Presentations by City of Santa Cruz
Matches: 3
Santa Cruz Seawater Desalination Program
Study to evaluate SW desal in the City of Santa Cruz, CA. Study to determine best options for pretreatment and concentrate. Plant proposed to help drought proof the region's water supply....
Cost-Effective SWRO Brine Disposal Using an Existing Effluent Outfall
For seawater desalting to produce potable water, brine disposal may be a paramount challenge. Some communities have a potentially valuable future opportunity because they have a wastewater effluent outfall with available capacity. Effluent discharges are already regulated through national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permits, typi...
Implementation of the scwd2 Desalination Program in Santa Cruz, California
A seawater RO pilot study conducted at the City of Santa Cruz was conducted to evaluate treated water quality and integration into an existing potable water distribution system. Communication efforts with regulators and the community are outlined as well as a summary of "what could have been done differently"....