Presentations by IDE Technologies Ltd.
Matches: 8
Success in Large Scale Seawater Desalination Plants Larnaca and Ashkelon
Presentation summarizes two large seawater/ocean RO facilities in Israel: 17 MGD Larnaca and 86 MGD Ashkelon, the largest one in the world. Discussion includes energy recovery and energy consumption, plant availability (99.27%), desalinated water quality for chloride and boron, and design issues....
Osmonic Power Recovery
The process of recovering gauge pressure from SWRO desalination plants is a well known. Till now the osmotic pressure present in SWRO brine stream was not recovered. This paper presents a way that allows simultaneous power recovery of gauge and osmotic pressure. Simultaneous power recovery of both power sources gives a higher power yield the two pr...
Learning from Past Experiences to Refine the Next Generation of SWRO Projects
This paper talks about lessons learned fom operation of the Ashkelon plant. The ?Pressure Center? design is suitable for large scale SWRO plants. For the next generation of SWRO plants, we are developing a list of ecologically friendly technologies: Multi frequency alarming system, for installation in intake structure to protect marine habitan...
Increasing BWRO plant recovery using batch operation RO and a fluidized bed crystallizer
The developed system enables operation of an RO system with feed water varying in quality from 1 000 mg/L TDS to 70 000 mg/L TDS, and at water recoveries ranging from 25% to 99%. Due to the integrated fluidized bed crystallizer, the only limiting factors of the RO system become the concentrate water, brine, osmotic pressure and not supersaturation ...
Keeping the RO Membranes of the Future Continuously Clean
The main boost in desalination technology will come from new membranes currently in development, including carbon nanotubes, graphene, aquaporin, and others. The common feature of all these membranes is high flux operation, dozens of times higher than that of the present membranes. This dramatic increase in flux promises a list of technological a...
Chloramine-Free Water Reuse Process
Water scarcity around the globe increases the need to make a better use of the available water sources. WWTP effluent is a readily available source, with numerous environmental benefits and profound track record of successful installations. The current accpeted process usually includes UF, RO and UV/AOP, when Chloramine is dosed to the membrnaes in...
MAXH2O Desalter Technology - Innovative Solution for Brine Minimization
Reject brine, with a high content of dissolved salts, is a by-product of the brackish water and industrial wastewater desalination processes. With the growing demand for water, increasing amounts of brine are produced from the brackish water and industrial wastewater desalination plants, leading to significant adverse impacts on the environment. Ef...
Waste Water Desalination in Pulse Flow Regime
The standard waste water RO desalination technology based on two or three stages RO train arrangement. Standard Process include chloramine dosing to prevent bio-fouling, and antiscalant addition to prevent scaling formation in high recovery RO process. The best condition of scaling, fouling and bio-fouling formation is stability. Stability in flow ...