Presentations by HydroScience Operations, Inc.
Matches: 2
Process Control Strategies for Dealing with Operational Problems in MBR Plants
Immersed membrane bioreactors (MBRs) mark a new generation of wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) that uses membranes submerged in biological reactors for solids separation. MBRs provide exceptional treatment of wastewater and offer resilient operation under varying flows and loading. While they operate similarly to conventional activated sludge pla...
Shingle Springs WWTP - An Operator Friendly Membrane Bioreactor for Water Reuse
The advantage of a flat sheet MBR membrane are presented for treatment of wastewater. Course screenig and multiple recyle screens are not required. The system does not impact the denitrification process and has reduced need for cleaaning. The flat sheet membranes can be cleaned in place. Many advantages of the flat sheet design are presented....