Presentations by South Blount County Utility District
Matches: 3
Overview of Isom Lail Memorial Water Treatment Plant Henry Durant, South Blount County Utility District
This powerpoint focuses on the development and construction of the J. Isom Lail Water Treatment Plant, an 8 mgd membrane filtration plant, located near Maryville, Tennessee....
South Blount Utility District Plant Overview
This topic will be on the construction of a membrane plant and 11 years of history and what we like about the plant and things we would change if we had it all to do over again....
pH Problem? Put it in a bubble and blow it away - South Blount County's Membrane WTP Experience
South Blount County Utility District (SBCUD) has an exceptionally pure raw water supply from Tellico Lake, with very low levels of natural alkalinity (6 mg/L - 8 mg/L). The raw water turbidity is typically less than 1 NTU, allowing direct membrane filtration without sedimentation. Ultimately, this low-alkalinity supply resulted in a tendency of the...