Membrane Technology Conference, Orlando, FL, 03/02/15
Matches: 154
Fundamentals of Membrane Technologies
Provides a general overiew of membrane technology from MF to RO, giving the reader an understaing of what each membrane does and its lmiitations...
MF/UF Water Quality, Performance, and Applications
Presents a discussion on the drivers to impliment membrane technology and an overview of membrane configurations. Discusses considerations for feed and product water quality with an basic overview of where low pressure membranes are typically applied....
Low Pressure Pilot Testing
Discusses the purpose of piloting along with options for contracting pilot studies, plus the limitations of pilot studies....
Membrane System Design Concepts
Presents an overview of the system design considerations around membrane plants. The perspective presetned is a full system view of a membrane plant....
High Pressure Membrane Applications
Discussion on when to apply NF/RO systems in water and wastewater treatment applications, alogn with the limitations of the technology...
Membrane Pretreatment Chemistry
Provdes a detailed overview of membrane pretreatment chemistry design considerations. Includes sections on coagulation and antiscale chemistry....
High Pressure Membrane Plant Design
Provides an overview of NF/RO design. Includes guidance on deisgn parameters requried for successful implimentation of NF/RO projects...
Water Reuse and Membrane Bioreactors
Presents definition of reuse approaches, focuses in in MBR system types (sheet vs fiber), MBR operations, fouling and emerging MBR technologies...
Data Analysis and Performance Monitoring
Presents issues aroudn membrane operation, hydraulic data analysis, and factors which impact membrane ageing...
Membrane Procurement (MF/UF)
Presents an overview of procurement optoins for membrane project, primary target is a municipal entity making the purchase. Dicsusses specification and contract language...
Membrane Treatment: Is it THE Answer for Today's Water Utilities?
Presentation is targeted at the municipal plant owner. This discussion provides an overview and recommendations on how to go about the process of selecting a membrnae solution for a given project. Discussion includes considerations on water rate and staffing considerations....
Membrane Treatment Facilities: Past, Present, and Future
This presentation provides a historical perspctive on membrane devlopment, a present view of the state of the membrane installed base in the USA at time of presentation, and thoughts on what future membrane technologies may be tasked with accomplishing....
The Basics of Reverse Osmosis Technology
Provides a fundamental, detailed descritpon of the building blocks of RO technology and application....
Staff and Budget Impacts Associated with Membrane Treatment Facilities
Gives an overview of the budget and cost impacts of Palm Beach County's membrane treatment plants with a comparison on $/1000 gal between select plants from PBCO. Also provides and overview of the County's work force and some considerations for dealing with staff attrition in the context of a transition to membrane technology....
Operating and Maintenance Costs Membrane Treatment Facilities
Presents an operational cost comparison of Lime Softening, NF and RO technologies....
Get Your Head Out of the Sand Planning for Asset Renewal & Replacement
Discussion on the need for asset management planning for a wter utilty. Provides information on the potential costs and impacts of ingnoring asset management along with approaches for the reader to consider around funding long term asset management plans....
Impact of Changing Water Quality on RO Design and Operation
Presents how RO technology is applied in different types of feedwaters by modifying the arrangement of commercially available membranes within the RO system....
Brackish Water Desalination in Florida: A Tale of Two Coasts, East and West
Florida leads the nation in the number of municipal potable water desalination plants with more than 140 producing more than 515 million gallons per day. Florida's water demand is expected to grow by greater than 25% to 8.7 billion gallons per day in 2025 and brackish water desalination will be a key to meeting this expected need. Florida reverse o...
Treatment Challenges of Varying Brackish Groundwater Quality: California Experience
Presents the brackish water treatment plant expericne and challenges faces by Alameda County (CA) Water....
30 Years of RO Operation in Cape Coral: Valuable Lessons
Presents a case study on the operational aspects of the City of Cape Coral's RO experince. Includes discussion on aquifer quality degredation the City experinced and what design modifications can be made to address feed quality degredation....
Innovative RO Pretreatment via Anion Exchange and UF for a Challenging and Variable Surface Water Quality
Presents the process train selection process and pilot results for a multi-step surface water application in Western Florida in Sarasota County. Discussion on performance and results on the IX - UF - RO process along with a feedwater charachterization stufy...
Using RO/NF Modeling and Testing Methods to Assess the Impact of Changing Water Quality
Discussion on RO modeling versus testing, with recommendations on when to select one or the other. Further discussion is presented on the limtiations of modeling vs testing, along with data requirements and testing guides for modeling and bench scale studies are presented....
Groundwater Replenishment Performance and Operations: Lessons Learned Duirng Clearwater's One-Year Pilot
Discussion on groundwater recharge for the City of clearwater pilot proejct. Presents project objectives, project background, treatment approach, water quality, pilot operation and post-treatment prior to injection for this pilot project....
Pembroke Pines Aquifer Recharge
Presentation on the Pembroke Pines Aquifer Recharge project and its goals of qualifying alternative water supplies and applying the best available technology to meet stringent local requirements for ground water discharge. The City initiated an RO pilot study with several goals including characterizing the water quality, selecting the optimal RO ...
Establishing Critical Control Points in Membrane and Non-Membrane
Discussion of control points for direct potable and indirect potable reuse risk assesments. Includes options for reuse in the context of southern Florida along with an analysis of how process selection decisions are made when implimenting a reuse scheme....
Perspectives from the WateReuse Research Foundation and Big Spring, TX
Presents reuse in the context of WRRF approach on testing and monitiong (11-10 & 12-06) with a discussion on the actual results from the full scale plant at Big Spring TX....
Direct Potable Reuse in Florida
Reclaimed water can be used to augment potable water supplies. There are no current regulations in Florida pertaining to direct potable reuse (DPR). The challenges includes a need for a uniform and acceptable vocabulary, understanding the health risk(s), technological needs, cost and the lack of a clear roadmap of when and how to develop a potabl...
Membranes Biofouling Potential, Impacts and Mitigation Techniques
Presentation defines biofouling and discusses the mechanisms around membrane biofouling. Discussion on how green nanocomposite materials have the potential ro revolutionize strategies around biofoiling mitigation....
The desalination and Membrane technologies to face to drinking water needs : Morocco case
Paper discusses the current state (as of 2015) of drinking water needs and infrstructure in Morocco. Presentation on anticipated desalination applications within Morocco is presented as well....
Water Characterization & Biofilm Formation
Discusses how biofouling leads to loss of performance. Includes case study on open intake seawater RO plant as well as a seawater RO with a beach well. Provides two alternative treatment steps to reduce biofouling. Also has one case study on a seawater demineralization plant....
Manufacturing of eco-friendly nanoparticles using plant extracts
Development of a method to produce eco-friendly silver nanoparticles to incorporate into polymetric membranes. Discusses scaling up the nethod from lab to commercial scale....
Water treatment using biofouling resistant nanocomposite membranes
How nanoparticles can help prevent biofouling in reverse osmosis elements...
Scaled Processing of BRN Membranes
Development of NMP CA for better wetting properties on nanofiltration membrane...
Testing of Biofouling Resistant Nanocomposite Membranes in Jordan
Green nanoparticles as a biofouling resistant agent in reverse osmosis desalination...
Pilot Scale Testing of biofouling resistant nanocomposite membranes in Morocco
Research utlizing nanoparticles to reduce biofouling using silver ions....
Chlorine Dioxide as Disinfectant for Pretreatment in Seawater Desalination Plants
Discusses how to prevent chlorine dioxide residuals from passing from the pretreatment step to the reverse osmosis elements which would damange the membranes. Case studies are all seawater desalination plants....
Energy Reduction at a Municipal Water Plant in Florida using New RO/NF Membrane Technology
After 13 years of operation at Palm Beach County, FL, the nanofiltration elements were replaced with a hybrid nano/RO system that resulted in an energy savings of 30% while maintaining permeate quality....
Comparison between performance of reverse osmosis and nano-filtration membranes in the process of desalination of brackish water
Comparison of results using either nanofiltration or brackish elements on a brackish groundwater source. This was a bench scale study....
Design and Procurement of a 12 MGD Open Platform UF Membrane System
Replacement of media filters with an open platform UF system. Discusses specification preparation, procurement details and interchangability of UF modules for future replacements....
Critical Considerations for the Advancement of Non-Proprietary, Flexible, and Universal MF/UF Systems
Considerations that must be addressed when bidding an open platform UF system...
High recovery desalination with enhanced evaporation: Achieving ZLD sustainably
This paper evaluates the combination of enhanced recovery and evaporation processes for technical and economic feasibility, commenting on the advantages and disadvantages. The Zero Discharge Desalination (ZDD) process demonstrated in Alamogordo and the proposed Advanced Purified Water Treatment Plant (APWTP) at El Paso Water Utilities (EPWU) ) wil...
Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) Process Utilizes UF to Achieve 98.5% Recovery
An extended mixing zone was no longer permitted. City had to implement a ZLD system which also allows beneficial use of the residual solids....
Role of pre-RO (cartridge) filtration in MBR-RO Systems
Pilot study of an MBR/RO system studying the effectiveness of various pretreatment methods....
Effective use of stormflow management process + MBR to overcome previous MBR limitations....
Assessing Long-Term Performance of Membranes via Membrane Autopsy
Autopsy studies of MF/UF membranes to evaluate wear and tear and the possibility of integrity failures after long use....
Long-term Benefits Of Enhanced Biological Monitoring Strategies On Membrane Filtration Operations
Implementation of biological monitoring effectively reducing fouling and cleaning events which reduced cost and provided greater stability....
Aggregation of Superfine Carbon for Improved Filtration Performance
Examines the use of superfine powdered activated carbon particles as pretreatment....
A Novel Method to Produce a DNA-Templated Ceramic Nanofiltration Membrane
Ceramic membranes used for nanofiltration. Research studies on effectiveness on various contaminates. May lead to commercially viable ceramic nano element....
Considerations for the Design of Membrane Filtration Chemical Cleaning Systems
Minimizing the irreversible fouling of low pressure membranes requires cleaning regimes that typically consist of three different types of membrane cleans: Chemically Enhanced Backwash (CEB), Maintenance Cleans (MC), and ? Recovery Cleans (RC). This paper details three case studies on CIP system design and pilot study work to evaluate fouling and...
Planning, Design, CMAR Delivery, and One-Year Operation of An Integrated Membrane Surface Water Treatment Plant: City of Sugar Land?s Experience
Surface water treatment plant in Sugarland, TX to reduce dependence on groundwater resources. Use of an integrated membrane system to provide multiple barriers....
Evaluating Desalinated Water Blending Scenarios on Cement and Iron Based Materials in the Distribution Network
Study to determine impacts of permeate from two sources on distribution systems....
Optimization of subsurface intake designs for seawater desalination facilities
Subsurface intakes are increasingly used for raw water supply to seawater desalination facilities because of their reduced overall costs and environmental footprints. The technical challenge for using subsurface intakes lies primarily in finding the optimal, system-specific solution that provides the required volume of water and meeting water qua...
Big Data: Fully Realizing the Benefits of Pilot Testing in Design Development for the SAWS Brackish Groundwater Desalination Project
San Antonio Water System (SAWS) currently receives the majority of their drinking water from the Edwards Aquifer, but water levels are decreasing, resulting in limitations on water withdrawals imposed by regulatory agencies. To meet their water supply needs, SAWS is developing a proposed Brackish Groundwater Desalination (BGD) Program consisting o...
Innovative, Membrane-Based Treatment Method for Brines from Coal Seam Gas Production
This paper presents summary results of bench and factory testing of the MAX-RO process, used to develop a concept-level design for a full-scale brine volume reduction facility. Reducing brine volume through further treatment can significantly reduce the cost and legacy risks associated with long term brine storage. Working with one of the major CS...
Membrane Applications for Petrochemical and Oil Refining Facilities: An Update
This paper presents a history of membrane applications in petroleum processing facilities and updates the list of reported worldwide membrane installations for effluent treatment and reuse. These installations include membrane bioreactors (MBR), tertiary MF/UF, with or without RO. Several case studies described the impetus for reuse, water qualit...
The Application of Anoxic-Aerobic Membrane Bioreactor for Oil Sands Process-Affected Water (OSPW) Treatment
Study to investigate the feasability of the anoxic-aerobic membrane bioreactor on oil sands process-affected water....
Biofilm increases permeate quality in low pressure ultrafiltration due to carbon degradation
This study investigated the extent of fouling and concentration polarization due to Natural Organic Matter (NOM) of various compositions in the NF and UF membranes with molecular weight cut offs (MWCOs) ranging from 150 to 8,000 Da. NOM substances were represented by polysaccharide alginate and humic substances derived from Suwannee River (SRNOM). ...
NF-UF Range Membranes for Water Treatment - Fouling and Concentration Polarization due to NOM
Study to evaluate how biofilm helps to degrade or retain foulants for flux stabilization and improve permeate quality....
Mitigating Seawater Desalination RO Membrane Biofouling Using Quorum Sensing Inhibitors
Quorom sensing inhibitors regulate biofilm development in seawater RO systems....
Evaluation of the potential and performance of superhydrophobic multi-component nanofiber membranes for membrane distillation desalination
Study on how to develop and fabricate a commercially viable membrane distillation membranes using electrospinning....
Innovative thermal-membrane hybrid desalination system driven by solar energy
Innovative thermal/membrane hybrid desalination method is discussed. Use of solar power is also discussed....
Sweeping Gas Membrane Distillation: Numerical Simulations of mass and heat transfer through a Hollow Fiber Membrane Contactor
Bench scale experiments with hollow fiber sweeping gas membrane distillation. Relationship to remote systems using solar power is discussed....
Low Pressure Membrane Filtration: Where Have We Been and Where Are We Headed ?
As membrane filtration technology has matured, valuable lessons have been learned as to where it fits and where it doesn't. While treated water quality in terms of particle and microorganism removal is rarely compromised, some of the early claims made on sustainable membrane flux and manageable feed water quality in terms of turbidity and organics ...
Ordering From a New Menu: Navigating the Membrane System Selection Process with Newcomers to the US Market
Selection process of 5 low pressure membrane filtration system suppliers incorporating a decision modeling tool....
RO or OtheR? Is RO the ?Best? available technology for Groundwater Treatment?
This presentation provides an assessment of treatment technologies addressing inorganic contaminants and is based on several case studies completed in California, Utah, and Arizona. Six strategies for economical and effective groundwater treatment will be discussed based on pilot, desktop, and bench studies. These strategies include understanding ...
Emerging Desalination Technologies - An Update
This paper updates the current status of the new desalination technologies and provides comparison with respect to the principles of operation, source(s) of energy required, scalability to large scale applications, potential environmental impacts, footprint, operating parameters (such as recovery, treated water quality), and potential environmental...
Using Membrane Technology to Treat a unique combination of industrial and municipal Wastewater
Challenges of blending industrial and municipal wastewaters. Selection process is discussed as is operational performance data....
Water Reuse in Remote Work Camps
This paper discusses how remote work camps (semi-permanent accommodations located near resource exploration and extraction activities) are well suited for wastewater reuse and how to address the specific challenges that arise in this market. A case study is presented summarizing how wastewater reuse was implemented on a specific project and the im...
Improving Reverse Osmosis System Performance in Agricultural Applications
This is a case study on a hydroponic grower in California and explores challenges that growers face when incorporating RO systems into their operations. The study illustrates how a water treatment system can operate on two different feed waters and one reclaimed water source. It also shows how improvements allowed the site to run on all of them an...
Integrated Membrane Portfolio Key Role for Water Supply For Water District in Arid Southwest
The IRWD was a typical water agency in southern California, utilizing imported surface water supplies for potable water usage. As demands for water increased the District evaluated multiple, local water sources, resulting in the development, construction, and operation of five membrane technologies: DATS NF, CATS NF Plant, DP-PTP RO Plant, Desalter...
Efficient Removal of Heavy Metals from Industrial Wastewater by UF
Pilot trials of silicon carbide ceramic membranes to assess the reliability of these membranes for scrubber water over long periods of time with a consistently high permeate quality....
Properties governing organic pollutant transport through IEM in ED desalination of complex waste streams
Electrodialysis (ED) electrical driven membrane processes can be used to separate or concentrate low level organic pollutants with high inorganic salt content and organic material content. The feed can be industrial waste waters for treatment of food materials. The phenomena governing transport of trace organics through ion exhange membranes and me...
Start Up of a New Membrane Water Treatment Plant: Challenges and Lessons Learned
This presentation addresses the challenges encountered while building a facility of this size in a cold weather climate in the Rocky Mountains of Montana. The focus will be on the start-up of the facility between ?construction complete? and substantial completion. Specific details of what worked and what didn?t work will be addressed as well as les...
The Commissioning of a 10 MGD Membrane Filtration Plant - Key Aspects of Functional and Performance Testing
This paper provides an in depth case study on the functional and performance testing requirements and the commissioning of a 10 MGD surface water "green field" water treatment facility. This includes coordinating the water treatment system project with the construction of a new dam/reservoir and a pipeline, all of which were integrated to delive...
Regulation of Municipal Concentrate Management Alternatives
Within the past couple of years several research projects were undertaken to examine the specifics of concentrate management (CM) regulations. The projects are a result of the growing challenges in finding and implementing suitable concentrate management solutions to municipal desalination facilities. The paper describes the projects and highlight...
Concentrate Management and NDPDES Permitting For Inland Brackish Water Desalination Utilizing A River Shared By Multiple States
City of Fargo North Dakota has a surface water reverse osmosis system (RO) which requires brine concentrate discharge management back to a river that meets NPDES permit requirements. Contaminants of concerns are sulfates and heavy metals. Model simulations performed to determine proper mixing zone....
Development and Application of a Highly Reliable Silica Scaling Prediction Model for Use in Industrial Reuse RO/NF Applications with Complex Feed Waters
This paper describes a new silica scale prediction model and emphasizes the importance of considering cation species and concentrations in any membrane scaling projection. Two case studies are presented, each of which had been used to validate the new silica scaling model and the silica kinetics index....
Organic Micro-pollutants Removal in Nanofiltration Membrane Bioreactor
This presentation outlines the use of Nanofiltration to enhance the retention time of OMPs in a Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) and the overall removal via biodegradation as well as through direct rejection, especially for moderately biodegradable and refractory compounds. Although better performance was achieved with SBR-NF than SBR alone, it woul...
Sustainability through Membrane System Optimization in a Beverage Facility
This paper offers a case study on a California beverage facility that set a goal to reduce their water consumption by 20%. In order to achieve that target and still meet their production goals, plant engineers, operators, consultants and members of the newly implemented sustainability committee convened and focused on the reverse osmosis (RO) syste...
Reduction of high BOD and nutrient loading from fruit and vegetable wastewater with membrane bioreactor (MBR)
Membrane bioreactors (MBR) is used to reduce high BOD organics from industrial food waste streams for discharge to a municipal sewer system. Organic reduction is monitored using COD, BOD, TSS, TKN, TN and PO4-P. The waste was fruit and vegatables such as potatioes, carrots, apples, onions, lettuce, beets, and bananas....
Performance of an integrated granular media - ultrafiltration membrane process for drinking water treatment
This paper presents a novel approach to reducing the problem of ultrafiltration (UF) membrane fouling. It specifically considers the application of coagulation/sedimentation pre-treatment prior to UF for drinking water supply. In typical situations, the water post pre-treatment contains un-settled microflocs and microrganisms which are major contr...
Optimization of Conventional Surface Water Treatment for Hollow-Fiber Ultrafiltration
Surface water fed ultrafiltration (UF) membrane backwash water is frequently recycled back to the front of the system to improve system recovery. The impact of recycled membrane backwash water is addressed and how to mitigate fouling of the UF....
Impact of Clarification Step On Ultrafiltration Fouling in Drinking Water Treatment Plant
The objectives of the study were to understand the role and impact of different reagents including Powder Activated Carbon (PAC), iron chloride, and anionic polymer used in a large DWTP on Ultrafiltration (UF) membrane fouling. Experiments were conducted at laboratory scale with new UF membranes and at a semi-industrial scale with used membranes. E...
Membrane Upgrades to Address Aging Water Treatment Infrastructure Challenges in a Small System
Deteriorating water treatment infrastructure and high levels of organics in the raw water created challenges for the Village of Hines Creek in satisfying ESRD?s more stringent treated water quality standards. An assessment of the facility identified major process components that needed upgrades including pre-treatment/sedimentation, filtration, and...
The RO Retrofit: Making Things Right
This paper details two retrofit case studies for systems located in the City of Toluca and the City of Macomb, Illinois, USA. A reverse osmosis system process or design retrofit is a truly viable option for municipalities that own and operate systems that are no longer performing as promised or as designed. Retrofits can offer very satisfying retur...
Replacing 8.5-inch Diameter Membranes to Save Energy - The City of Vero Beach RO WTF
The City of Vero Beach and Reiss Engineering replaced 10-year old 8.5 inch diameter membranes in an existing 2 MGD reverse osmosis skid with more efficient modern elements in order to save energy while maintaining the same rejection performance. This article presents the steps taken to evaluate and select a replacement membrane and the associated b...
Oxford MBR Membrane Longevity: How Many More Years?
A portion of the London Ontario Oxford Pollution control plant was retrofited from conventional activated sludge to a membrane bioreactor (MBR) plant. Key operating and design factors for membrane life are variations in feed flows and fluxes. Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS) have practical limits to maintain membrane life....
Fast Forward to Compliance: Multipurpose Membranes
Woodstock Virginia wastewater treatment plant expanded operations using membrane bioreactors (MBR). O&M costs and construction issues are addressed....
Membrane Protection: Grinders, to Coarse, Fine, & Ultra Fine Screens Why? How Fine is Fine Enough? The Do's & Don?ts
This presentation illustrates the benefits realized from coarse and fine screening for both conventional and membrane facilities. It outlines the pros and cons of screen types and models, and the screening panels, drives, and seals that provide positive and negative features of each as it pertains to capture efficiencies, maintenance, and space r...
The Impact of pH on Inhibitor Form and Performance in Laboratory Evaluations and Field Applications
Scale inhibitor modeling is addressed and level of active speciation of the inhibitor. pH and ionic strength are major factors in scale inhibitor effectiveness and dosing requirements....
Remineralization: A Review of Current Technologies with an Outlook for the Future
Desal permeate and naturally soft water are low in pH and mineral content and buffer capacity. As a result, these waters are considered unstable, aggressive to metals, and can be detrimental to personal health. The re-introduction of minerals, or remineralization, is an essential post-treatment process that makes the water suitable for discharge in...
Surface water nanofiltration: comparison of the performances of two nanofiltration membranes with two antiscalants
This study compares the performance of two nanofiltration (NF) membranes and two antiscalants injected upstream of the NF system. The pilot unit is installed at the Choisy-le-Roi drinking water treatment plant (DWTP) located in the suburbs of Paris, France on behalf of the Syndicat des Eaux d?Ile de- France (SEDIF). This DWTP treats river water un...
Performance Qualification of MF/UF Membranes by Adopting Standardized Systems and Operating Procedures
This paper presents a comparative performance evaluation of five different MF/UF hollow fiber membranes deployed as pre-treatment for RO systems in seawater desalination applications. Applying standard operating procedure, performance of the five membrane minimodules in terms of permeability and SDI were evaluated and compared. The study demonstra...
Is it Too Good to be True? How about the Risk, The Experience and the Cost?: A Review of New Developments in the Low- Pressure Membrane Industry
Polymer hollow fiber MF and UF manufacturers and OEMs are reviewed. System costs are reviewed. Benefits of proprietary versus interchangeable system designs....
Implementing an Integrated Membrane System For CRWC - Headingley WTP
Cartier Regional Water Headingly WTP in Canada makes potable water from a river surface water source using ultrafiltration (UF) and reverse osmosis (RO). This is an Integrated Membrane System (IMS). Removal of Natural Organic Matter (NOM) is important for taste and oder control....
Using Thin Film Nanocomposite (TFN) Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis Membranes to Provide Greater Confidence for NDMA Removal
A thin film nanocomposite reverse osmosis membrane has reported improved rejection for nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) versus conventional thin film composite polyamide reverse osmosis. Lab tests indicate NDMA was removed at rates of 45-70%....
Removal of Fluorides, Arsenic and Nitrates from Groundwater: Technology Selection
An engineering study was conducted comparing reverse osmosis and activated aluminum filters for most cost effective removal of fluoride, arsenic and nitrates from a City of Goodyear Arizona well source. Activated alumina removed fluoride and arsenic while RO removed both of these and nitrate. RO concentrate may be disposed by solar evaporation....
Forward Osmosis for Brine Concentration in Industrial Applications
Forward osmosis is a technology which uses a customized reverse osmosis membrane and a draw solution for desalination. It becomes viable when conventional reverse osmosis is limited by a high salinity brine which creates high pressure limitations of that technology. This is an intermediate technolgy for Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) and is less ene...
Pilot Testing of SAT, NF, O3, BAC for Potable Reuse for Inland Applications
The City of Tucson AZ are planning for potable reuse using a municipal secondary wastewater effluent. The technologies piloted were Soil Aquifer Pretreatment (SAT), nanofiltration (NF), ozonation, Biological Activated Carbon (BAC) and Granular Activated Carbon (GAC). The system goal is reduction of permeate TDS to less than 500 mg/l, reduction of T...
Sodium Chloride Removal
The conventional approach to desalting brackish waters is to use reverse osmosis (RO) with a blend stream to achieve a desired target water quality. Sulfuric acid is typically dosed in the feed along with an antiscalant to prevent fouling from sulfate salts, calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate and silica. Caustic or lime is added to the blended pr...
Virus Removal Capabilities of an MBR System in a Full-Scale Water Reclamation Facility
The paper portion of this file discusses a pilot ceramic membrane at El Toro CA Water Recycling Plant. The PowerPoint portion of this file discusses the virus removal capability of a polymer based MBR water reclamaion system at City of Henderson NV which uses a municipal wasterwater source....
Sulfuric Acid Pretreatment Elimination Reduces OPEX for City of Palm Coast?s Membrane Softening Plant
Eliminating sulfuric acid injection in the NF feed at the City of Palm Coast site improved cartridge filter run times and led to a significant reduction in chemical consumption. The total annual savings in operation costs were estimated to be approximately $145,000. A laboratory analysis performed for this study indicated that the foulant matrix co...
Groundwater Replenishment Performance and Operations Lessons Learned During Clearwater?s One Year Pilot
This paper outlines issues that affected the operations of the groundwater replenishment treatment train at the City of Clearwater and the lessens learned that were later incorporated into the full-scale design of the Groundwater Replenishment water purification and aquifer recharge systems. In the next several years, multiple Florida utilities are...
Case Study - Plantation East and Central Water Treatment Plants Scale Inhibitor Pilot Testing
Pilot testing of several scale inhibitors was conducted at the EWTP to determine suitability of these products with the existing water supply, treatment process recovery and new membrane elements. Initial testing of the latest scale inhibitor was conducted to provide a baseline membrane fouling rate for comparison to other inhibitors. Overall pil...
Comparative Capiltal Costs for Ceramic and Polymeric Membranes
Ceramic Microfiltration (MF) membranes are compared cost wise to polymer based MF and ultratfiltration (UF). Present Worth Cost of 20-years show comparable long term costs. Ceramic membranes are said to be more robust, have higher pressure ratings, and chemical resistance when compared to polymer membranes....
What is the Real Total Cost of Ownership of a Low-Pressure Membrane Plant for Drinking Water Production? Comparing 3 Materials: PVDF, PES and CTA
A comparison of Ultrafiltration (UF) and Microfiltration (MF) full scale plants in operation greater than 6 years are evaluated for membranes made with PVDF, PES and CTA. Market share, capital cost and operating costs are reviewed. Conclusions are drawn on best membranes for capital cost and operating cost....
Debugging the Plant - Managing Reverse Osmosis Biofouling at a Groundwater Treatment Plant
The Arcadia Water Treatment Plant treats local groundwater to provide up to 10 MGD of treated water as part of the City of Santa Monica?s drinking water supply. The plant removes iron and manganese, and then treats a portion of the water with reverse osmosis as a softening process to achieve desired levels of hardness. Shortly following commissioni...
Evaluation of cartridge filter performance: Are cartridge filters effective for SWRO desalination plants
Cartridge filter performance at Seawater Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) plants were studied at both open-ocean intake and well intake feed. The well intake showed no improvement in feed for NOM, bacteria and algae concentrations but did see an increase in bacteria concentrations. The open-ocean intake showed a reduction in biopolymer, bacteria, and algae c...
Biodegredation of Selected Emerging Organic Micro-pollutants in a Pre-anoxic Membrane Bioreactor
Membrane bioreactors (MBR) is used to tream municipal wastewater. The MBR had good removal rates for substrate and nutrients, COD, NH3-N, emerging organic micro-pollutants. MBR in this study was sequencing anoxic/anaaerobic reactor with an immersed polymer flat-sheet MF membrane....
Contaminants of Emerging Concern in RO Brine Concentrate from Indirect/Direct Reuse Applications
Findings show that dozens of CECs are present in brine concentrates of reuse reverse osmosis (RO) streams. CECs include hormones, steroids, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and personal care products. Treatment methods for the removal of CECs are reviewed....
Evaluation of Hollow-fiber and Spiral-wound Membranes for Sulfate and TOC Control for an Aerated Groundwater
This study investigated the treatment of an aerated groundwater using membrane technology. The raw groundwater contained elevated levels of sulfate and natural organic matter (NOM) which often pose challenges to membrane systems. The study includes pilot testing results of hollow-fiber and nanofiltration membranes designed to offer NF removal prope...
A Nanofiltration of Membrane for the Removal of Color and Disinfection byproducts
Inverness CA has a potable water issue with high levels of color and DBP from a surface water source. NF was able to reduce the color and DBP at low feed pressures and low energy costs. The NF membrane used can be sanitized with chlorine....
HAOPs Pretreatment to (Nearly) Eliminate UF Fouling by NOM
Pilot and lab tests were ran to prove effectiveness of HAOPs for removal of Natural Organic Matter (NOM) from surface waters. HAOP can be used as an adsobent in a precipitation method before MF (microlfiltration) or UF (ultrafiltration) or can be used as a coating on the membranes themselves. Effectiveness will be determined by improvement and stab...
Moving Fouling Away from Membrane: Microgranular Adsorptive Filtration and Fouling Isolation
Pilot and lab tests were ran to prove effectiveness of HAOPs for removal of Natural Organic Matter (NOM) from surface waters. HAOP can be used as an adsobent in a precipitation method before MF (microlfiltration) or UF (ultrafiltration) or can be used as a precoat on the membrane itself. varying water quality and operational factors like pH and ion...
Membrane Facility Operations and Expansion - Transitions to Accommodate a Utility?s Needs
Pretreatment at a City of Fort Worth TX water treatment plant to a low pressure hollow fiber membrane system used ozone, clarification, and biological anthracite filters. Design, planning and operations are discussed....
Side-By-Side UF Membrane Comparison and Retrofit of a 3 MGD System
A retrofit was performed at a Northeast Alabama UF facility after 6 years of operation with PVDF UF replacing polysulfone UF. Improved operations were observed in more sustainable flux and lower average transmembrane pressures (TMP)....
Submerged Membrane to Replace Media Filters to Increase Capacity 4X for a Small Community
An upgrade for a conventional municipal surface water treatment plant using a submerged UF was used to increase plant capacity by 4X with same sized footprint. Pretreatment includes alum or ACH for TOC removal, potassium permanganate for iron and manganese and taste and oder control, powdered activated carbon (PAC), and 5 minute flocculation tank r...
Reducing The Operating Costs of Brackish Water Systems Through Seasonal Optimization
This paper specifically discusses the success of implementing seasonal pretreatment adjustments by experienced operators with primary feedwater sources originating from the Bull Run Watershed in the Pacific Northwest, USA. Through careful monitoring of water parameters and the meticulous collection and review of normalized data, the Bull Run Waters...
Steep Learning Curve Balls: Operating a Two Decade Old Nanofiltration Plant Using a New and Open Minded Approach
The operations group of Clifton Water District Colorado reports on 20 years of operation of a NF plant with an upgrade to low pressure RO. Feed source is Colorado River water and pretreatment includes dual media filters, cartridge filters, sodium metabisulfite and antiscalant. Trending and graphing operating data and improved cleaning improved oper...
Ceramic microfiltration for treating secondary wastewater effluent: influence of pre-treatment on the operational performance
The use of ceramic MF was evaluated for a secondary wastewater effluent was done with no oxidant, chlorine and ozone as pretreatment and with in-line coagulation. Coagulation was required for effective control of organic fouling of the membrane. Ozone with coagulant was effective for operations but ozone cost could be prohibitive....
Water Quality Evaluation at Big Spring, Texas
A municipal water district in Texas is purifying municipal wastewater effluent as a raw water supply for drinking water purposes. The process is MF, RO and AOP which uses both ozone and hydrogen peroxide. This project is the first USA direct potable reuse (DPR) system....
The Case for Removing Post-Disinfection from MBR Treatment
This paper shares data collected over five years from more than 10 MBR facilities in North America, Europe and Australia to offer a benchmark of the long term ability of full scale MBR installations to provide high levels of microbial removal. The facilities that were sampled all used ZeeWeed UF membranes, selected to include varying membrane ages,...
Source Water Control Strategies to Ensure Treatment Reliability at Orange County Water District's Groundwater Replenishment System
Orange County Water District's (OCWD) Advanced Water Purification Facility (AWPF) treats secondary municipal wastewater effluent using MF, RO, and ultraviolet (UV) and hydrogen peroxide in an Advance Oxidation Process (AOP). Source water variations can impact performance and reliability by operation of secondary biological treatment trains and by ...
An Investigation of Low Biofouling Copper-charged Membranes for Microbial and Algal Control
Research a procedure of charging membrane surfaces with copper (Cu?ý) to control biofouling. Characterize the the copper-charged membranes chemically, structerly and morphologically. Investigating copper leaching and biofilm formation. Experiments illustrated successful chelation of copper to cellulose acetate sheet membrane and a significant r...
Selecting Optimal Well Designs for Membrane Systems
Discussion in detail of various well-based intakes for membrane systems. Comparing the advantages, limitations, complexities and cost for various types of well intake options versus open water systems. Case histories for more the complex Angle, Radial Collector and Horizontal or Infiltration Gallery designs. Vertical wells are the simplest but re...
Chlorine Dioxide Solution Eliminates Biofouling without Damage to Membranes
Availablity of a stable, chlorine free chlorine dioxide (ClO2) shipped as ready to use 3000 ppm solution in ultra pure water is finding use as a disinfectant without damage to membranes. Where most biocides will not penetrate biofilms, ClO2 exist as a non-ionic dissolved gas that penetrates and destroys biofilm. It permeates membranes disinfectin...
Development of High Performance Pressure Retarded Osmosis Membrane and Spiral Wound PRO Module
Discussion of developing membranes to reduce energy required by employing innovative technologies such as pressure retarded osmosis (PRO) as part of a hybrid process with traditional RO....
A Surfactant-Based Novel Draw Solution for Forward Osmosis Process
Research a new FO draw solution of EDTA-2Na combined with a nonionic surfactant (Triton X-100) to reach zero salt reverse sault diffusion. Assess the efficiency of FO performance with various EDTA-2Na concentrations and various Triton X-100 concentrations. Recovery of diluted draw solution using nanofiltration (NF)....
Zeolite-embedded Polyelectrolyte Composite Membrane with Enhanced Performance for Forward Osmosis
This paper describes a layer-by-layer (LbL) method to sandwich Linde type A (LTA) zeolite nanoparticles between two polyelectrolytes, polyacrylic acid (PAA) and polyethylenimine (PEI), on a polyacrylonitrile (PAN) support layer. The purpose of this LbL method is to make a Forward Osmosis (FO) membrane with high zeolite loading. This paper presents ...
Treatment Trifecta: West Basin Wins Big with Ozone, Coagulation, & PVDF Membranes
West Basin Municipal Water District (West Basin) is known as an early adopter of membrane technologies for both industrial and potable reuse. West Basin has experienced severe fouling of its MF membrane in recent years as a result of feed water quality changes, aging infrastructure, and obsolete treatment technologies. In response to years of deter...
Coagulation Optimization: Pilot-Scale Analysis of UF Fouling and DBP Formation
The most widely applied pre-treatment to UF is coagulation, often to aggregate fractions of organic matter that cause fouling or those fractions that form disinfection by-products (DBPs) upon chlorination. Recent bench-scale studies have indicated that a low dose of coagulant (< 1 mg/L) is effective at reducing membrane fouling when considering sev...
Pilot-Scale Assessment of Pretreatment Alternatives for Enhancing a Conventional-Ultrafiltration Surface Water Plant
County of Maui Dept. of Water Supply with the Water Research Fouundation and the University of Central Fla. in project #4477 investigate pretreatment options at the Olinda WTP for controlling UF membrane fouling and examine impacts to the formation of disinfection byproducts (DBP). The research evaluated Magnetic Ion Exchange (MIEX?), GAC Adsorpti...
Modular Axial Piston Pumps Bring Efficiencies
Life cycle cost analysis and application review of water lubricated Axiel Piston (AP) positive displacement pumps vs. centrifugal (turbine) pumps with energy recovery devise (EDR) in SWRO systems....
Energy Consumption Optimization of a Small Scale PV-RO for Remote Rural Areas
In this paper, energy consumption optimization for Brackish Water RO (BWRO) systems in small, remote, rural communities is investigated. The key control factors for minimizing BWRO energy consumption include pressure, temperature, operating conditions, feed concentrations, and membrane type. The effect of each of these control factors on energy con...
Energy Recovery in Desalination
Based on over pumping, saltwater intrusion, or contamination from nutrient loading, studies are indicating that aquifers in these states are being taxed to unsustainable levels. Utilities then must find new treatment methods or alternative sources of water such as brackish or seawater. The public perception that Desalination is expensive though is ...
Optimizing Reverse Osmosis Pretreatment Chemicals in Orange County?s Groundwater Replenishment System
Report on optimizing RO pretreatment chemicals at Orange County Water District's (OCWD) 100 mgd Ground Water Replenishment System (GWRS); an advanced wastewater purification facility in Southern California. The source water to this facility is secondary municipal wastewater from the Orange County Sanitation District. The GWRS consist of major treat...
Overcoming Obstacles to Create an Emergency Water Supply in California?s Water Crisis
Saga of the Cambria Community Service District starting in 1987 to develop a seawater desalination system stymied by the California Coastal Commission was abandon after a tumultuous period of opposition from vocal community groups and regulatory agencies due to enviornmental concerns. Modifications resulted in an Advance Water Treatment Project (A...
Performance Testing of the Silicon Valley Advanced Water Purification Center?s 8 MGD Integrated Membrane System to Expand Reuse and Reliability
The Santa Clara Water District with the City of San Jose, CA commissioned the Silicon Valley Advanced Water Purification Center (SVAWPC). The state of the art facility treats secondary effluent from using an intergrated membrane system (IMS) consisting of mictofiltration (MF), reverse osmosis (RO), followed by ultra violet (UV) disinfection. Paper...
Cost-Effective Operations: The Tale of The City of Lodi
During the first year of operation, the City of Lodi and its consultant reviewed options to reduce operation and maintenance (O&M) costs. Two major opportunities were identified that could be realized without affecting the permit requirements and the membrane warranty. These included unmanned operations and reduced chemical consumption (wash water...
Direct Ultrafiltration as a feasible technology for drinking water production: Three Case Studies in Brazil
Paper presents results of 3 pilot studies demonstrating ultrafiltration (UF) as a feasible technology alternative to conventional coagulation/filtration for treating surface water for potable use. All three case studies involve existing plants in S?o Paulo State Brazil. Case 1: Alto Cotia water from Gra?a Reservoir - color, haloacetic aci and TOC t...
Operation Case Study of Tropical Island Ultrafiltration Plant
The Guam Water Authority owns and operates the Ugum WTP located on the southeast portion of the Island of Guam treating water from the Ugum River. The paper discusses upgrading from a conventional coagulation/flocculation, sedimentation, granular media filtration with chlorine disinfection to incorporating submerged UF membrane to replace the medi...
Multi-City Collaborative Membrane Filtration Pilot Study: Past Outcomes and Present Benefits
A collaborative pilot study provided eleven months of pilot testing data on four membrane vendors at a fraction of the cost to each utility of an independent study. Engineers and municipalities seeking to reduce pilot study costs while increasing testing scope may consider evaluating opportunities for multi-city collaboration. Following completion ...
Energy Recovery Case Studies For Brackish Water Membrane Treatment Systems
The use of inter-stage boost on brackish reverse osmosis (RO) membrane treatment systems is not only a green approach to reducing operating costs and saving money, but can restore and even increase treatment capacity utilizing existing equipment. This paper discusses implementation of energy saving devices to provide practical solutions to increasi...
Feasible and Cost Effective MBR Applications - An Engineers Experience
This paper presents three projects that have been implemented in Ohio with the MBR activated sludge technology. It includes one plant that is the largest constructed in North American and one of the first in Ohio using BNR treatment to achieve total nitrogen limits. The presentation provides the plant design criteria, process operation, control, f...
Fighting permeability loss with a revised recovery cleaning schedule
This paper analyses the impact of a revised cleaning schedule based on the permeability of the membranes and the financial impact of increased chemical usage. A side-by-side comparison was conducted on the trains using the original cleaning schedule versus a revised schedule. The process data showed that if the plant had continued following a norm...
10 Years of Lessons Learned at the Lakeview WTP
This paper shares ten years of lessons learned and the value of integrating system design and project delivery approaches for the OBM2 treatment expansion to maximize the value delivered to the client. It details the contracting approaches used to maximize cash flow and assign risk commensurate to capabilities, procurement practices to maximize qu...
Everything is Bigger in Texas: Implementation of the Country?s Largest High Recovery Inland Brackish Groundwater Desalination Facility
This presentation provides insight on the San Antonio Water System (SAWS) project including facility planning and programming considerations, as well as a review of the proposed treatment process design. It includes information on the source water quality and proposed pretreatment and the unique approach proposed for the 3-stage RO treatment proce...
Update on the Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project
In response to mandated reductions in historical supply sources, California American Water is poised to implement the Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project (MPWSP) as a sustainable replacement water supply solution on the Monterey Peninsula. The combination of desalination, aquifer storage and recovery, and (possibly) groundwater replenishment pr...
A new membrane aerated biofilm reactor (MABR) for wastewater treatment
A new hybrid Membrane-Aerated Biofilm Reactor (MABR) can be a critical component of an energy-neutral wastewater treatment flowsheet. The MABR process offers the benefits of biofilm reactors while efficiently transferring oxygen with low energy input. The oxygen transfer capabilities of the new MABR product were determined using clean water re-aera...
Universal MF/UF System Design Implemented in A Full Scale Wastewater Reuse Plant
It's expected that MF/UF system design will continue to move towards standardization as previously observed in the RO membrane industry. A universal skid design would be a significant advancement to the low pressure market, fostering end user confidence and increasing the overall potential for system sales. The first of its kind universal MF/UF ...
Results of Two Bench-Scale Membrane Bioreactor Experiments Used to Treat Shipboard Gray Water
Results of 2 bench-scale membrane bioreactor (MBR) experiments designed, constructed and operated at the U.S. Coast Card Academy to treat shipboard gray water. Paper includes review of literature, national and international regulations addressing discharge of waste water into the sea. It discusses shipboard gray water composition, generation and p...
Obtaining Very Low Nutrient Levels Using a Batch MBR With Minimal Chemical Addition
Paper evaluates two years of data from the upgraded Shepherdstown WWTP located on the eastern-most tip of West Virginia that discharges into the Patomac River. The plant uses a special type of membrane bioreactor (MBR) operated in a batch mode, to achieve very low effluent nutrient levels with less carbon and coagulant addition than standard MBRs. ...