Presentations by NRS Consulting Engineers
Matches: 2
Seawater Desalination in Texas - The Methodology & Results of Piloting Membrane Pretreatment
Presented: 07/13/09
The purpose of this Pilot Study is to determine the most cost effective method of treating seawater for customers in and around Brownsville, Texas. This pilot represents the continuation of a State of Texas seawater desalination initiative begun in April 2002 when Governor Rick Perry tasked TWDB (Texas Water Development Board) with developing a pro...
Pretreatment Options for Removing Arsenic and Iron before Membrane Treatment
Presented: 07/12/10
Pilot testing of two microfiltration skids (Pall and Memcor) was performed to assess the feasibility of using coagulation and MF as pretreatment for RO for arsenic removal. The prefered sustainable flux, recovery, operational consistency and filtrate water quality were achieved using ferric chloride and the Pall unit....