Presentations by Membrane Consultancy Associates, Ltd.
Matches: 3
Development of Control Parameters to Improve the Operational Stability of Membrane Filtration Plants
This paper introduces a method for monitoring plant performance, and quantifying the stability of operation. The paper will start by examining the issue of fouling, and the methods for fouling control. It will then go on to discuss selection of an appropriate design flux...
Bio-Fouling Control with Direct Coupled UF Pre-Treatment
This paper examines the experience of using submerged ultrafiltration (UF) for seawater desalination with reverse osmosis (SWRO) pretreatment for the GE Power and Water plant at Yuhuan in China and for Siemens Memcor in Adelaide Australia, exploring whether the elimination of the RO feed tank in these plants confers an advantage in biofouling contr...
A Comprehensive Reference List Analysis of 30 Years of the Membrane Filtration Market in Water and Wastewater Applications
This PowerPoint gives an overview of the history of the membrane market with an emphasis on trends and a future outlook...