Presentations by Mickley
Matches: 14
Membrane Residuals Disposal
Presentation of a data gathering effort to compile information on all membrane water treatment facilities in the the United States with emphasis on establishment of the treatment residual process utilized at each facility....
An Overview of Zero Liquid Discharge Technologies & Issues
This thorough presentation covers the background, variants, costs and issues associated with zero liquid discharge for desalination systems. Graphs are presented plotting current disposal means and methods by plant size as well as costs of each option. Also discussed are the effects of increasing system recovery, the evolution of zero liquid discha...
Zero Liquid Discharge
Summarizes survey of brine and concentrate handling and disposal methods at inland desalination WTP's across the USA. Methods include surface discharge, sewer discharge, subservice injection, evaporation ponds, land application, and recycling. Number and capacities of actual facilities are presented....
Feasibility of High Recovery and ZLD Technologies
This PowerPoint presentation describes high recovery methods in reverse osmosis systems and zero liquid discharge possibilities....
Small Systems Concentrate Disposal
This Paper describes the challenges associated with disposal of concentrate are widely recognized and in many situations represent a major factor in determining the feasibility of desalination projects. These challenges are dependent on the size of the facility. Specific challenges, issues, and solutions associated with small system concentrate dis...
Effects of Feedwater Salinity and Composition on Industrial Zero Liquid Discharge Process Performance and Costs
This presentation focuses on research results from two projects, the Bureau of Reclamation project: Treatment of Concentrate and the Joint Water Reuse and Desalination Task Force report: Survey of High Recovery and Zero Liquid Discharge Technologies for Water Utilities. As part of the research the treatment of concentrate by the 5 general ZLD proce...
Overview of Global Inland Desalination Concentrate Management - Situations, Challenges, and Technologies
This Paper describes challenges to inland desalination plants with respect to concentrate management and high recovery processes....
U.S. Municipal Desalination: Plant Statistics and Concentrate Management Practices Issues
U.S. MUNICIPAL DESALINATION PLANT STATISTICS AND CONCENTRATE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES AND ISSUES. The concentrate management (CM) problem is that it is getting more difficult to manage concentrate in a cost-effective and environmentally safe manner. The challenge of managing concentrate is related to its volume, salinity, and composition. Historicall...
Regulation of Municipal Concentrate Management Alternatives
Within the past couple of years several research projects were undertaken to examine the specifics of concentrate management (CM) regulations. The projects are a result of the growing challenges in finding and implementing suitable concentrate management solutions to municipal desalination facilities. The paper describes the projects and highlight...
Database of Permitting Practices for Seawater Concentrate Disposal
This paper describes the recently completed ?Database of Permitting Practices for Seawater Desalination Concentrate,? a WateReuse Research Foundation project, which could benefit both the utility and regulatory communities in the United States, bringing clarity to the permitting process and issues associated with the construction of desalination p...
Overviewe of Efforts to Reduce High Recovery and Zero Liquid Discharge Costs
Over thirty companies, involving a wide range of technologies, are focusing on reducing the cost of high recovery desalination processing. A primary driver has been the potential of significant new markets for high recovery processing in unconventional oil and gas industries. High recovery processes are cost intensive and reduction in cost is neces...
Results of 2017 Survey of US Municipal Desalination Facilities
This paper presents results from the latest survey conducted in 2017 and funded by the Bureau of Reclamation....
High Recovery Desalination Technologies and Concentrate Management
In the past 10 years there has been a considerable effort to develop alternative technologies and to modify existing technologies to reduce the costs associated with high recovery processing of municipal and industrial wastewaters. This paper reviews the status of this effort in summarizing the content of a recent Bureau of Reclamation report (Mick...
High Recovery Desalination Technologies and Concentrate Management
In the past 10 years there has been a considerable effort to develop alternative technologies and to modify existing technologies to reduce the costs associated with high recovery processing of municipal and industrial wastewaters. This paper reviews the status of this effort in summarizing the content of a recent Bureau of Reclamation report (Mick...