Presentations by Kennedy/Jenks Consultants
Matches: 16
Membranes vs. Conventional Treatment in Municipal and Industrial Applications
This paper compares membrane treatment to conventional treatment in municipal and industrial applications....
City of Azusa MF WTP - Pilot Case Study
This presentation discusses the pilot study results for the Canyon water treatment plant in the city of Azusa CA. Also discussed is membrane basics, evaluation and water properties. In the actual case study the reader is walked through the decision making process including several side by side pilot tests. Results are then compared looking closely ...
Concentrate Disposal
Discussion of concentrate disposal handling for desalination RO facilities....
Membrane (UF/MF) vs. Conventional Pre-Treatment for SWRO in California
Paper summarizes a pilot program that was conducted for Marin Municipal Water District (MMWD) on San Francisco Bay, California water. The seawater RO desalination pilot program compared two pretreatment technologies: 1. Conventional Pretreatment with coagulation, clarification, and granular media filtration to 2. Membrane Filtration with microfiltr...
Salinity Management for Inland States: Goodyear Project
The City of Goodyear is using RO to reduce the TDS level in the well source water to achieve potable water with TDS < 750 mg/L. The concentrate is currently being discharged into the wastewater treatment plant. As the City grows there is concern that the brine will adversely impact the wastewater treatment plant. This paper summarizes the techni...
Membrane Technology Fundamentals and Fouling Control
Membrane bioreactors (MBRs) have several advantages over conventional treatment technologies using tertiary filtration. This paper covers some of the fundamentals of MBR and includes comparative information for evaluating common membrane technologies used in MBR applications....
Membrane Technologies: Past, Present, Future
This paper provides a brief history of membranes, the characteristics of the different types of membranes, and the exponential growth in the number of installations. Applications for water, wastewater treatmentwater reuse and desalination, and the challenges that membrane treatment processes face are also presented. The presentation will conclude w...
Evaluation of Intake Approaches for Seawater Desalination in Santa Cruz, CA
Environmental issues of entrainment and impingement can be significant drivers in the development of a coastal desalination facility. A variety of intake options were evaluated for the proposed Santa Cruz CA project. Depending upon the local hydro-geological conditions, feasible options for the project include an infiltration gallery and horizont...
Bay vs. Ocean Desalination Concentrate
This paper compares side by side two main classes of water bodies that receive concentrated brine discharge from Reverse Osmosis (RO) Desalination Plants: oceans (or open seas) and estuarine bays (under the influence of fresh water). These two classes of water bodies have inherent properties which drive not only the operation of RO plants, but also...
From Reverse Osmosis to Forward Osmosis: What to Expect
This presentation will provide a brief recap on RO technology current status, trends in RO developments and potential combination of using RO with FO technology....
Retrofitting the Arlington Treatment Plant with MBR Technology - Challenges and Results
This presentation discusses the retrofit of an existing wastewater treatment bplant with Membrane bioreactor technology. Discusses design and permitting, contractor schedule. Provides project costs, dynamic changes to accommodate hidden conditions. Presents changes made to fix unexpected conditions. Presents operating data....
Perspectives on Desalination Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Reduction
The energy requirement of seawater desalination is a key issue faced by water utilities that are interested in evaluating desalination as a source of potable water. To understand the amount of energy required to operate a proposed desalination facility, it may be helpful to consider the facility?s energy use in terms of more familiar residential an...
Arsenic Removal with Ultrafiltration in Coastal Oregon
The City of Gearhart commissioned an ultrafiltration system which utilizes an arsenic co-precipitation step with ferric chloride prior to final filtration with the UF. A modified cleaning strategy is presented in order to address ferric in the feed, and legal constraints associated with reduced flow periods....
First Year Operating the City of Gearhart Oregon Arsenic Removal Membrane Water Treatment Plant
This paper presents the operating and performance results for the first 13 months of operation at the City of Gearhart?s water treatment plant. Membrane hydraulic performance is discussed with respect to the following: ferric chloride dose, variation in plant production due to water rights restrictions, maintenance cleans, and clean-in-place clea...
Implementation of the scwd2 Desalination Program in Santa Cruz, California
A seawater RO pilot study conducted at the City of Santa Cruz was conducted to evaluate treated water quality and integration into an existing potable water distribution system. Communication efforts with regulators and the community are outlined as well as a summary of "what could have been done differently"....
Membrane Filtration at the Waimea Water Treatment Plant Will Provide More Than Just Clean Water
To address the issues of an aging WTP and licensure requirements, the Wiamea WTP began a project to upgrade its plant with membrane filtration to reliably produce 4 MGD. A demonstration study occurred to confirm produced water quality and introduce operators to membrane filtration processes. With only 2.0-log Giardia removal credit given, there hav...