Presentations by LBG-Guyton Associates
Matches: 3
Development of a Sustainable Raw Water Supply
Development of drivers are described for desalination from alternative waters supplies. Steps required for identifying sustainable sources of water for desalination, drilling, testing, pump management, and resources assessement are summarized....
Concentrate Management and Disposal
A summary of RO concentrate disposal methods is given, including discharge to WWTP, surface waters, reuse, and injection well. Case studies for El Paso and San Antonio injection well discharge discuss injection well parameters operating within TCEQ guidelines....
Brackish Groundwater Desalination Project Production and Injection Wells
In order to diversify their water supplies, SAWS has inaugurated a brackish desalination project to supply over 10 MGD initially to later be expanded to 25 MGD of treated potable water to the City of San Antonio. The first phase will have thirteen production wells completed into the lower Wilcox Sands at depths from 1,200 to 1,800 feet. The brackis...