Presentations by Sweetwater Authority
Matches: 3
Iron and Manganese Removal at a Brackish Water Desalination Facility
This presentation discusses the use of pyrolusite media filtration for the removal of iron and manganese from a reverse osmosis bypass stream at the Richard A. Reynolds Desalination Facility. The presentation begins with background information on the facility as well as drinking water requirements for iron and manganese. Next, results are presented...
Operating the Reynolds Desalinization Facility
This presentation reviewing the operations of the Sweetwater Authority's Reynolds membrane plant was given at a Preconference Workshop in 2014 that discussed membrane plants from an operators point of view. It shows most of the plant operations and gives some background on the membrane facility...
Side by Side Comparison of 400ft2 and 440ft2 Membranes in a High Fouling Environment
The Sweetwater Authority owns and operates a 10 mgd groundwater desalter in Chula Vista,CA. The facility has a unique characteristic with three reverse osmosis trains operating with four hundred square foot membranes and the remaining three trains operating with four hundred and forty square foot membranes. Over the last two years of operation, dat...