Presentations by Tetra Tech, Inc.
Matches: 50
Ultrafiltration Helps Solve Water Supply Problems in Eagle Pass, Texas
This paper explains how membrane systems, such as ultrafiltration, can be used to develop water resources. It is especially applicable to border communities, small communities in Texas and the southwest, and communities with surface water sources that have wide fluctuations in turbidity....
Basics of Membrane (MF, UF)
This PowerPoint presentation describes the basics of ultrafiltration and microfiltration membrane technology and applications of those technologies....
Basics of Membrane (RO, NF)
This PowerPoint presentation describes the basics of reverse osmosis and nanofiltration membrane technology and the applications of those technologies...
Feasibility of Seawater Treatment in the United States: Domestic Challenges & Solutions for Implementation
This paper evaluates various considerations to determine technical and economic feasibility of seawater treatment in the United States. Surface water modeling and testing to determine optimal intake locations to ensure consistent feed water quality is presented. The importance of pilot testing, pre-treatment design, and post-treatment stabilization...
City of Port St. Lucie Builds for the Future: Sustainable Supplies for One of the Fastest Growing Cities in the United States
This paper will discuss the additional capital investments that were made at this facility (James E. Anderson ROWTP) to ensure a long-term, sustainable and reliable potable supply for the City of Port St. Lucie, and the approximate pay-back period for such investments....
Membranes to the Rescue: Providing Potable Water System Reliability
This paper presents the source water and RO treatment and conventional treatment engineering and operational considerations instrumental in the design of the Punta Gorda Florida project to provide a reliable and sustainable potable water supply...
Instrumentation & Controls
This paper presents the importance of a sound Instrumentation & Control design to provide for safe, reliable system operation....
Trends in Membrane Treatment in the Southeast United States: A Survey of Membrane Process Applications and Innovations
This paper will provide a survey of process design trends in municipal membrane water treatment facilities throughout the Southeast United States from a variety of sources and designers. General process parameters surveyed include but are not limited to water supply source and quality, pretreatment practices, treatment unit capacity, permeate recov...
Improving Membrane Plant Reliability and Equipment Life Through Corrosion Protection: Lessons Learned in the Design, Operation, and Maintenance of Membrane Treatment Facilities
This paper reviews the forms of corrosion that are commonly found in membrane treatment facilities and discusses considerations for the proper selection of materials in either a design or a maintenance replacement scenario. This paper also addresses specific causes and remedies for corrosion in the disinfection clearwells and post treatment struct...
Feasibility of Seawater Treatment for the City of Port St. Lucie, FL: Domestic Challenges and Solutions for Implementation
Desalination Feasibility Study for City of Port St. Lucie, Florida...
Ohio County Water District: Treatment Technology Selection, Testing and Design for Future Regulatory Compliance
This paper descirbes the The Ohio County Water District (OCWD) Treatment Technology selection, testing and design for future regulatory compliance. The design of the new WTP has been a successful implementation of water treatment facilities that included implementation of existing treatment processes in combination with newmembrane treatment techn...
Indirect Potable Reuse: The Next Horizon for Membrane Water Treatment
This PowerPoint presentation reviews indirect potable water reuse options and technology....
Overview of the Proposed RO Facilities for the San Antonio Water System Desalination Project
This PowerPoint gives an overview in 2013 for the proposed Reverse Osmosis Facilities the for the San Antonio Water System Brackish Groundwater Desalination Project...
Membrane Operator Certification (MOC) Training
The SEDA Membrane Operator Certification (MOC) School is the first program of its kind that is geared specifically towards training of membrane treatment facility operators in municiple water and wastewater applications. The MOC program provides both introductory and advanced level training courses that qualify for in-state CEUs for licensed opera...
The paper will evaluate the approach to optimizing RO seawater systems design through the utilization of a hybrid brackish - seawater process configuration. Projected process parameters and economic results for a number of selected sites will be presented. The rationale behind the selection of design parameters, economics benefits and the technical...
Design for a Brackish Groundwater RO System
An overview of RO design for brackish groundwater is presented, from technology drivers to membrane cleaning. Additionally, a case study for the San Antonio Water System Brackish Water desalination program is described....
Pilot Testing for Indirect Potable Reuse in Florida: Clearwater?s Groundwater Replenishment Program Takes the Next Step
This paper will present the initial findings of a year-long pilot test of a reclaimed water purification system that is currently in procurement and will begin operation in early Fall of 2012. In addition to the membrane processes, the pilot testing will include the first known testing of membrane contactors for removal of dissolved oxygen prior to...
Groundwater Replenishment Performance and Operations: Lessons Learned Duirng Clearwater's One-Year Pilot
Discussion on groundwater recharge for the City of clearwater pilot proejct. Presents project objectives, project background, treatment approach, water quality, pilot operation and post-treatment prior to injection for this pilot project....
Big Data: Fully Realizing the Benefits of Pilot Testing in Design Development for the SAWS Brackish Groundwater Desalination Project
San Antonio Water System (SAWS) currently receives the majority of their drinking water from the Edwards Aquifer, but water levels are decreasing, resulting in limitations on water withdrawals imposed by regulatory agencies. To meet their water supply needs, SAWS is developing a proposed Brackish Groundwater Desalination (BGD) Program consisting o...
Groundwater Replenishment Performance and Operations Lessons Learned During Clearwater?s One Year Pilot
This paper outlines issues that affected the operations of the groundwater replenishment treatment train at the City of Clearwater and the lessens learned that were later incorporated into the full-scale design of the Groundwater Replenishment water purification and aquifer recharge systems. In the next several years, multiple Florida utilities are...
Groundwater Replenishment Project: Clearwater's Preliminary Design of the First Full Advanced Treatment IPR in Florida
This paper describes the investigation at the City of Clearwater Flirodia that has allowed them to move forward with a full scale design of a full advanced treatment Indirect Potable Reuse facility. Pilot testing and design of a 3 MGD plant are presented with some discussion about permitting and training of staff....
Supplementing High TDS Surface Water with Brackish Groundwater RO Treatment
This paper describes the design of an 8 MGD reverse osmosis treatment plant in the City of Punta Gorda Florida to meet current and projected demands through 2036 and beyond. The source water from the ROWTP will be groundwater from the Floridan Aquifer. The design of the new facilities at the Shell Creek WTP will provide customers with higher qualit...
Process Control Strategies for the SAWS Brackish Groundwater Desalination Project's Enhanced Recovery RO Treatment Process
This paper will provide insight into challenges faced in the RO process design of large capacity in-land desalination facilities, San Antonio Water Systems ( SAWS) . Specifically the paper will discuss unique treatment process optimizations that were made in response to capacity constraints in the concentrate disposal 2 facilities. Control strategi...
Groundwater Replenishment Performance and Operations: Lessons Learned During Clearwater's One-Year Pilot
This paper describes the pilot testing at Clearwater Florida of a modified full advanced treatment for potable reuse for one year. Ultrafiltration was followed by reverse osmosis and then advanced oxidative process at the Northeast Water Reclamation Facility. Extensive operating data were collected showing removal of non-regulated contaminants. Mem...
Post Treatment Optimization for Desalination and Groundwater Recharge
This paper presents three studies of post treatment of membrane treatment, with a focus on more than a dozen lessons learned from the following three desalination and groundwater recharge facilities: Clearwater, FL Groundwater Replenishment (GWR) Project, San Antonio Water System (SAWS) Brackish Groundwater Desalination (BGD) Program , Tarpon Spri...
Using Nanofiltration To Provide A New Source Water For A Small California City
The City of Signal Hill, California was faced with rising wholesale water costs and deterioration of their local groundwater well system. In order to alleviate the problem they decided to treat water with high color and organics. This well is located at the existing City Yard at 2175 E. 28th Street in Signal Hill. A nanofiltration (NF) membrane tre...
Extending the Useful Life of a 15 MGD Rio Grande Ultrafiltration Facility
The City of Eagle Pass, Texas draws its water supply from the Rio Grande treating the river water through a 15 MGD ultrafiltration treatment plant. After 10 years of operations with 35m 2 ultrafiltration membranes, the City is planning to replace its membranes with a newer 40m 2 membrane model. This presentation will provide an update on Eagle Pass...
Treating a Variable Salinity Supply From Concept to Operation
The paper will describe the design of a reverse osmosis treatment facility that is capable of treating a variable salinity ground water supply with total dissolved solids ranging from 3,000 to 16,600 mg/L without any significant changes in the installed equipment. The paper will be based upon the work that was performed to design the City of Tarpo...
The Economics of Seawater Reverse Osmosis Desalination Projects
Desalination applications based on reverse osmosis (RO) technology today comprise over 50% of the capacity of all desalination systems worldwide and represent 75-85% of new desalination projects being implemented. The major reason for the shift in desalination projects to RO technology is the high energy efficiency of the RO process. There are thre...
A Potable Reuse Demonstration Scale Program in East Coast Florida
The implementation of direct potable reuse (DPR) in recent years has become a necessity in drought-driven states such as California and Texas. However, in Florida, alternative water supplies have long been established for providing reclaimed water to end users for irrigation and other non-potable applications. Furthermore, the driver for investigat...
Post-Treatment of RO Permeate with Calcite Contact to Provide Stability and Corrosion Control
Reverse osmosis (RO) permeate is aggressive, corrosive since it is soft, low alkalinity water with slightly acidic pH. Unless properly post-treated, finished water from RO facilities can cause corrosion to downstream fixtures and piping including the distribution system. Post-treatment includes chemical addition to adjust water quality. Blending a ...
Design of a 14.8 MGD High Recovery Rate RO Plant for Reclamation of Municipal Wastewater Effluents Utilizing Advanced Membrane Technology
The process of reclamation of secondary or tertiary municipal wastewater effluent utilizing advanced membrane technology is well established. Numerous large capacity systems operate worldwide with a standardized configuration with very reliable performance. This configuration of an advanced wastewater treatment plant (AWWTP) consists of membrane fi...
Being Good Stewards: Improving Effluent Quality On a Barrier Island
The City of Sanibel's (City) Donax Water Reclamation Facility (Donax WRF) is a conventional activated sludge treatment plant with a permitted design capacity of 2.375 million gallons per day (MGD) on a maximum monthly average daily flow (MMADF) basis. It is the only active facility for wastewater treatment on Sanibel Island. The facility produces e...
Startup and Initial Operations of the Saws Brackish Groundwater Desalination Project
San Antonio, along with many parts of Texas is experiencing double digit growth rates every 10 years. San Antonio Water System (SAWS) must be able to provide adequate water supplies in order to meet this growth. SAWS, currently, gets the majority of their drinking water from the Edwards Aquifer, but water levels are decreasing, resulting in limitat...
Protecting Membranes in Advanced Water Treatment: Effective Management of Chloramine and Peroxide Residuals
Chloramines and peroxide are used for biological fouling control and advanced oxidation in advanced water treatment, but both chemicals can have unintended impacts on membrane performance if not kept under control. This presentation shares practical insights for operating three types of membranes in a potable reuse process, with a view to the impac...
City of Punta Gorda ROWTP and Blending Process Design Considerations
Provides a summary of design and process considerations for the proposed 4 MGD RO process and facilities for blending with the city's existing surface WTP. Includes updates based on what has been encountered during well drilling and project costing....
Advancing the Development of Direct Potable Reuse in Florida: Construction of a Full-Scale Demonstration Facility nears Completion
The purpose of this presentation is to provide a construction update of the Daytona Beach Demonstration Scale Direct Potable Reuse Facility. After one year of an accelerated construction schedule due to meeting funding requirements, the conference time frame will provide an opportunity to present the challenges, successes and obstacles overcome dur...
How Low Can You Go: Optimizing a Full-Scale MBR Biological Nutrient Removal Facility
The city of Deltona is investigating the optimization of its full-scale membrane bioreactor (MBR) facility by utilizing a calibrated BioWin model to evaluate and determine operating conditions that will cost-effectively minimize effluent nutrient loadings from the MBR process. This presentation presents the owner's perspective on staying ahead of a...
Energy Savings by Design for New Advanced Treatment Plant for Groundwater Recharge in Southern California
The Water Replenishment District (WRD) is constructing a new 13,000 acre-feet per year Advanced Water Treatment Facility (AWTF) in the city of Pico Rivera. The AWTF is part of an overall program titled Groundwater Replenishment Improvement Program (GRIP). The AWTF process will be designed as a multi-barrier treatment process that includes: Ultrafil...
Initial Performance of Membrane and Remineralization Processes for the Saws Brackish Groundwater Desalination Plant
At its proposed buildout capacity of 30 MGD, the SAWS BGD project will be the largest municipal RO treatment facility in the state of Texas and one of the largest in-land potable desalination facilities in the United States. This is the only municipal RO treatment plant in Texas that uses a three-stage RO system with an overall feed water recovery ...
Finding a Path to Membrane Pricing Competition for Replacement and Expansion of a 15-MGD Horizontal UF System
Provides an update on EPWWS's experience regarding membrane replacement, including the approach to obtaining TCEQ approval, direct integrity testing, lessons learned, and operational implications....
Doubling Down on UF Process Innovations - Design of an Interchangeable Rack UF System With Direct-Coupled Downstream RO
This presentation will provide valuable information regarding the design of a 4.0 MGD UF/3.0 MGD RO integrated membrane system to be applied as a potable reuse facility. Information will be provided regarding the nuances of an interchangeable rack UF system design that will be beneficial for those looking to implement a non-proprietary UF system fo...
Potable Reuse Case Studies and Membranes: Removal of Pathogens and Emerging Contaminants for IPR and DPR Facilities in Florida
For many utilities, the investigation into potable reuse, whether indirect or direct, has been prominent with no indication of slowing down. In the state of Florida, several utilities are facing water supply and discharge concerns such as increasing populations, drought and water scarcity, and anticipation of future discharge regulations to surface...
Challenges of Integrating RO Treatment of an Alternative Brackish Water Supply in Central Florida
The City of Lakeland on the evaluated the feasibility of utilizing a brackish Lower Floridan aquifer (LFA) source water to allow the integration of this alternative water supply with their existing 51 MGD lime softening water treatment plant. Alternative RO treatment and blending options were evaluated according to ease of integration, water qualit...
Calcium Remineralization, Are There Limits?
The paper discusses work done for the City of Tarpon Springs, Florida Membrane Treatment Facilities and work done for the San Antonio Water System (SAWS) relative to augmentation of calcium in the finished water for stabilization and corrosion control. Extensive jar testing was performed for SAWS to determine the method and limits of calcium augmen...
Advancing the Development of Direct Potable Reuse in Florida: Operational Results from a Full-Scale Demonstration Facility
The purpose of this presentation is to provide an update on the first 6 months of UF and RO membrane performance at the Daytona Beach Demonstration Scale Direct Potable Reuse Facility. The presentation covers observed pathogen LRV performance distributions, membrane fouling control, chemical cleans in place, disinfection byproduct formation potenti...