...
Membrane System Design and Operating Basics People Don?t Talk About (Much)
The paper presents suggestions for improved design and operation of MF/UF treatment plants based on the author?s 35 years of experience. Suggestions include: 1. Derate Piloted Flux to yield more reliable capacity at affordable cost. 2. Reduce the number of terms. A translation table is presented comparing odd to preferred terms (based on AWWA?s MF/...
The Dunedin RO WTP Design Build-Origin and Decision Making Through Design
The City of Dunedin owns and operates a Reverse Osmosis (RO) Water Treatment Plant (WTP) that produces high quality potable water for its consumers. The plant requires refurbishment and the City has decided to execute the rehabilitation via a progressive design-build paradigm. This paper will present some historical background on the plant, and dis...
Media filtration vs. membrane filtration as RO pretreatment for removal of Fe and Mn
This paper discusses results of an extensive pilot study conducted for City of Dunedin to evaluate pretreatment options for treating groundwater containing Fe and Mn with RO. Processes tested include several oxidants (Cl2, ClO2, O3, KMnO4 and combinations of some of them), 3 types of media (sand, greensand plus, pyrolusite), two UFs (ceramic and po...
EMWD?s Perris II Desalter Design Refinements: Source Water Quality/Equalization, Pre-Treatment, Phasing/Integration, and Beyond!
This paper summarizes specific challenges, considerations and solutions associated with the design of Eastern Municipal Water District?s (EMWD?s) Perris II Desalter. Topics include source water quality/equalization, pre-treatment, integration with existing facilities, phasing considerations, and RO concentrate volume minimization. The paper will pr...
GWRS Expansion with New Membranes: Design and Operational Considerations When Expanding with New Membranes to Installed Capacity
The Orange County Water District (OCWD) Groundwater Replenishment System (GWRS) has selected a new filtration membrane to implement for the GWRS final expansion from 100 mgd to 130 mgd. Presently, the GWRS facility has had a singular filtration product for the life of their facility, with an established design and standard operating procedures whic...
Membrane Applications in the Midwest
This presentation will give a brief overview of RO technology and its application in midwest region with examples. The first example is Fargo membrane plant that has been recently constructed. It is the largest and first surface water membrane plant that uses UF and RO. The plant is designed to remove sulfate to meet treated water quality goals. Th...
Pretreatment Makes a Big Difference - Lessons Learned from Fargo Membrane WTP Start Up
The City of Fargo, ND recently started up a 15 MGD integrated (UF-RO) membrane water treatment plant (MWTP) in late 2018. The membrane WTP was designed a parallel treatment process to the City's existing 30 MGD Lime Softening/Ozone/Filter WTP. This presentation will give a project update along with discussion on challenges related to project star...
Maximizing Potable Water Production at EMWD's Desalination Complex via CCRO Pilot Testing
The Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) currently uses reverse osmosis (RO) at it's Menifee and Perris I Desalter to produce drinking water from otherwise unusable brackish groundwater. A third RO facility is currently under construction (Perris II). The three RO systems are co-located to form the Desalination Complex and are projected to pro...
Freezing vs. Evaporation for Zero Liquid Discharge Desalination
Implementation of an Integrated Membrane System to Expand Reuse - City of Phoenix Cave Creek Water Reclamation Plant
The Cave Creek Water Reclamation Plant (CCWRP) is one of three wastewater treatment facilities either owned or co-owned by the City of Phoenix (City). The 8 mgd facility was placed in operation in 2002 but was taken offline in 2009 due to slower than anticipated growth in the surrounding area. Due to resumed growth, the City authorized Black & Veat...
Implementation of an Integrated Membrane System to Expand Reuse - City of Phoenix Cave Creek Water Reclamation Plant
The Cave Creek Water Reclamation Plant (CCWRP) is one of three wastewater treatment facilities either owned or co-owned by the City of Phoenix (City). The 8 mgd facility was placed in operation in 2002 but was taken offline in 2009 due to slower than anticipated growth in the surrounding area. Due to resumed growth, the City authorized Black & Veat...