Presentations by Orange County Water District
Matches: 25
Why Operating Membrane Plants Can Drive You Nuts - Operation of the 70 MGD GWR Systems
The orange County Sanitation District operates a 70 mgd water reuse facility. The plant treats secondary effluent with MF/RO/UV-AOP/Lime and injects into the ground for indirect potable reuse. Each of the process treatment trains have had operational issues after start-up. This paper describes the issues and the solutions to these problems....
Groundwater Replenishment System: Operation from Pilot, Demonstration, and Full-Scale Systems
The Orange County Sanitation District operates a 70 mgd water reuse facility. The treatment train includes MF/RO/UV/Lime. Pilot testing was conducted to evaluate different MF and RO membranes for fouling potential. Lessons learned from the extensive 3 year pilot testing has contributed to the success of the full scale operation....
Time to Replace Your RO Membranes - Lessons From Two Premier California Water Recyclers
Membrane Replacement for Water Reuse Plants...
MF/UF Basics
This presentation provides a comprehensive background and terminology definitions for low pressure membrane unit processes. It covers backwash Clean in Place, Membrane Integrity Testing and other operational considerations for Micorfilation and Ultrafiltration membrane systems....
Use of Membrane Processes for Reuse - The Orange County California Experience
This PowerPoint presentaton describes that Orange County Water District use of membranes for indirect potable water reuse....
From Qualification to Selection: Orange County?s Groundwater Replenishment System RO Membrane Procurement Process
This paper reviews the procurement process employed by OCWD to evaluate, qualify and select RO membranes for the GWRS. Given the dynamic regulatory environment and advances in membrane technology, the program has adapted to ensure that membranes are appropriately evaluated and selected. The evolution of this program, as well as performance data fro...
Advancing Reverse Osmosis Membrane Performance in a Water Reuse Application - A Collaborative Approach
In an advanced water reuse application, reverse osmosis (RO) technology serves a critical role. This paper reviews the benefits of operating high performance RO membranes, and the obstacles associated with delivering those benefits through the operation of the Orange County Water District?s (OCWD) Groundwater Replenishment System (GWRS). Perform...
One Down, Fourteen To Go. Replacing Membranes In A 5mgd RO Unit In Orange County?s Groundwater Replenishment System
This paper documents the process employed by the Orange County Water District (OCWD) to replace membranes in a 5 MGD reverse osmosis (RO) unit. From membrane extraction to installation, each step posed a series of unique challenges - some of which were unknown to staff prior to initiating the project. Upon start-up, performance was monitored clos...
Optimizing Reverse Osmosis Pretreatment Chemicals in Orange County?s Groundwater Replenishment System
Report on optimizing RO pretreatment chemicals at Orange County Water District's (OCWD) 100 mgd Ground Water Replenishment System (GWRS); an advanced wastewater purification facility in Southern California. The source water to this facility is secondary municipal wastewater from the Orange County Sanitation District. The GWRS consist of major treat...
GWRS - The World's Largest Indirect Potable Reuse Facility
The Orange County Water District's (OCWD) Groundwater Replenishment System (GWRS) is a 100 mgd indirect potable reuse facility located in Fountain Valley, California. This facility has been in operation since 2008 and was recently expanded from 70 mgd to 100 mgd after a three year construction project completed in June 2015. This facility treats ...
Energy Recovery Devices, Membrane Flux Balancing and Net Energy Consumption For Recycled Water - A Full Scale Evaluation
At the Orange County Water Districts Groundwater Replenishment System, 6 - 5 mgd Reverse Osmosis units have been recently installed to provide an additional 30 mgd of treatment capacity. The units are configured in a 77:49:24 array with an Energy Recovery Device located between the first and second stage. The system was also designed with a bypass ...
RO Membrane Surface Factors Influencing Specific Flux
Reverse osmosis (RO) membranes used to treat municipal wastewater for reuse become fouled with inorganic, organic and biological materials present in the feedwater, causing a decrease in RO efficiency. The feedwater matrix varies continuously throughout the RO feed channel; in a 3-stage RO system, the feedwater solute concentration increases over 6...
Capitalizing on the Latest Advancements in Reverse Osmosis Membrane Technology
Prolonged drought across the Southwest United States has caused water utilities to consider alternative supplies. Critical to developing these supplies is an increased reliance on proven technologies such as reverse osmosis (RO). Critical to this technology is the membrane element. While the industry is mature, advances in membrane design and co...
Groundwater Replenishment System Final Expansion Project Challenges
The OCWD has approved the final expansion project of the Groundwater Replenishment System to produce 130 million gallons per day of purified water. This final expansion will bring the GWRS facility to its built-out capacity, however with challenges, including a new wastewater source, different water quality, and membrane pilot study data to evaluat...
Monitoring of RO Systems for Regulatory Compliance in Advanced Treatment Systems
The purpose of the paper is to discuss water quality monitoring practices that are associated with the operation of RO systems at Advanced Treated (aka Recycled) Water Facilities. Conventional regulatory approaches with regard to the use of surrogate indicators of operational performance (e.g., permeate conductivity, TOC) are affected by variations...
GWRS Expansion with New Membranes: Design and Operational Considerations When Expanding with New Membranes to Installed Capacity
The Orange County Water District (OCWD) Groundwater Replenishment System (GWRS) has selected a new filtration membrane to implement for the GWRS final expansion from 100 mgd to 130 mgd. Presently, the GWRS facility has had a singular filtration product for the life of their facility, with an established design and standard operating procedures whic...
Removal of Colloidal Particles through Online Monitoring to Lower Microfiltration Membrane Fouling
Fouling of microfiltration (MF) membranes results in increased energy demand, increased cleaning intervals, and membrane replacement frequency. MF membrane fouling is largely due to deposition of colloidal nanoparticles...
A "New" Water Source: Decades of Potable Water Reuse in California
Reuse in California has been a key part of the water supply for decades. The introduction of advanced treatment technologies such as microfiltration, reverse osmosis and ultraviolet light has allowed indirect potable reuse to thrive in the state. California's history of indirect potable reuse using membrane technolgies will be highlighted with pr...
Naturally Occurring Surrogates to Monitor Reverse Osmosis Performance and Integrity in Reuse Applications
Naturally Occurring Surrogates to Monitor Reverse Osmosis Performance and Integrity in Reuse Applications
Full-Scale RO 3+ Log Removal of Virus Surrogates Using Native and Spiked Molecular Markers and Condusctivity Profiling
Advanced treatment trains for potable reuse in California are required to demonstrate high log removal values (LRVs) for Giardia, Cryptosporidium, and enteric viruses. Reverse osmosis (RO) is a key treatment step that contributes to the total required LRV credits. The RO system at the Orange County Water District (OCWD) Groundwater Replenishment Sy...
Full-Scale RO 3+ Log Removal of Virus Surrogates Using Native and Spiked Molecular Markers and Condusctivity Profiling
Advanced treatment trains for potable reuse in California are required to demonstrate high log removal values (LRVs) for Giardia, Cryptosporidium, and enteric viruses. Reverse osmosis (RO) is a key treatment step that contributes to the total required LRV credits. The RO system at the Orange County Water District (OCWD) Groundwater Replenishment Sy...