Presentations by URS Corporation
Matches: 7
Design and Operations NAWA 7.7 MGD NF Water Treatment Plant Tripp City, Ohio
The case study of the 7.7 MGD Northern Area Water Auth. membrane softening (MS) / nanofiltration (NF) WTP at Tipp City, OH. Surface water NPDES discharge concentrate disposal to the Great Miami River, a state scenic river. Discussion includes both design and construction with addition of operating information and cost....
Organics Removal from Ohio Surface Water Source Using UF and NF Membranes
This presentation documents the planning, design, and construction of the Paulding Water Treatment Plant in Paulding, Ohio. Treatment goals for the new facility included the reduction of total organic carbon (TOC) and hardness concentrations. The presentation provides pilot study results for ion exchange, ultrafiltration (UF), and nanofiltration (N...
Innovative Replacement of MF Membranes After Eight Years of Operation in Byesville, Ohio
The Village of Byesville, Ohio was the first drinking water installation utilizing microfiltration membranes in Ohio when it was constructed in 2004. Now, after eight years of successful operation, the membranes are nearing the end of their useful life and the Village has decided to replace the membranes....
Comparative Study on the pretreatment to SWRO System: A Case Study of DMF vs. MF and Four MF Membranes
This paper presents a study of the comparative features such as stable and cost-effective membrane operation of microfiltration (MF) versus direct media filtration (DMF). This research was conducted at a seawater desalination plant in the City of Busan in Korea for more than 2 years. The feasibility study (MF=>RO) was prepared to find the optimum o...
More Effective Maintenance Clearing on Microfiltration Membrane for a Secondary Effluent with High SDI, Hydrophilic Nom, and Low Temperature
In this case study, a pressurized microfilter (MF) was used without pretreatment processes such as screening and coagulation. In order to overcome the fouling issue associated with the secondary effluent, the efforts to make were to find a more effective membrane cleaning method. The findings from the case study can be a base in designing and opera...
Effective Membrane Process to Remove High Content of Algae and Its Associated Taste and Odor Problem : A Case Study, The Han River in Korea
This study presents an effective case study that demonstrates successful removal of algae and compounds associated with taste and odor in an advanced process train: This paper presents results of one-year-study conducted at a drinking water plant in City of Incheon, Korea. The advanced treatment process that includes microfiltration has demonstra...
Tangential Flow Membrane Filtration (TFMF) Applications in Wastewater Reuse and Brackish Groundwater Plus High Chloride Surface Water Treatment
This paper addresses the challenges the nation, especially Texas, is facing due to the ongoing drought, and discusses how proper optimized application of tangential flow filtration (TFF) membrane processes can offset the acute shortage in water supply by tapping strategic water supply resources available in abundance. This strategy is promoted by ...