Presentations by Suez Water Technologies
Matches: 23
Membrane Characterization by Optical Methods
These optical and microscopic techniques combined with others such as chemical observation of surface (FTIR), or hydraulic-dynamic tests (filtration tests, molecules or micro-organisms retention) can help to improve the understanding of fouling and/or ageing phenomena occurring during drinking water production in order to manage and minimize them....
Verifying Prediction Models for the Removal of Emerging Contaminants by NF and RO Membranes
The occurrence of emerging organic contaminants in the environment originating from both point sources (e.g., wastewater treatment plants, industrial activity, etc.) and non-point sources (e.g., veterinary pharmaceuticals, pesticides, etc.) has triggered increasing concern regarding drinking water production. Most experts concur that the health ri...
How to make a black box talk? A review of 50 low-pressure membrane autopsies
This paper looks at the results of autopsying 50 MF/UF modules received from facilities around the world treating water for different applications.The gathered data show that most of the time, the autopsy succeeds in drawing up a cause and effect scenario explaining the observations recorded on sites. The reasons for production loss and integrity f...
How to Best Extend the Membranes Lifetime? A Modules Management Strategy that Leverages 25 Years of Experience in Operating Membranes Facilities
The paper gathers the best practices of 25 years of experience in operating MF/UF membrane facilities and is based on an overview of 10 water treatment plants equipped with different membrane technologies of different generations. The paper notes the three key stages when the MF/UF system has to be secured: project design phase, day-to-day operati...
Evaluating Desalinated Water Blending Scenarios on Cement and Iron Based Materials in the Distribution Network
Study to determine impacts of permeate from two sources on distribution systems....
What is the Real Total Cost of Ownership of a Low-Pressure Membrane Plant for Drinking Water Production? Comparing 3 Materials: PVDF, PES and CTA
A comparison of Ultrafiltration (UF) and Microfiltration (MF) full scale plants in operation greater than 6 years are evaluated for membranes made with PVDF, PES and CTA. Market share, capital cost and operating costs are reviewed. Conclusions are drawn on best membranes for capital cost and operating cost....
Impact of organic matter on fouling propensity of a new ultrafiltration membrane with low adhesive surface - a study based on 10 different waters
Ultrafiltration (UF) membranes are widely used to treat surface water due to their capacity to remove colloids, particles, pathogens and virus. Today, they are also applied for reverse osmosis pre-treatment of wastewater reuse and desalination in order to address the problem of water shortage. However, membrane fouling by organic matter remains a k...
Tap Into MBR - The Hamby WRF Indirect Potable Water Reuse Project
The Hamby WRF project is an important drought resilience planning project where indirect potable water reuse is being applied successfully. Execution of such a project comes with a variety of challenges and lessons learned. An important difference between this projects and others is the use of MBR in a potable reuse scheme. With the plant in operat...
Replacing 7,308 Ultrafiltration Membrane Modules? A Supposedly Fun Thing I Will Do Again
Discussion of the complexities of replacing 7,000 plus membrane modules in a live water treatment plant with multiple stakeholders would be of great interest to membrane vendors, consultants and planners as well as utility owners and operators....
A Simple Measurement of MBR Membrane Integrity That Goes Back to Basics
The difficulty in monitoring pathogen removal is a gap that has been identified in the adoption of Membrane Bioreactors for IPR/DPR. This paper presents a newly proposed method for the calculation of solids LRV across the MBR system. The new method relies on the widely used standard method for enumeration of total suspended solids with a modificati...
Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage at 14,000 feet
The Antapaccay mine is a copper producing facility operated by Glencore in southern Peru. In 2016, this facility had two sources of water, one from the ?Rio Salado? and the second from wells which are made up of dewatering of the south and north antapaccay copper cut. In order to reduce the use of water from the Rio Salado, the mine approved a pr...
A Simple and Reliable Lab Tool to Anticipate Risks of UF Membrane Abrasion at Full-Scale
A new method for direct measurement of the abrasion propensity of UF membranes used in water treatment plants was developed. Standard conditions were determined to obtain a rapid response....
Full Scale Wastewater Recovery and Reuse Projects in Three Food Manufacturing Facilities in Mexico, Utilizing MBR
Food & Beverage Industrial application, utilizing Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) to upgrade existing wastewater treatment plants for water recycle. These plants have been operating for more than seven years with outstanding results They reuse r up to 77% of the wastewater that has helped them t achieve and surpass their targets, decrease demand of city ...
MBR in Refinery Applications - Meeting Tough Discharge Standards and Enabling Reuse
Refineries are facing challenges associated with processing increasingly variable crude slates, more stringent discharge requirements, and regional scarcity of freshwater resources. MBR technology provides the ability to treat wastewater to higher standards with the option to reuse the treated effluent as process water. The refining industry is typ...
QA/QC of Membrane Bioreactors
Membrane bioreactors have become mainstream technology within the municipal markets. Some MBRs have been operating for close to twenty years. This presentation will discuss how an operator monitors the performance and health of the membranes in an MBR facility, as well as how a plant should plan for membrane replacement given that the age of MBR fa...
RO-ED Desalination
Electrodialysis has many attributes that make it complementary to reverse osmosis, and make RO-ED a powerful combination to maximize recovery while maintaining high product water quality. These attributes of ED include resilience to fouling and insensitivity to osmotic pressure. Several hybrid process flow schemes are enumerated, and working exa...
Embrace the Solids - Rethinking How Pretreatment is Used with MF/UF Membranes
Conventional wisdom would dictate that as raw water Total Suspended Solids and Turbidity rises, the head-loss across a filter or trans-membrane pressure (TMP) of a membrane filtration system should also rise. This prompts designers and operators to reduce filtration time, reduce filtration flux, and increase filter cleaning (backwashing or otherwis...
Embrace the Solids - Rethinking How Pretreatment is Used with MF/UF Membranes
Conventional wisdom would dictate that as raw water Total Suspended Solids and Turbidity rises, the head-loss across a filter or trans-membrane pressure (TMP) of a membrane filtration system should also rise. This prompts designers and operators to reduce filtration time, reduce filtration flux, and increase filter cleaning (backwashing or otherwis...
Refinery Wastewater Treatment - 9 Years of Successful MBR Operations
Uniquely Innovative and Practical: Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor (MABR) for Nutrient Removal, Resiliency and Energy Efficiency
Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor (MABR) technology is an attached-growth process in which autotrophic and heterotrophic biofilm growth occurs onto a dense gas-permeable membrane delivering oxygen by molecular diffusion (Adams et al, 2014). The MABR process employs a gas permeable media to deliver oxygen to a biofilm that is attached to the surface ...
Uniquely Innovative and Practical: Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor (MABR) for Nutrient Removal, Resiliency and Energy Efficiency
Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor (MABR) technology is an attached-growth process in which autotrophic and heterotrophic biofilm growth occurs onto a dense gas-permeable membrane delivering oxygen by molecular diffusion (Adams et al, 2014). The MABR process employs a gas permeable media to deliver oxygen to a biofilm that is attached to the surface ...