Presentations by DuPont Water Solutions
Matches: 13
Optimizing Membrane Materials
This talk will dive in to membrane advancements focusing on hollow fiber and spiral wound membranes and the benefits of improvements. Membrane characteristics can directly correlate to operating cost, performance, new applications, and overall improved plant operations. Plant operating data will demonstrate how improved membrane characteristics i...
XC-N Salt Selective Nanofiltration
To meet water availability and discharge challenges, membrane-based minimal liquid discharge (MLD) is recognized as a cost effective solution for sustainable water management. While MLD provides options for wastewater reuse, it also provides avenues for purifying and recycling salt streams that would otherwise require expensive replacement and/or ...
High Rejection Specialty Acid Stable NF (ASNF) Membrane and High Temperature NF for Sulfate Removal in Chlor-alkali Processes
Our Specialty Membrane product line consists of elements with a distinct membrane construction, specializing in unique industrial application needs. The Specialty Membrane Elements helps: to maximize recovery and separation of valuable compounds, minimize overall system CAPEX while reducing environmental footprint, reduce OPEX by lowering overall e...
Potential Cleaning Issues and Membrane Residuals Handling
As climate change further stresses water supplies, there's increased focus on minimizing waste from municipal WTP's. As a result, facilities often investigate ways to either reduce waste or recycle waste streams, and optimize cleaning regimes (frequency, chemicals...). The first portion of the presentation will cover items to check if cleaning rec...
Ligasep - Membrane Degasification
Membrane degasification applications are primarily located downstream of MF/UF filtration equipment. Membrane degasification enables the reduction in dissolved gas in treated water which facilitates increased efficiency of downstream technologies such as RO, IEX, and ED....
Closed Circuit Reverse Osmosis - A Dynamic, Decoupled & Data-Driven RO Solution
CCRO has emerged as the industry leader in high recovery, high reliabilty and flexible RO operation. The technology has been implemented in over a dozen industries and applications across the globe with system sizes ranging from 10 gpm to over 10 MGD. In this presentation, we'll review the performance of three (3) of the 250+ installations....
Filtration with Inside-to-Out Ultrafiltration Membranes of Wastewater Containing Powdered Actgivated Carbon
This study presents and compares results obtained with inside-to-out polyethersulfone ultrafiltration membranes operated on three different wastewater streams in two locations. The first stream tested originated from a wastewater containing powdered activated carbon (PAC) added to a contact reactor with a long contact time and continuous coagulatio...
Filtration with Inside-to-Out Ultrafiltration Membranes of Wastewater Containing Powdered Actgivated Carbon
This study presents and compares results obtained with inside-to-out polyethersulfone ultrafiltration membranes operated on three different wastewater streams in two locations. The first stream tested originated from a wastewater containing powdered activated carbon (PAC) added to a contact reactor with a long contact time and continuous coagulatio...
Verifying MBR Membrane Integrity with Pressure Decay Testing; Implications and Interpretation of Test Pressure
The question of pathogen Log-Removal Value (LRV) credits for the MBR process still looms over next-generation wastewater reuse plants. Based on the Membrane Filtration Guidance Manual, the Pressure Decay Test (PDT) is the benchmark of regulatory compliance for LRV credits from UF systems. The value of the PDT is that it evaluates the integrity of t...
Verifying MBR Membrane Integrity with Pressure Decay Testing; Implications and Interpretation of Test Pressure
The question of pathogen Log-Removal Value (LRV) credits for the MBR process still looms over next-generation wastewater reuse plants. Based on the Membrane Filtration Guidance Manual, the Pressure Decay Test (PDT) is the benchmark of regulatory compliance for LRV credits from UF systems. The value of the PDT is that it evaluates the integrity of t...