Presentations by Poseidon Resources Corporation
Matches: 5
Ocean Discharge from Seawater Desalination Plants
Overview of desalination water treatment plant residuals and their alternatives for disposal. Environmental and regulatory issues are offered as well as insight on the environmental impact study process needed to permit many facilities....
Pilot Testing of Alternative Pretreatment Systems for Large-Scale Seawater Desalination Plants in Southern California
The purpose of this paper is to provide description of the Carlsbad pilot desalination plant and to discuss pretreatment system and RO facility performance under various testing conditions....
Project Costs and Financing
This guidebook summarizes membrane desalination technology including reverse osmosis (RO), nanofiltration (NF), and hybrid systems. Discussion includes both capital and operating costs as well as lists of full scale example projects....
Poseidon Seawater Desalination Projects in CA
Overview of three projects Poseidon is working on: Carlsbad, Huntington Beach and Moss Landing - all in California....
Latest Developments in Pumps and Energy Recovery
This presentation provides an overwiew of the types and key performance parameters of high pressure reverse osmosis system feed pumps and energy recovery devices widely used for seawater desalination today. The presentaton describes alternative types of pumps and energy recovery devices, and explains their key advantages and disadvantages....