Presentations by Region of Peel
Matches: 6
Lakeview OBM2 and Lorne Park WTPs
The presentation will include an introduction and overview of the Region of Peel's water treatment plants. Over the past decade the two treatment plants have expanded from a combined capacity of 850 to 1,700 ML/d and added membranes, ozone, biological filtration and UV....
How an algae event took down a water treatment plant and the teamwork that saved it
This article reviews some of the unique steps taken to maintain enough ultrafiltration plant capacity to meet demand, including an untested alternate temporary raw water header, temporary 1 mm raw water screens, and middle of the night SCADA programming changes. The plant successfully operated for eight days under these conditions while emergency ...
Performance Testing of a 380 ML/d Retrofitted Membrane/UV Oxidation WTP
This article presents the results at the Lorne Park Water Treatment Plant (WTP) in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada of the performance testing that was conducted and lessons learned for future membrane performance testing. Once the Lorne Park WTP was fully commissioned, the membrane system had to be tested in accordance with the pre-selection documen...
Fighting permeability loss with a revised recovery cleaning schedule
This paper analyses the impact of a revised cleaning schedule based on the permeability of the membranes and the financial impact of increased chemical usage. A side-by-side comparison was conducted on the trains using the original cleaning schedule versus a revised schedule. The process data showed that if the plant had continued following a norm...
Replacing 7,308 Ultrafiltration Membrane Modules? A Supposedly Fun Thing I Will Do Again
Discussion of the complexities of replacing 7,000 plus membrane modules in a live water treatment plant with multiple stakeholders would be of great interest to membrane vendors, consultants and planners as well as utility owners and operators....
Membrane Condition Evaluation for 3 100-MGD Plants
This paper provides details on lessons learned from a membrane condition assessment for 3 major UF membrane facilities owned by Region of Peel, Canada. In addition to typical membrane autopsy analyses with SEM and EDX, this paper details the results from advanced testing with SEI analysis, fiber tensile strength testing comparing new and old fibers...