Presentations by CeraMem LLC
Matches: 3
Ceramic membranes used for Produced water and Mining application
Ceramic membrane is a proven technology to recycle O&G produced water as well as tailing pond effluent from the mining industry. Several case studies will be detailed. A 50,000 bpd produced water reclamation facility has been in operation since 2012 using CeraMem membranes. A Lithium mine in Australia selected CeraMem to treat a 150 m3/h tailing po...
Ceramic Membranes Used for Spring Water, Ultra-Pure Water, Beverage, MBR
Tubular ceramic membranes have been used for more than 20 years in a wide range of applications in the municipal and industrial sector. The presentation will provide several case studies including:Spring water filtration for the purpose of removing iron (using Kleansep membranes)Ultra-pure water production for the purpose of removaing pyrogenic su...
Inorganic Membranes - Diverse Materials of Construction Enable a Wide Range of Applications
Design, construction, and operation of inorganic microfiltration and ultrafiltration membranes are discussed. The topics include materials of construction used for the membrane support and active membrane layer (silicon carbide and metal oxides). The physical and chemical properties of membranes manufactured using the various materials will be pres...