Presentations by Palm Beach County Water Utilities Department
Matches: 3
Staff and Budget Impacts Associated with Membrane Treatment Facilities
Gives an overview of the budget and cost impacts of Palm Beach County's membrane treatment plants with a comparison on $/1000 gal between select plants from PBCO. Also provides and overview of the County's work force and some considerations for dealing with staff attrition in the context of a transition to membrane technology....
Palm Beach County Water Utilities 20 Years of Membrane Treatment What Have We Learned?
Utilities and consulting engineers can benefit by reviewing past performance of similar projects. The joint AWWA AMTA conference in West Palm Beach is an excellent opportunity to share this knowledge. A written paper and PowerPoint will both be submitted....
RO Post-treatment Optimization to Allow Conversion from Chloramines to Free Chlorine Disinfection
This presentation discusses efforts at the Western Water Treatment Plant (WTP11) for Palm Beach County Utilities There is a discussion on the conversion from chloramines to free chlorine disinfection. Disinfection by-products and lead and copper corrosion studies were completed. Post treatment optimization was reviewed....