Presentations by CH2M HILL, Inc.
Matches: 86
Oxnard Pilot Test for Wetland Treatment and Reuse of Membrane-Concentrate
This paper describes the membrane concentrate Pilot Wetland Project conducted by the City of Oxnard Water Division to assist with the City's water resources master planning process and implementation of the Groundwater Recovery Enhancement And Treatment (GREAT) Program....
Considerations in the Development of a New and Sustainable Freshwater Resource
This paper will present the design issues considered throughout the feasibility study and pilot plant design process and identify critical issues associated with siting a desalination facility in land-limited areas. It will also describe the pilot test protocol, specific test objectives, and the design of pretreatment and SWRO systems expected to b...
Evaluation of Various Pretreatments for SWRO
Report of the effectiveness of membrane treatment over conventional coagulation/media filtration for pretreating feedwater for reverse osmosis desalination. Test parameters were elinimation of particulates and microbes in order to improve reverse osmosis performance, lower operating cost and increase mebrane life. Membrane treatment found to be l...
Upgrading Lime-Softening Plants to Nanofiltration
This presenation cover the upgrading of lime softening plants to membrane nanofiltration. Discussed are an overview of the two technologies, a comparison of their capabilities, the use of membranes and the cost to implement the change....
Optimizing Boron Rejection of Seawater Reverse Osmosis Membranes through Feedwater pH Adjustment
Paper compares reverse osmosis (RO) rejection of total dissolved solids (TDS) and boron for three high rejection membranes treating estuarial feed and evaluate the requirements for a partial second pass to meet permeate TDS and boron requirements to meet WHO guidelines. The evaluation also considers the impact of pH, recovery and feed water ion mix...
An Integrated Approach to Water Reclamation Facility Design
Discusses a decision model to determine the best treatment process for the City of Oxnard, CA's groundwater recharge process utilizing secondary effluent....
Concentrate Treatment Technologies
This PowerPoint presentation describes what is the Southern California Water Recycling Projects Initiative and explores possibilities for concentrate disposal and water reuse options....
Extended SWRO Testing in Estuarial Waters
The focus of the technical paper and presentation will be the performance of the pretreatment systems, primarily in terms of turbidity and SDI performance indicators, and relative ability and robustness of the pretreatment systems to accommodate variations in seawater quality. Operational and analytical data will be presented of pretreatment system...
Rejection Capabilities of RO Membrane to Notification Level Chemicals and Selected Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
Rejection capabilities of Reverse Osmosis (RO) membranes to Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), physical and aggregate and conventional contaminants (i.e., total nitrogen, total organic carbon) have been well demonstrated through pilot and full-scale RO operations. The information regarding rejection capabilities of RO to non-regulated compounds such as ...
Biotreatment Fundamentals
Biological design of a Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) is different than for a Conventional Activated Sludge (CAS) process. Because of the interrelationship between process conditions and membrane filtration several design considerations are unique to MBR. This paper provides a step-by-step approach to MBR process design including sample diagrams and l...
MBRs - A Historical Perspective
Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) technology is rapidly evolving and innovating. This paper covers five generations of MBR and provides a brief history of the technology starting with Dorr Oliver in the 1960's....
New Developments in Membrane Desalting Technologies and Their Application
This paper will briefly review membrane desalting processes and discuss new innovations that have recently been commercialized and some anticipated future improvements that are currently in research and development. Some of the new innovations that are discussed are recent membrane developments which improve productivity and/or rejection capabiliti...
Installation of Automatic Backwashing Strainers for Sand Removal from BWRO Feedwater in Fort Myers, Florida
This paper discuss' wellfield sand issues and how they impacted a RO system operation. This paper also gives an overview of the progression of the wellfield solutions, starting with the addition of basket strainers, to well redevelopment, and eventually to the installation of automatic backwashing sand strainers. The overview includes a summary of ...
Greenhouse Gas Emission: Improving SWRO's Image as a Resource Intensive Technology
An in depth discussion of environmental (green house gas emmissions) and cost factors is developed for three high profile desalination projects: Luggage Point, Australia; Australian Commonwealth Territory and Carlsbad, CA. The methodology employed is being utilized by the California Coastal Commision and identifies the costs and benefits, feasibil...
Practical Considerations in the Implementation of Low-Pressure Membrane Filtration under the LT2ESWTR
Implementation of low-pressure membrane systems requires many factors to be considered in order to have a successful design....
MF/UF Basics
The presentation provides an overview of removal capabilities, system configurations, fouling, management of residuals, regulations and integrity monitoring. The importance of pretreatment is also discussed providing the reader with a basic understanding of microfiltration and ultrafiltration....
Taking Beneficial Use of Wastewater to a New Level - Combining Advanced Water Reclamation for Indirect Potable Reuse with Beneficial Use of Concentrate
The advanced water purification center for the city of Oxnard will employ MF/RO/UV-AOP process to treat an initial capacity of 6.25 mgd of secondary effluent to title 22 reuse standards. The site will have a build out capacity of 25 mgd. Effluent will be split into 3 streams: landscape irrigation, agricultural irrigation, and ground water recharge....
MF/UF Pretreatment in Seawater Desalination: Applications and Trends
This talk summarizes the rapid growth of the use of MF and UF as pretreatment for seawater desalination. Cost, filtrate quality, operations, membrane materials all contribute to the increase in MF/UF for RO pretreatment on a world wide basis....
Using State of Art Approaches to Manage Concentrate Streams - A Case Study
The City of Santa Maria, CA needed to increase it's water production from groundwater wells in order to meet the city's demand. However, increasing TDS concentrations have forced the city to use RO or EDR in the treatment train. Both of these options have a brine byproduct that the city wants to minimize. The city compared 10 brine minimization and...
Use of Coagulants in MF/UF Applications - Case Studies
Three case studies using coagulation with Microfiltration (MF) potable water applications. Bench test at the Olga WTP, Lee County, FL with Microfiltration (MF). Pilot study using Microfiltration (MF) in treating Columbia River water at the WTP for City of Pasco, WA. Full-scale test using immersed Microfiltration (MF) in treating Santiam River wa...
Validation Testing of a Full-Scale RO System for Pathogen Removal at the Gippsland Water Factory
Recycled Water Quality Management Plan (RWQMP)...
Comparing the Sustainability of Three Different Indirect Potable Reuse Treatment Schemes
This paper examines three advanced water reclamation facilities that utilize treatment schemes developed to produce high quality treated water suitable for indirect potable reuse. It discusses how the schemes were developed to address geographical, political and regulatory requirements that result, for some contaminants, different treated water lim...
Study, Design, and Permitting of an LT2-Compliant Surface Water Membrane Filtration Facility in Florida
This paper discusses the study, design and permitting of the Marco Island surface water membrane filtration system and describes how the project met the City's needs while meeting several logistical and permitting challenges....
Optimizing Pretreatment for an Integrated Membrane Facility Treating a Challenging Florida Surface Water
Membrane Pencil Module Test, MIEX - Membrane Ion Exchange...
Dual-Membrane Feasibility for Multi-Contaminant Removal at a Large-Capacity Inland Surface Water Treatment Plant
This paper discusses the treatment goals for an example large-capacity inland water treatment plant, alternative treatment processes for multiple contaminant removal, and selection, including dual-membrane processes [microfiltration (MF) or ultrafiltration (UF) pretreatment for reverse osmosis (RO)] and several non-membrane processes, including act...
Optimization and Modeling of Energy Recovery Devices in Reverse Osmosis
Energy Recovery Devices for Brackish, Reuse and Seawater Desalination...
Design Solutions for Achieving a Zero Liquid Discharge Water Treatment Facility
This paper discusses the various design challenges and solutions for Fort Irwin's zero liquid discharge EDR water treatment plant as well as advantages and disadvantages of such a plant....
A Comparison of Environmental Impact Issues for Seawater Desalination Vessels vs. Land-Based Desalination Systems
This paper will present a comparison of the environmental impacts associated with Seawater DesalinationVessels against those normally associated with land-based desalination systems and will reveal some substantive differences which will be of interest to those with responsibility for meeting future municipal or industrial water supply demands in ...
Combined Desktop and Bench-Scale Study to Identify Most Suitable Water Stabilization Option
The paper describes desktop evaluations coupled with bench-scale testing to select the right approach for water stabliziation in a post treatment mode based on empirical data rather than assumptions. The study findings are useful for agencies who are looking for Reverse osmosis permeate post-stabilization approaches that produce a low particulate t...
Design Considerations for Low Pressure Reverse Osmosis
This presentation provides design considerations for low pressure reverse osmosis (RO) systems. Topics discussed include pretreatment, membrane selection, chemical cleaning, piping configurations, energy recovery, and flux balancing. The presentation concludes with a case study documenting the Camp Pendleton RO system design....
Membrane Based Treatment of RO Concentrate from Treatment of CSG Associated Waters
Presents case study on method of RO concentrate treatment in coal seam gas water treatment. Background on CSG production in Australia. Description of MAX-RO process using ceramic UF, IX, and RO for brine recovery. Results from treatability study are presented....
A Novel Approach to the Management of RO Concentrate Derived from Coal Seam Gas Water Treatment
The extraction of coal seam gas (CSG) produces significant quantities of brackish water. After separation, the brackish water is typically treated by RO plants to enable beneficial use of up to 90% of the water, with the remaining RO concentrate (or brine) stored until its final management is determined. Reducing brine volume through further treatm...
Economics of Desalting
This presentation provides an overview of some of the challenges associate with RO Concentrate Management. It elaborates on the relationship between recovery and brine concentration and elaborates on how non-RO options have been selected only because of lack of adequate concentrate management strategies. A list of management options as well as an ...
Membrane Cleaning and System Integrity
This presentation provides an overview of membrane cleaning and system integrity testing. It describes how both MF/UF and RO membranes require cleaning to restore lost performance. It explains when to clean; what chemicals to use; and key elements of cleaning operations. This paper emphasize that adequate pretreatment and proper operation will go...
Membrane System Design Concepts
This presentation provides an overview of membrane system design concepts. It covers basic design equations, site-specific issues, and membrane specific issues. Suggestions are made related to process design approach, variability in source water quality and treated water demand. Ancillary systems consisting of: feed systems, backwash systems, c...
RO/NF Computer Modeling
This presentation just provides a list of presenters for RO/NF Computer Modeling. The list (but no details) include Design Cases Seawater (surface water) RO; Brackish groundwater RO; Nanofiltration/membrane softening of well water; and Water reuse (Tertiary Treatment) with RO...
Cost of Membrane Treatment: Current Costs and Trends
The following technologies and applications have been included in the cost analyses: Reverse osmosis (RO) for seawater desalination; RO for brackish water desalting and water reuse applications; Nanofiltration (NF) for water softening and color/organic removal; Ultrafiltration (UF) and microfiltration (MF) for particle filtration, pretreatment for ...
Adapting to the Whims of Nature: Post-Construction Automation of MF/RO Systems within a Large Advanced Water Reuse Plant for Intermittent Operation
ADAPTING TO THE WHIMS OF NATURE: POST-CONSTRUCTION AUTOMATION OF MF/RO SYSTEMS WITHIN A LARGE ADVANCED WATER REUSE PLANT FOR INTERMITTENT OPERATION. The paper outlines the modifications to the automation and control strategies associated with the operation of the MF and RO systems to allow for intermittent low-flow operation without compromising m...
Combining NF/RO with Ion Exchange Using RO Concentrate and Alternative Regeneration Brine Sources to Treat Multiple Fresh and Brackish Groundwater Supplies at the Lee County Utilities Green Meadows WTP
A pilot-scale treatability study was conducted for Lee County FL to examine how to minimize the level of pretreatment and manage NF/RO membrane fouling while allowing for maximum flexibility in the utilization of multiple and variable water resources. Testing identified a two-step ion exchange process (strong sodium-based cation followed by weak c...
Re-visiting Membrane Filtration 10 Years Later, Weighing Long Term Operating Track Record vs. the Lure of the Newest High Performer?
The implementation of membrane technologies in water treatment plants has grown significantly in the last decade driven by cost competitiveness, space efficiency and high throughputs compared to conventional technologies. The market growth for membranes has been impressive especially considering that earlier this decade continuous product innovatio...
Master Planning, Permitting & Construction Challenges of Integrating Florida's First LT2-Compliant MF Facility into an Existing Surface WTP
This paper will discuss the challenges and lessons learned during the permitting, construction and commissioning of the Marco Island surface water membrane filtration system. This paper will also discuss the master planning of the upgrades to the existing conventional and brackish water RO facilities and how the new membrane filtration system provi...
Innovative and Developmental Desalination Technologies, Where are we now?
This paper will summarize application area(s), where and when the technologies have been tested or implemented (if applicable), testing results, state of development, and implementability potential of the technologies in next 5 years. The information presented in this paper will provide a great value for agencies, researchers and consultants who ar...
Membrane System Design Concepts
Presentation offers a detailed account of microfiltration and ultrafiltration membrane system facility and process design. Pressurized and immersed designs are reviewed along with the unique design issues of each. Mechanical and ancillary systems are discussed including with facility design recommendations that will reduce maintenance and improve o...
Treatment Optimization of the Twin Oaks Valley WTP
This paper presents a firsthand account of how water quality and operational challenges have been addressed to improve plant reliability. The overall methodology to address each challenge, including treatability and monitored data, will be presented. ZLD facilities present unique challenges since any constituents that enter the facility in the untr...
Treatment of Nanofiltration and Reverse Osmosis Concentrates: systematic study of coagulation, precipitation, and ion exchange
This paper discusses the treatment of membrane concentrate from nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO) between primary and secondary membrane stages, in an effort to increase membrane recovery rates and decrease the concentrate volume. The paper evaluates lime softening, ferric sulfate coagulation, and ion exchange as individual, intermediate...
An Innovative, User Friendly Tool for Evaluating Energy Recovery Devices
This paper will utilize the tool to evaluate a variety of cases for both seawater and brackish water RO systems....
Water Management and Reverse Osmosis (RO) Based Desalination for an Industrial Plant
This paper is a case study that discusses a Middle Eastern Seawater RO (SWRO) system that has multiple environmental challenges. The solution was to draw some of the feed seawater before being mixed with recycle streams and process through one of the trains in the RO system. By doing so, a portion of the feed seawater was isolated for producing pot...
Bonita Springs RO Energy Optimization Project: An Integrated Membrane, Energy Recovery and Control Approach to Saving Power Cost
The paper compared several energy recovery devices (ERD) for Bonita Springs Utilities membrane element, and membrane train expansion combinations. The analysis resulted in a membrane element specification that considered not only purchase cost, but also life-cycle cost when operating with the new ERD at current and potential future feed water qual...
Utilizing RO Concentrate Treatment and Reuse to Achieve Sustainable Water Management Schemes for Industrial Facilities Located in Arid, Water Scarce Regions
This paper describes a water management study conducted in the arid southwestern U.S. to evaluate treatment options for a high salinity RO reject that is produced as a waste stream from high purity water production within an electronics facility. Increasing RO reject flows, coupled with a fixed volume within existing solar evaporation ponds for con...
Pilot Scale vs. Full Scale Pressure Membrane Plant Performance After Two Years of Operation
This paper compares the results of the validation pilot study and full scale plant performance of a direct filtration pressure membrane system for the growing City of Pasco, WA. The City relies on the McNary Pool of the Columbia River as its water source, which is generally low turbidity, low TOC and experiences seasonal taste and odor events in th...
Membrane System Design Concepts
Presents an overview of the system design considerations around membrane plants. The perspective presetned is a full system view of a membrane plant....
Membrane System Design Concepts
This presentation from a preconference workshop in 2014 for Back to Basics on membrane technology discusses low pressure system design concepts. Comparisons within the MF and UF technology are made with respect to design, performance and applications....
RO Energy Optimization Project Case Study
This case study of the upgrades to the Bonita Springs Brackish water membrane plant was given at a Preconference Workshop on optimizing membrane plant performance in 2014. Energy recovery options, plant redesign and membrane upgrade choices are all described as well as final results of the effort....
Solids Handling at a Zero Liquid Discharge Membrane Treatment Plant
This presentation reviewing the solids handling at a Zero Liquid Discharge ( ZLD) plant at the Twin Oaks Valley facility in San Marcos, California was given at a Preconference Workshop in 2014 that discussed membrane plants from an operators point of view. Solids characterization, generation and handling along with operating challenges of this ul...
From Cradle to Start-Up - A Story of a "Greenfield" Microfiltration Plant in Northern Virginia
The paper in general provides an in-depth case study of a greenfield microfiltration plant, summarizing issues from conceptual design to construction. The paper will be beneficial for utilities that are embarking on multiple capital projects that are interrelated and are critical to advancing their infrastructure....
Managing Organic Fouling and Arsenic at a Direct Membrane Filtration Plant Using Aluminum Chlorohydrate (ACH)
This paper presents the results from the full-scale testing of aluminum chlorohydrate (ACH) that is underway and describe lessons learned relevant to facilities that face similar challenges associated with variable water quality....
RO Concentrate Disposal in California by Groundwater Injection
This paper presents the groundwater quality and the decision process that led to the treatment solution that was optimal for the client that deviated substantially from that listed in the request-for-proposals. The treatment process includes taking the groundwater directly to reverse osmosis (RO), lowering the pH before RO, adding antiscalant to a...
Not "Rolling the Dice": A structured approach to starting up two large MBR facilities in the Las Vegas basin
Two large BNR MBR facilities were commissioned in the City of Henderson (Henderson SWRF) and the City of North Las Vegas (CNLV WRF) in the summer of 2011. In both cases, dynamic process modeling using BioWinTM was completed to support decision making during facility start-up. This paper demonstrates how good planning, through the use of process mod...
Evaluation of Virus Removal Capabilities of Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) Systems in a Full Scale Water Reclamation Facility in Nevada
Many water utilities ask why stringent UV disinfection requirements are in place since reclaimed water pathogen limits are mainly met through MBR alone. The energy use and associated cost for UV disinfection may be an impetus for some facilities to contemplate turning their UV reactors down to a lower operating dose setting without compromising reg...
A Novel Application of the Tertiary Membrane Bioreactor Technology for Water Reuse - A Comprehensive Pilot Testing
Membrane bioreactors (MBRs) combine secondary treatment and solids separation in one system that produces high quality effluent with virtually free of solids. Coupled with widely used biological nutrient removal (BNR) technology, MBR can meet stringent effluent total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) limits, especially where site space limita...
Advancements in Desalination Technologies
As the gap between world-wide water supply and demand widens and the availability of fresh water supplies dwindle, neew technologies are urgently needed to treat impaired waters in a sustainable manner. RO represents the best current tecchnology to meet this need but dispite major advancements in RO membrane efficiency and significant reducations i...
Innovative, Membrane-Based Treatment Method for Brines from Coal Seam Gas Production
This paper presents summary results of bench and factory testing of the MAX-RO process, used to develop a concept-level design for a full-scale brine volume reduction facility. Reducing brine volume through further treatment can significantly reduce the cost and legacy risks associated with long term brine storage. Working with one of the major CS...
The Commissioning of a 10 MGD Membrane Filtration Plant - Key Aspects of Functional and Performance Testing
This paper provides an in depth case study on the functional and performance testing requirements and the commissioning of a 10 MGD surface water "green field" water treatment facility. This includes coordinating the water treatment system project with the construction of a new dam/reservoir and a pipeline, all of which were integrated to delive...
Is it Too Good to be True? How about the Risk, The Experience and the Cost?: A Review of New Developments in the Low- Pressure Membrane Industry
Polymer hollow fiber MF and UF manufacturers and OEMs are reviewed. System costs are reviewed. Benefits of proprietary versus interchangeable system designs....
Pilot Testing of SAT, NF, O3, BAC for Potable Reuse for Inland Applications
The City of Tucson AZ are planning for potable reuse using a municipal secondary wastewater effluent. The technologies piloted were Soil Aquifer Pretreatment (SAT), nanofiltration (NF), ozonation, Biological Activated Carbon (BAC) and Granular Activated Carbon (GAC). The system goal is reduction of permeate TDS to less than 500 mg/l, reduction of T...
Virus Removal Capabilities of an MBR System in a Full-Scale Water Reclamation Facility
The paper portion of this file discusses a pilot ceramic membrane at El Toro CA Water Recycling Plant. The PowerPoint portion of this file discusses the virus removal capability of a polymer based MBR water reclamaion system at City of Henderson NV which uses a municipal wasterwater source....
Status of Potable Reuse in California: History, Regulations and Projects
This paper provides a historical perspective on how the groundwater recharge regulations have evolved and type of projects implemented over the time in California and highlight current status of Indirect Potable Reuses via surface water augmentation and direct potable reuse regulations....
Beenyup Advanced Water Recycling Plant: The Perth, Australia Groundwater Replenishment Scheme
This paper presents the Water Corporation of Western Australia's strategy includes the construction and operation of the Beenyup Advanced Water Recycling Plant, which will transform wastewater effluent into recycled water meeting all drinking water related standards and guidelines. The facility is planned to start up in 2022 with advanced water t...
Benefits of Soil Aquifer Treatment and Nanofiltration for Potable Reuse in Tucson, AZ
This paper will focus specifically on the performance of soil aquifer treatment and Nanofiltration and the benefits they provide in the alternative potable reuse scheme for the City of Tucson Arizona rather than microfiltration followed by reverse osmosis and ultraviolet treatment. The treatment scheme piloted included short term soil aquifer trea...
Enhanced Membrane Cleaning with Reducing Agents to Remove Iron Fouling
This paper describes enhanced cleaning methods to remove iron from the membranes used at the Gwinnett County, Georgia, F. Wayne Hill Water Resource Center that utilizes ultrafiltration for reclaimed water. Membrane autopsies and bench-scale trials were conducted on fouled fibers to identify evaluate the effectiveness the candidate cleaning agent...
Membrane Treatment of Brackish Water With High Iron Concentration
This paper will present information from recent piloting, design and operation of systems treating water with high iron concentrations at the Pinewoods facility in Florida. The paper will present a brief discussion of the typical iron pretreatments but will focus will be on the use of Nanofiltration/Reverse Osmosis membranes without significant pre...
Making the Switch from Lime to Membrane Softening: When is it the Right Time?
This paper summarizes the decision process utilities may use to look at replacing the lime softening system with nanofiltration (NF) or even low-pressure reverse osmosis (LPRO). The factors that go into this analysis are presented and a real-life example at Marco Island Florida of the analysis is given....
Is Ozone Pretreatment Best Approach for Improving MF/UF Productivity?
This paper describes a detailed assesment and comparison of a 2 MGD pressurized microfiltration facility that treats secondary effluent from a non-nitrifying facility with or without ozone treatment. The results should aid designers of similar facilities as to use or not use ozone as a pretreatment....
Tripling the Capacity of the Lakeshore WTP by Retrofitting an Interchangeable Membrane System
This paper will outline the details of the design process and present information on the advantages of an interchangeable membrane system as they relate to the Lakeshore WTP in the Town on Innisfil Canada....
The Sherman Water Treatment Plant MF/UF and RO Pilot Study: Piloting During the 100 Year Flood
This paper summarizes the MF/UF and RO pilot study conducted on behalf of the City of Sherman for the upcoming expansion to their water treatment plant. The pilot took place March - June of 2015 During May and June of 2015 the north Texas region experienced record rainfall that resulted in flooding. The paper describes membrane performance througho...
Using Coagulant-Aided Tertiary Membrane Filtration to Achieve Ultra-Low Phosphorus Limit for City of Spokane
This presentation will summarize the methodology and results of the pilot testing at the City of Spokane Washington for implementing an innovative tertiary treatment project at their Riverside Park Water Reclamation Facility on the Spokane River. A pilot study was conducted to validate the ability of membrane filtration systems from two prequalifie...
Using On-Line Fluorescence Monitoring To Demonstrate Pathogen Removal Credits For NF And RO In Direct Potable Reuse Schemes
On-line integrity monitoring of NF and RO membranes for demonstrating pathogen removal using the Nalco TRASAR(TM) fluorescently-tagged antiscalant was evaluated at pilot scale. The results showed that 2.5- and 3-log removal can be achieved for NF and RO membranes, respectively; significantly greater than can be achieved using conventional monitorin...
New Techniques for Real-Time Monitoring of Reverse Osmosis Membrane Integrity for Virus Removal
This paper presents methodology, concept and results of the WateReuse Foundation project WFR - 09 - 06b when developing high pressure membranes, Reverse Osmosis (RO ) and Nanofiltration (NF) online membrane integrity testing (MIT) technique. The use of pressure-driven membrane processes, particularly reverse osmosis (RO), has grown significantly ov...
The Yuma Desalting Plant - Past, Present and Future
Drought conditions and imbalances between supply and demand in the Colorado River watershed have demonstrated the need for the development of long-range measures to manage and stretch the system's water supplies. One of the options to address this issue is operation of the Yuma Desalting Plant (YDP), which has been mostly out of service since its c...
Optimizing Pretreatment for a High Organic Florida Surface Water
The City of Marco Island is in the process of converting from lime softening to low-pressure reverse osmosis to reduce significant annual operating cost, while significantly improving finished water quality, reliability and operability. The new RO system will treat MF filtered high-TOC surface water from the existing North Water Treatment Plant. ...
Combined NF and RO Concentrate Disposal Piping and Deep Injection Well Scaling: A Case Study
The aeration of combined NF and RO concentrate has resulted in unprecedented scaling in both the downstream disposal piping and deep injection well at the City of Deerfield Beach West Water Treatment Plant. Investigation results indicated that iron (31 to 56%), phosphorus (18 to 23%), calcium (12 to 24%), and sulfur (2 to 11%) make up the main comp...
Use of Membrane Performance Metrics to Characterize Membrane Replacement Requirements
Typically, membrane module replacements have been completed on either an as needed basis due to integrity failure, or based on a fixed term, maximum operating period dictated by membrane warranty life, usually negotiated during membrane procurement. However, given that membrane replacement costs contribute a significant portion of the lifecycle cos...
Long-Term Pilot Testing of Membrane Filtration for Ultra-Low Tertiary Phosphorus Removal at Spokane
The City of Spokane, Washington is implementing tertiary membrane filtration at their Riverside Park Water Reclamation Facility, The primary objective of the tertiary membrane system is to produce effluent with a seasonal average total phosphorus concentration of less than 18 parts per billion at a maximum month average daily flow capacity of 50 mi...
Process Optimization and Adjustments Help save Money, Achieve Membrane Integrity, Reliability and Increase Membrane Life
Designing a membrane plant with the right parameters ensures that finished water production and water quality goals are achieved while minimizing unforeseen, premature and costly membrane module replacements. However, even with pilot testing, it is challenging to predict the impacts of seasonal or long term changes in raw water quality and the eff...
Capacity Expansion and Water Quality Improvements at a Co-located Lime Softening and Membrane Facility
This paper will describe the findings of the engineering assessment and resulting recommendations for an optimal expansion plan and operation of a multi-process treatment facility, including NF, RO and lime softening treatment systems. Other co-located lime softening and membrane facilities could take advantage of a similar process and expansion op...
Membrane Replacement and Retrofit Consideration Using Membrane Performance Metrics
Overall, this paper will be of keen interest to utility owners, operators and engineers interested in tools and techniques that can be used to develop indicators that can maximize the operational lifetime of membrane modules prior to replacement. Since membrane retrofits are currently of high interest to many municipalities, this paper will provide...