Biennial Conference, San Antonio, TX, 08/04/04
Matches: 48
Keep the Horse before the Cart: Keep Pretreatment before the Membrane
An equipment manufacturer's account of the effectiveness of using its automatic self cleaning screen filter to remove suspended solids prior to membrane treatment....
Post Treatment Considerations for Blending Permeate into Water Distribution Systems
This presentation presenst the problems associated with placing on line different water supplies, particularly with emphasis on blending existing groundwater supplies with surface water and desalinated brackish water and/or seawater supplies and the impacts on chemistry and existing infrastructure that will results. Mitigation concepts are presente...
Paradox Valley Salinity Control: NF Membranes Used to Remove Sulfate Prior to Brine Injection
This paper provides an overview of utilizing nanofiltration membrane technology to remove more than 98% of sulfate from the brine and increase the salt removal efficiency of the Paradox Valley Salinity Control Injection Facility...
DOC Removal with In-Line Addition of MIEX and Membrane Filtration
This presentation discusses a pilot-study evaluation at the Marden Water Treatment Plant in Boise, ID of an ion exchange resin dosed in line with a pressure driven ultrafiltration membrane in the context of NOM removal, membrane flux and fouling....
An Evaluation of MF/UF Membrane Integrity Monitoring Strategies as Proposed in LT2
This manuscript presents the results of two pilot studies used to evaluate the minimum monitoring proposed under the 2003 draft version of LT2ESWTR. It also describes the role of alternate indirect methods in maintaining system performance and protection of public health....
Economic Benefits of Conjunctive ASR and RO Storage and Treatment Facilities to Meet Rising Water Demands
This paper presents an economic comparison of stand-alone RO and conjunctive RO/ASR facilities proposed for the North Padre Island project, as well as an analysis of the ability of each system to meet current and projected maximum day and average day demands....
Desalination Water Supply Alternatives for a Texas Barrier Island
The paper decribes the economic evaluations that were developed for the City of Corpus Christi Texas for a baseline 5.0 mgd desalination project capacity, and recommendations for phased project implementation were developed. Based on the results of the study, the City of Corpus Christi is considering the role brackish water desalination may play i...
Design & Cost Considerations for Desalination Membrane Technologies
This paper will describe this delivery approach for a membrane bioreactor system and tools for managing associated risks. In addition, construction activities and lessons learned (to date) will so be provided. Clackamas County Water Environment Services (WES) initiated design for Phase I of the Tri-City Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) Expan...
Implementation of Membrane Technology at the City of Barberton, Ohio
This paper describes concerns for the implementation of microfiltration (MF) and ultrafiltration (UF) technology at an older conventional water treatment plant located in Barberton, Ohio. Actual specifications language and evaluation forms are used to illustrate potential solutions to obtaining full implementation costs and providing detailed econ...
Evaluating Nanofiltration, Reverse Osmosis, and Ion Exchange to Meet Consumptive Use Constraints and Finished Water Quality Goals for Broward County
The paper describes the evaluation of nanofiltration, reverse osmosis and ion exchange to meet the consumptive use constraints and finished water quality goals for Broward County Florida...
Startup of the First Nanofiltration Membrane Plant Using New Low Fouling Technology
This paper describes the work realted to the design, pilot teting and startup of the City of Deerfield Beach nanofiltraton membrane plant using low fouling membrane technology....
Designing the First Membrane Treatment Facility for Florida's Largest Water Utility
This paper describes the design of a membrane treatment facility for Miami Dade Water and Sewer District for the dual treatment objectives of membrane softening and nitrate reduction for the South Miami Heights WTP. In addition, this facility will use an integrated membrane approach using parallel treatment trains of ultralowpressure (ULP) reverse...
Implementation of a 50 MGD Low-Pressure Membrane Filtration System for the Existing Racine Water Treatment Facility
This paper also discusses how an innovative evaluated bid process was used for selection and procurement of the membrane treatment system. Implementation of a 50 MGD Low-Pressure Membrane Filtration System for the Existing Racine Water Treatment Facility...
Economics of Implementing Membrane Filtration into the Existing Highland Park WTP to Provide Increased Capacity versus Advanced Disinfection
This paper presents a summary of analyses conducted for the City of Highland Park, IL evaluating the implementation of membrane filtration for increased capacity and/or advanced disinfection and comparing the economics to various alternative treatment strategies....
The Current Use of Membranes for Wastewater Treatment
The paper descibes a worldwide inventory and a survey done in 2003 of full-scale municipal wastewater treatment facilities using membrane technologies The purpose of the inventory was to evaluate the types of membranes in use, geographical distribution, and chronological trends....
Squeezing Water from the Rocks: Water Reuse for West Texas
This paper describes the feasibility of: Reuse of wastewater treatment plant effluent for industrial supply, municipal supply and irrigation ;Reclamation of previously unsuitable (diverted) water for raw water supply and Treating poor quality groundwater to potable supply quality...
Oxnard Pilot Test for Wetland Treatment and Reuse of Membrane-Concentrate
This paper describes the membrane concentrate Pilot Wetland Project conducted by the City of Oxnard Water Division to assist with the City's water resources master planning process and implementation of the Groundwater Recovery Enhancement And Treatment (GREAT) Program....
Considerations in the Development of a New and Sustainable Freshwater Resource
This paper will present the design issues considered throughout the feasibility study and pilot plant design process and identify critical issues associated with siting a desalination facility in land-limited areas. It will also describe the pilot test protocol, specific test objectives, and the design of pretreatment and SWRO systems expected to b...
Evaluation of Various Pretreatments for SWRO
Report of the effectiveness of membrane treatment over conventional coagulation/media filtration for pretreating feedwater for reverse osmosis desalination. Test parameters were elinimation of particulates and microbes in order to improve reverse osmosis performance, lower operating cost and increase mebrane life. Membrane treatment found to be l...
Integration of Membrane Processes into the Existing Potable Water Treatment Infrastructure at WCID 18 Austin, TX
The paper described the evaluations done prior to the decision to integratae a membrane process into the exisiting potable water infratructure at WCID 18 in Austin TX...
Fouling of Surface Seawater Reverse Osmosis Units
This paper is to presents an overview of the mechanism of fouling of surface seawater reverse osmosis (RO) membrane units. It alsocprovides insights on potential limitations of conventional pretreatment of seawater reverse osmosis units....
International Perspectives on Pretreatment Issues
An international look of seawater reverse osmois pretreatment applications. The issues of membrane scaling and fouling are addressed as well as insight on the need for further research on the efficacy of microfiltration and ultrafiltration for pretreatment....
Flux Control Techniques Optimize High TDS RO Application
This paper will document the complimentary use of three techniques (permeate throttling, inter-stage boost, hybrid array) in a single system to treat a brackish ground water with a Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) >12,000 mg/l at 70% recovery....
Establishing a Database of Membrane Treatment Plant Operations: A Survey of Membrane Operational Practices by Geographic Region
The purpose of this paper is to establish a database in 2004 of operational conditions for various membrane facilities based on raw water qualities, membrane type, and geographic location. This paper will include survey results from membrane facilities throughout the country regarding operation and maintenance practices....
Preparing for a New Water Treatment Technology in Kentucky: Low Pressure Reverse Osmosis for the Treatment of Groundwater
A report on the pilot study to utilize low pressure reverse osmosis to remove water high in hardness and nitrates....
Case Study: Landfill Leachate Treatment Using Submerged Membranes and Reverse Osmosis Technology
This paper presents the field and laboratory analytical data from the pilot testing of the UF and RO membrane technologies conducted at the Lee/Hendry County Landfill. The paper will also address the design considerations in implementing both systems effectively...
The Irvine Desalter Project - Pilot Study Evaluation
This paper will present the results of the reverse osmosis membrane plant pilot studies conducted from March through November 2003 at the Irvine Desalter project in California....
Membranes vs. Conventional Treatment in Municipal and Industrial Applications
This paper compares membrane treatment to conventional treatment in municipal and industrial applications....
A NF Retention Model for Trace Contaminants in Sources for Drinking Water
The presentation will address the results of pilot and bench scale tests and the application of a Nanofiltration retention model for trace organic compounds. ....
Blocking of Capillaries as Fouling Mechanism for Dead-End Ultrafiltration
In this paper a new dimension is given to the concept of membrane fouling. In the already known fouling mechanisms for dead-end operated capillary ultra-filtration membranes fouling is considered a radial phenomenon (pore blocking, cake filtration). However, fouling also appears to have longitudinal effects....
UF Pretreatment for RO Seawater Desalination
This paper will review several commercial operations and recent pilot plant test results and economics for the use of hollow-fiber ultrafiltration membranes for pretreatment to spiral RO brackish water and seawater desalination systems...
Nanostructures for Wastewater Reclamation
This paper describes how nanostructures can be designed for the separation and extraction of specific molecules such as nitrates and water-borne pathogens such as viruses for wastewater reclamation....
A Large-Scale Plant to Treat Both Fresh and Brackish Surface Water
A case study on the preliminary investigations into the replacing an regulatory obsolete 20 million gallons per day treatment plant with reverse osmosis....
Addressing Community Values to Gain Support for Island Desalination
This paper will outline initial public outreach efforts in Corpus Christi Texas, lessons learned, public concerns associated with locating desalination facilities on North Padre Island, a barrier island, and a proactive public involvement plan for carrying out project implementation...
Ocean Discharge from Seawater Desalination Plants
Overview of desalination water treatment plant residuals and their alternatives for disposal. Environmental and regulatory issues are offered as well as insight on the environmental impact study process needed to permit many facilities....
Pilot Testing of Alternative Pretreatment Systems for Large-Scale Seawater Desalination Plants in Southern California
The purpose of this paper is to provide description of the Carlsbad pilot desalination plant and to discuss pretreatment system and RO facility performance under various testing conditions....
Energy Recovery Comes to Low Pressure Membrane Processes
This paper discusses this newly developed energy recovery device as it is applied at the Southmost facility. Further, the use of this device in water treatment applications other that reverse osmosis such as nanofiltration and pressure MF/UF systems is presented....
Seawater Reverse Osmosis Designs and Costs to Meet Water Quality Specifications
This paper presents the results of the analysis of alternative membrane plant design approaches to meeting three water quality specifications. This document provides meaningful guidance regarding the differences in design alternatives and costs to meet differing water quality goals. It also provides updated feasibility level cost estimates for two ...
Florida Perspectives on Surface Water Discharge
Presentation of the use of surface water discharges as a means of disposing of membrane water treatment concentrate in Florida. Data is presented that verifies that surface water discharges are a leading alternative in Florida. The economic benefits are noted as well as current permitting procedures to establish regulatory acceptance....
SWRO Pretreatment Considerations for Mixed Seawater-Surface Water Sources
An account is provided of performance testing conducted to evaluate media filtration and ultrafiltration pretreatment for seawater systems with mixed source waters. Media filtration was found to be effective in limited applications and source water dependent. Ultrafiltration determined to present various operational issues but did provide added p...
By-Product Disposal Challenges on Barrier Islands: A Case Study of North Padre Island, Texas
Feasibility study results on various methods of reverse osmosis concentrate disposal for a water treatment facility to be located on North Padre Island, Texas. Alternative disposal options investigated included surface water disposal, evaporation ponds, disposal to the wastewater treatment plant and deep well injection....
Ultrafiltration Helps Solve Water Supply Problems in Eagle Pass, Texas
This paper explains how membrane systems, such as ultrafiltration, can be used to develop water resources. It is especially applicable to border communities, small communities in Texas and the southwest, and communities with surface water sources that have wide fluctuations in turbidity....
TWDB Funded Research Projects on Desalination
Roundtable discussion on the research conducted by the Texas Water Development Board relating to permitting of desalination facilities, desalination of produced water and concentrate disposal....
Texas Water Development Board Desalination Activities
Update on the actions taken by the Texas Water Development Board into the feasibility of desalination facilities....
Enhanced Evaporation System Testing at the Salton Sea
Report on testing performed on various enhanced evaporation systems to minimize environmental impacts to the Salton Sea from increased salinity....
Pretreatment 2004: A Perspective
An briefing on the purpose, function and imprtance of well designed and operated membrane process pretreatment systems if offered. The potential consequences of membrane failures, scaling and fouling are reviewed....
Deep Well Injection
Briefing on the use of deep well injection to a confined geological formation to dispose of membrane water treatment concentrate. Current regulations are reviewed as well as related engineering issues and costs associated....
The Metallurgy of Steels for SWRO
This PowerPoint presentation discusses why Stainless steel is needed for Sea Water Desalination facilities and the properties that are desirebale to minimize corrosion...