Presentations by Saint-Gobain
Matches: 2
Arsenic Removal Process for Drinking Water Production: Benefits of R-Sic Microfiltration Membranes
Presented: 02/02/16
This paper describes research into the removal of arsenic from water using silicon carbide ceramic membranes and comparing the results to other membrane technology results. Benefits and advantages of SIC membranes are presented....
Quantitative Differentiation of Crystar? FT vs Oxide Membranes in Crossflow Applications
Presented: 01/24/19
The presentation will focus on the inherent benefits that Crystar FT recyrstallized silicon carbide (R-SiC) membranes have versus oxide membranes in crossflow configuration. The first part of the presentation will highlight inherent material advantages of Crystar FT R-SiC membranes vs oxide membranes, while the second part of the presentation will...