Ceramic Membrane Webinar - Part 1, Online, 06/21/21
Matches: 3
Ceramic Membrane Basics and a Specific Application Treating Stillage from Bioethanol Production
Atech is manufacturer of ceramic membrane, which provides unique advantages over polymeric membranes, such as greater mechanical strength and higher chemical and thermal resistance. The two main membrane types - tubular and flat sheet - each have their own advantages: typically, tubular membranes are more accessible and flat sheet membranes treat h...
Inorganic Membranes - Diverse Materials of Construction Enable a Wide Range of Applications
Design, construction, and operation of inorganic microfiltration and ultrafiltration membranes are discussed. The topics include materials of construction used for the membrane support and active membrane layer (silicon carbide and metal oxides). The physical and chemical properties of membranes manufactured using the various materials will be pres...
Advanced Surface Water Purification Without Advanced Complexity
Purification of surface water is challenging as a result of the numerous contaminants and the high variability of those contaminants in surface water. Seasonal variations and weather changes add to the complexity of designing step by step unit processes to address those fluctuations. Accordingly, traditional design approaches have incorporated the ...