Presentations by Texas Tech University
Matches: 2
The Impacts of Potential Controlling Parameters on the Degree of Nitritation in a MABR Treating High Strength Wastewater
This study presents the shortcut nitrification in a membrane aerated bioreactor (MABR) treating high strength nitrogen waste stream. The utilization of MABR has advantages of bidirectional control of oxygen (O2) and substrate, highly energy efficient O2 transfer capacity and reduced stripping of noxious gases (NH3, NO2, and N2O). The MABR system wa...
The Impacts of Potential Controlling Parameters on the Degree of Nitritation in a MABR Treating High Strength Wastewater
This study presents the shortcut nitrification in a membrane aerated bioreactor (MABR) treating high strength nitrogen waste stream. The utilization of MABR has advantages of bidirectional control of oxygen (O2) and substrate, highly energy efficient O2 transfer capacity and reduced stripping of noxious gases (NH3, NO2, and N2O). The MABR system wa...