Presentations by University of Nevada
Matches: 5
Trading Water for Salt: An Alternative Water Resource for the Las Vegas Valley Facilitated by Reverse Osmosis Technology
In Las Vegas Valley, water and wastewater are intrinsically related because treated wastewater effluent is returned back to Lake Mead, the drinking water source for the Valley's residents. An alternative source of water to Las Vegas Valley could be realized by using membrane technology, specifically reverse osmosis. To evaluate the effects of rev...
Pressure-Retarded Osmosis for Water and Energy Sustainability
Pressure retarded osmosis (PRO) is a novel process for generating energy utilizing forward osmosis. Forward osmosis is achieved through the salinity differences between fresh (river) water and seawater. Pilot test data is presented on a PRO system. Efficiency and footprint of PRO is compared to other renewable energy sources. Challenegs for com...
Integration of RO and PRO to Decrease Energy Expenditures in Seawater Desalination
While wind and solar are among the most well known renewable resources, salinity gradient power in nearly untapped and has the potential to increase renewable energy production by 20%. Pressure retarded osmosis is a way to capture this. PRO can be utilized in several configurations. The advantage of this system is the brine generated is diluted bac...
Submerged or Sidestream: Best Forward Osmosis Configuration For an Osmotic Membrane Bioreactor
A pilot-scale osmotic membrane bioreactor (OMBR) was developed with a forward osmosis (FO) membrane submerged in a bioreactor and a Membrane Distillation re-concentration step driven by waste heat for potable wastewater reuse applications at military forward operating bases. Biofilm thickness, which is influenced by the forward osmosis (FO) membran...
Potable reuse with engineered osmosis; integrating an osmotic membrane bioreactor with membrane distillation.
A pilot-scale osmotic membrane bioreactor-membrane distillation (OMBR-MD) system was developed for potable wastewater reuse at military forward operating bases. The system consists of forward osmosis (FO) membranes submerged in a bioreactor and an MD system designed to reconcentrate the FO draw solution and generate product water using waste-heat. ...