Membrane Technology Conference, San Antonio, TX, 02/02/16
Matches: 140
Concentrate Management: Case Studies in Best Practices
This paper will present current concentrate management practices for select desalination facilities throughout the world. Benefits and drawbacks of each strategy will be discussed. This paper will also present numerous factors that should be considered when evaluating concentrate management strategies for a new desalination facility...
Considering the World's First ASR for RO Concentrate Management
This paper will discuss the findings of the ASR feasibility study for the City of Marysville, OH and will outline the approach that the City will take on its new water treatment plant and concentrate management...
Removal of Pharmaceutical Active Compounds from Drinking Water Using Nanofiltration Technology: Comparative Study of different membranes
This paper describes the removal of pharmaceutical active Compounds from drinking water using different nanofiltration membranes in a comparative study....
Comparison of NF/RO Permeate Quality on UV-AOP Performance in a Direct Potable Reuse Application
This paper discusses the pilot test results at El Paso, TX and the degree to which each NF/RO permeate stream affects UV-AOP performance, as well as the influence of this performance on NF/RO membrane selection for the full-scale facility....
Investigating Nanofiltration Membrane Processes for Removing Trace Chemicals of Emerging Concern
This paper discusses the findings of experiments evaluating the rejection of compounds of emerging concern (CECs) via nanofiltration membranes. In addition a description of the Town of Jupiter NF facilities and pilot plant efforts are presented....
Produced Water Treatment in Queensland, Australia
This paper discusses the options in Queensland, Australia for treatment of the produced water fraction from the gas/groundwater separation for reuse....
Field Pilot Testing of a New Integrated Membrane System for EOR and Hydraulic Fracturing Produced Water Treatment
This paper describes details of the field pilot experience, highlighting the performance of an integrated membrane system toward production of consistent tertiary treated water quality. Details of the pilot test for enhanced oil recovery and hydraulic fracturing produced water treatment are presented....
MBR Evaluation for Texas Oil Refinery Wastewater Provides Promising Results
This paper presents the results of an evaluation performed at a confidential oil refinery on the Texas coast for the use of UF membrane technology in the wastewater treatment process....
The California Ocean Plan: Does it Eliminate the Development of Large-Capacity SWRO Plants in California
This paper disuses the California Ocean plan with respect to seawater desalination and the alternatives that may be impacted by the plan....
Using Seawater Desalination to Diversify California Water Supply
This paper examines a SWRO project in California and the key concerns of energy cost, source water supply and brine disposal. An innovative design using a new generation hybrid configuration of low pressure SWRO membranes and high boron rejection SWRO membranes is presented....
Database of Permitting Practices for Seawater Concentrate Disposal
This paper describes the recently completed ?Database of Permitting Practices for Seawater Desalination Concentrate,? a WateReuse Research Foundation project, which could benefit both the utility and regulatory communities in the United States, bringing clarity to the permitting process and issues associated with the construction of desalination p...
Alternative Determination of the QCRV from Challenge Test Results
This paper describes an evaluation of data using simple descriptive statistics and knowledge of the limitations of test methods to reach a logical decision and is applied to a specific aspect of membrane technology under the Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule . A case study is used to illustrate the approach in the determination of t...
Status of Potable Reuse in California: History, Regulations and Projects
This paper provides a historical perspective on how the groundwater recharge regulations have evolved and type of projects implemented over the time in California and highlight current status of Indirect Potable Reuses via surface water augmentation and direct potable reuse regulations....
Dealing with the Past, Managing the Present, and Planning for the Future
This paper will discuss the lessons learned by West Basin from 20 years of membrane application, discuss the current effort to catch up and implement several industry standards, and share how they plan for its future reliability and expansion....
Optimizing Membrane Versus Thermal Processes for Brine Minimization
This paper compares brine minimization processes and examines the level of brine reduction that can be achieved, the limiting factors for brine minimization using membrane systems, and the advantages and disadvantages, operability and the relative economics of both the membrane and thermal process alternatives. Strategies for minimizing the treatme...
Desalination Concentrate Disposal Injection Well Experiences in the USA and Caribbean
Broad Application of Cost-Effective ZLD Technology for Desalination Concentrate Management
This paper describes the broad application of cost-effective zero liquid discharge (ZLD) for desalination concentrate management. Costs, residual management, crystallizers, brine concentrators and more are discussed within the presentation....
Contaminants of Emerging Concern: Occurrence in Shallow Groundwater and Removal by Nanofiltration
The purpose of this paper is to present an overview on the current state of regulations regarding CECs with a specific emphasis on PPCPs. A literature review is provided on PPCPs in municipal wastewater and drinking water as well as the removal effectiveness of various treatment techniques. Results from the Town of Jupiter?s? on-going research ef...
Predicting of Trace Organics Removal by NF and RO Membranes in Reuse Applications
This paper includes a comparison of predicted rejection rates of trace organic contaminants by nanofiltration and low pressure reverse osmosis membranes using a qualitative predictive tool versus actual observed results for four membranes treating tertiary treated municipal wastewater....
Arsenic Removal Process for Drinking Water Production: Benefits of R-Sic Microfiltration Membranes
This paper describes research into the removal of arsenic from water using silicon carbide ceramic membranes and comparing the results to other membrane technology results. Benefits and advantages of SIC membranes are presented....
Hybrid Biofiltration and Integrated Membrane Systems for Treatment of Produced Water and Frac Flowback Wastewater
This study evaluates the performance of Ultrafiltration (UF) and Nanofiltration (NF) membranes following biologically active filtration (BAF) pretreatment of Piceance and Denver-Julesburg (DJ) basins produced water (PW) and frac flowback wastewaters....
Ceramic Membrane for Produced Water Treatment: Membrane Selection, Operational Performance Comparison and Cleaning Approaches
This paper describes the use of ceramic membrane for produced water treatment and discusses membrane selection, operational performance comparison and cleaning approaches...
Evaluation of NF Membrane Characteristics and Ionic Selection from Produced Water for IOR
This paper presents an evaluation of nanofiltration membranes for the ionic selection from produced water with an goal of reusing the water for oil recovery....
Direct Potable Reuse - Getting Operations Ready for the Next Bold Leap
This paper will present some the development of operation and maintenance plan and training and certification framework for Direct Potable Reuse Systems (DPR)...
The Fate of Desalination in Regional Water Planning in Texas
This paper presents the water development plan for the state of Texas and how desalination will play an important role in that effort....
San Antonio Desal Moving Full Speed Ahead: Construction of the Saws Brackish Groundwater Desalination Facility
This paper presents the effort of the San Antonio Water System to meet their water supply needs. SAWS has implemented a Brackish Groundwater Desalination Program consisting of a reverse osmosis (RO) treatment facility utilizing groundwater from the Wilcox Aquifer and moving forward in the construction of a facility....
Beneficial Reuse and Waste Minimization of Hexavalent Chrome Ion Exchange Brine
This PowerPoint presentation describes the beneficial reuse and water minimization of hexavalent chromium ion exchange brine....
Selective Removal of Sodium And Chloride? Mono-Valent Selective Ion Exchange Membrane for Desalination and Reuse Enhancement
This paper will provide a synopsis on technologies that are capable of selectively removing sodium and chloride ions along with experiments to examine newly development monovalent salt selective membrane elements....
Small System Challenges in Removing DBP Precursors
This paper describes the pilot work done at the Louisa County Water Authority into methods to reduce the disinfection by=product precursors ( DBP) and the final design of a nanofiltration system....
Case Studies of Reciprocating Submerged UF for Selenium Removal
This paper describes the design of a submerged UF/MF system, called LENA (Less Energy No aeration and utilizes a mechanical system to prevent membrane fouling.. This process can be applied to any submerged membrane systems combined with chemical precipitation or biological treatment systems. LENA UF/MF system is suitable for filtration where it is...
Validation of an Arsenic Rejection Model for RO/NF Membranes
This paper describes the development and validation of arsenic rejection computer using reverse osmosis ( RO) and/or nanofiltration(NF)....
Forward Osmosis for Treatment of O&G Exploration Wastewaters: Assessment of Membrane Performance and Process Sustainability
This paper describes work done to investigate Forward Osmosis for the treatment of Oil and Gas exploration wastewaters with an assessment of membrane performance and process sustainability...
Mine Wastewater Reclamation at Elevated Temperature
This paper describes the treatment of warm mine water with a newly developed membrane element to withstand higher temperatures and the pilot results....
Membrane Filtration for Targeted Contaminant Removal in Industrial Mining Applications
This paper gives a case study to highlight membranes in mining applications, with a discussion of process considerations including pretreatment chemistry and contaminant speciation. Equipment design concepts are also explored....
The Evolution of the Membrane Business in Water and Wastewater Treatment
This PowerPoint presentation describes the history of treatment of water and wastewater using different technologies and highlighting recent developments in membrane technology....
A Comprehensive Reference List Analysis of 30 Years of the Membrane Filtration Market in Water and Wastewater Applications
This PowerPoint gives an overview of the history of the membrane market with an emphasis on trends and a future outlook...
Role of Membrane Technology in Seawater Desalination: Past, Present, and Future
This PowerPoint examines the role of membranes in Seawater desalination both past, current and future...
Carlsbad Seawater Desalination Project - Road to Operation
This PowerPoint reviews the efforts to construct the Carlsbad Seawater Desalination plant with a detailed discussion of permitting and construction along with public approval....
What?s New in RO Membrane Cleaning? Micro-Bubbles And High Ionic Strength Effervescent Cleaners Enhance RO Membrane Foulant
This PowerPoint is in Spanish and discusses the fouling ,testing and cleaning of membrane elements and is entitled INNOVACIONES EN LIMPIEZA DE MEMBRANAS or Innovations in Membrane Cleaning....
Case Study: Results of Ultrafiltration Compared to Conventional Pre-Treatment
This PowerPoint presents a case study in the Atacama Desert that compares conventional pretreatment to ultrafiltration for a Sea Water Reverse Osmosis system....
Feasibility analysis of energy recovery devices (ERD) for low TDS membrane applications
This PowerPoint give a comparison of energy recovery options for the treatment of low tds water and presents a few case histories....
Technologies for Wastewater Treatment
This PowerPoint is in Spanish and recovery of wastewater effluents and is entitled Implementation de technology's sosteibles para la Recuperacio'n y potabilization de efluentes residuales or Implementation of sustainable technologies and stabilixation of recovery wastewater effluents...
Hybrid Membrane Filtration-UV Disinfection Process with Photocatalytic Membranes
The focus of this paper is on the preparation of photocatalytic coatings to fabricate photocatalytic membrane suitable for application in a hybrid UV-MF process to minimize or eliminate DBPs formation and control fouling. Combining UV and microfiltration into a single hybrid technology may mitigate drawback of each of the constituent processes. The...
Pressure Retarded Osmosis as Energy Recovery for Reverse Osmosis Desalination: Module-Scale Modeling & Specific Energy
This paper discusses modeling of pressure retarded osmosis as energy recovery for reverse osmosis desalination. The analysis reported in this paper reflects the current state of PRO membrane technology...
Assisted Reverse Electrodialysis: A Novel Technique To Decrease Reverse Osmosis Energy Demand
This paper discusses Assisted reverse electrodialysis (ARED) as a pre-desalination technique for seawater reverse osmosis (RO) for drinking water production. ARED is comparable to an additional applied pressure along the osmotic pressure in pressure assisted osmosis; a small voltage is applied in the same direction as the open cell voltage to incr...
Electrodialysis Reversal (EDR) Treatment at Fort Irwin
This paper will provide an overview of the EDR process and describe the initial steps of startup of the system at the Irwin Water Works at Fort Erwin.High recovery rates and zero liquid discharge are some of the goals of the project....
1 + 1 = 3: How to Squeeze the Most out of Your Membrane System
This paper will present efforts at the City of Clearwater, FL to increase overall production of water by process performance studies and the approach to the design of the expansion. Challenges encountered and overcome throughout the course of this project, lessons learned, and select full-scale operating data will also be presented. Arsenic adsorp...
Expansion of the Kay Bailey Hutchison Desalination Plant
This paper will describe the history and start up of the Kay Bailey Hutchinson Desalination plant in El Paso Texas and the efforts for expansion of the facility....
Groundwater Replenishment Project: Clearwater's Preliminary Design of the First Full Advanced Treatment IPR in Florida
This paper describes the investigation at the City of Clearwater Flirodia that has allowed them to move forward with a full scale design of a full advanced treatment Indirect Potable Reuse facility. Pilot testing and design of a 3 MGD plant are presented with some discussion about permitting and training of staff....
Evaluation of Ceramic MBR Technology for Water Reuse
This paper presents membrane operational and water quality performance data collected over a 30 day reporting period using Meiden Ceramic Flat Sheet (CFM . MBR is ongoing at the City of Escondido?s Hale Avenue Resource Recovery Facility (HARRF) located in Escondido, California. The primary goal of the testing is to demonstrate the CFM membrane can ...
Beenyup Advanced Water Recycling Plant: The Perth, Australia Groundwater Replenishment Scheme
This paper presents the Water Corporation of Western Australia's strategy includes the construction and operation of the Beenyup Advanced Water Recycling Plant, which will transform wastewater effluent into recycled water meeting all drinking water related standards and guidelines. The facility is planned to start up in 2022 with advanced water t...
Membrane Cleaning : From Theory to Practice
This paper presents several case studies to illustrate the complexity of low pressure membrane fouling in real world applications. By correlating the recovery in membrane permeability to specific cleaning step, as well as the quantity of contaminants on the membrane surfaces, the cause for fouling could be elucidated and the most effective cleanin...
Evaluation of MF/UF Chemical Cleaning Strategies in Direct Potable Reuse Applications
This paper will discuss the results of this testing and cleaning of microfiltration and ultrafiltration membranes used for potable reuse. Emphasis will be on optimal Clean in place strategies and piloting was done at the Roberto R. Bustamante Wastewater Treatment Plant in El Paso Texas in anticipation of the new Advanced Water Purification Facility...
Novel Backwash Procedure of Multibore? Membranes Using Backshock
The paper presents the general functioning and efficiency of the backshock with Multibore?ultrafiltration membranes which allows operation at higher flux and recovery rates. In addition, data from a pilot unit operated on two different types of water examines the mechanical strength due to the backshock on the membranes. Efforts to optimize and...
Interchangeable MF/UF: Lessons from the Most Recent North American Projects in Operation and in Design
This paper provides an overview of the current status on the Interchangeable, Flexible, Universal or Open-platform MF/UF systems. Cost competitiveness, adoption into projects specifications through the eyes of the first projects built, and the extension to piloting requirements are explored over the last 18 months....
West Basin?s Universal Membrane System - Pressurized PVDF Performance Pilot Program Particulars
This paper discusses efforts at West Basin to review specifications for some the latest generation of pressurized MF/UF modules and interchangeable formats for possible use in the future. Pilot plant data is presented. They found that there is a substantial level of consistency among PVDF current product...
Implementing Universal UF Systems - Separating Truth From Fiction
This paper looks at four separate membrane filtration facilities where universal or semi-universal membrane skids have been incorporated, comparing design approaches, contracting approaches and plant operation with comparable facilities using proprietary membrane filtration systems. The paper also discusses the impact on construction at one facilit...
Water Flux and Ion Rejection by Imogolite Nanotubes Incorporated Polymeric Membranes Operated in Thermally Driven Desalination
This paper describes a project that evaluated the physical and surface chemical properties of nanocomposite polymeric films containing imogolite nanotube. Research aimed at characterizing and quantifying the influence of nanotubes dispersion and alignment on the mass transport of water through nanocomposite membranes is presented...
Cation Exchange in Forward Osmosis: Study of pH Effects and Alternative Selective Layers to Mitigate it
This paper discusses research aimed at reducing cation exchange in Forward osmosis membranes. The effect of pH and modifying the FO membrane are reported....
Evaluation of NF Membrane Characteristics for Production of Designer Water from Seawater
The paper discusses the technical limitations for smart water production for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) using seawater as feed for membranes. Three options to dilute the retentate were evaluated; i.e., combinations of NF and RO, MSFD and fresh water. A combination of NF and RO was suggested as the most feasible process.. Performance of the membran...
Supplementing High TDS Surface Water with Brackish Groundwater RO Treatment
This paper describes the design of an 8 MGD reverse osmosis treatment plant in the City of Punta Gorda Florida to meet current and projected demands through 2036 and beyond. The source water from the ROWTP will be groundwater from the Floridan Aquifer. The design of the new facilities at the Shell Creek WTP will provide customers with higher qualit...
Process Control Strategies for the SAWS Brackish Groundwater Desalination Project's Enhanced Recovery RO Treatment Process
This paper will provide insight into challenges faced in the RO process design of large capacity in-land desalination facilities, San Antonio Water Systems ( SAWS) . Specifically the paper will discuss unique treatment process optimizations that were made in response to capacity constraints in the concentrate disposal 2 facilities. Control strategi...
Comarison of Fouling Mechanisms of Four Nanofiltration Membranes: Optimal Membrane Selection for Stephenfield Regional WTP, MB, Canada
This paper compares the fouling mechanisms of four nanofiltration membranes following a microfiltration unit. Efforts to make the optimal membrane selection for Stephenfield Regional WTP, MB, Canada are presented....
Lessons Learned from Two Membrane Applications on Wastewater Reuse
This paper discusses the lessons learned at the City of Fargo and the City of Grand Forks, North Dakota, water reuse facilities. A 1.4 MGD Effluent Reuse Facility (ERF) was constructed in the fall of 2008 to supply water to an ethanol plant. During the summer of 2014, a 4-month pilot study was performed to investigate an integrated membrane system ...
Benefits of Soil Aquifer Treatment and Nanofiltration for Potable Reuse in Tucson, AZ
This paper will focus specifically on the performance of soil aquifer treatment and Nanofiltration and the benefits they provide in the alternative potable reuse scheme for the City of Tucson Arizona rather than microfiltration followed by reverse osmosis and ultraviolet treatment. The treatment scheme piloted included short term soil aquifer trea...
Water Reuse in Theory and Practice - The Need for Predictive Analytics
This paper provides insights into methodologies for improved process monitoring and control and increased system reliability using predicative analytics. One such ?smart water utility?, North South Interconnection Project, making use of analytics is highlighted in its applications to potable reuse. Combining stable and reliable online instrumentati...
Enhanced Membrane Cleaning with Reducing Agents to Remove Iron Fouling
This paper describes enhanced cleaning methods to remove iron from the membranes used at the Gwinnett County, Georgia, F. Wayne Hill Water Resource Center that utilizes ultrafiltration for reclaimed water. Membrane autopsies and bench-scale trials were conducted on fouled fibers to identify evaluate the effectiveness the candidate cleaning agent...
Roles of Gel Entrapment on Membrane Fouling in Entrapped Cells- Based Membrane Bioreactor
This paper describes work done to investigate the roles of gel entrapment on membrane fouling in entrapped cells-based membrane bioreactors. (MBR)...
Comparison of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Experimental Data for Fouling Mitigation with Sinusoidal Reverse Osmosis Spacer
This paper describes work done on a series of novel sinusoidal spacers that can form unobstructed sinusoidal membrane channels and the performance of various novel sinusoidal spacers and the conventional mesh spacer on mitigating foulant deposition onto membrane surface. Data was evaluated both experimentally on a bench-scale RO system and numerica...
Novel Segmented Ceramic Monolith Ultrafiltration Membrane Provides Improved Pre-Treatment For Power Plant Cooling Tower Blowdown ZLD System
This presentation will describe the pilot testing results used and the conceptual design and operating cost estimates of the full-scale upgrade of the Cooling Tower Blowdown (CTBD) treatment plant, which benefits from the use of ultrafiltration ceramic membrane used in the process....
Ceramic Membrane Pilot Testing on Lake Michigan
This paper presents the results from a twelve-month pilot study using ceramic membranes on Lake Michigan water in a sustainable manner with a flux of 103 gfd (175 lmh), with chlorinated and acidic chemically enhanced backwashes, and with pre-treatment with polyaluminum chloride coagulation. They estimate that the cleaning interval could be up to 10...
Pilot Evaluation of Ion Exchange, Coagulation and Ceramic MF for Treating Surface Water at South West Water, UK
This paper describes a process comprised of ion exchange, in-line coagulation and ceramic microfiltration (MF) tested for treating surface waters in southwest England. The membrane could operate at the nominal flux of 109 lmh. The process handled abrupt water quality changes by adjusting the coagulant dosage and with the normal course of backwashes...
Incorporation of Novel Anti-Biofilm Molecules into NF/RO Membranes for Biofouling Control
This paper describes research of incorporation 2-aminoimidazoles (2-A1) a anti-biofilm molecule into the NF/RO membrane matrix for fouling control. The specific objectives of this research were to: (1) determine whether a 2-AI would be amenable to incorporation into water purification membranes and maintain anti-biofilm activity once incorporated...
Effect of Nanoparticles on Thin-Film Composite Membrane Surface Morphology and Productivity
This paper describes research to evaluate the significance of thin-film composite membrane surface morphology on water productivity. Flat-sheet experiments were conducted with silicon dioxide, titanium dioxide, and cerium dioxide nanoparticles. The polyamide thin-film active layer exhibited a morphology that was directly related to the surface roug...
Membrane Filtration of Colloidal Activated Carbon: Considerations for Optimization of Head Loss Reduction and Small Molecule
This paper describes the use of microfiltration membrane for the filtration of colloidal activated carbon. Efforts were made to minimize head loss and small molecule adsorption. The effects of source water quality and particle size were evaluated. The presence of natural organic matter (NOM) proved to be a confounding factor. Two methods were test...
Membrane Treatment of Brackish Water With High Iron Concentration
This paper will present information from recent piloting, design and operation of systems treating water with high iron concentrations at the Pinewoods facility in Florida. The paper will present a brief discussion of the typical iron pretreatments but will focus will be on the use of Nanofiltration/Reverse Osmosis membranes without significant pre...
Optimizing RO Systems to Restore Brackish Groundwater Supplies
This paper describes efforts by the City of Santa Monica (City) for groundwater restoration program to reduce its reliance on imported water supplies and maximize local resources. With the completion of the Charnock Well Field Restoration Program in 2011, the City was able to reduce its reliance on imported water supplies from 90% down to approxima...
Capital Cost for Phased Expansions for Brackish Groundwater Desalination in Texas
This paper presents the capitol cost for a phased expansion for the San Antonio Water Systems ( SAWS) program to integrate 30 million gallons per day of desalinated brackish groundwater into their overall water supply strategy. The Brackish Groundwater Desalination (BGD) program is anticipated to be constructed in three phases. Phase one will del...
Full Nitrogen Recovery And Potable Water Production From Human Urine By Membrane Distillation
This paper presented the possibilities of ammonia and potable water recovery from human urine through membrane distillation. Membrane distillation could offer some advantages regarding speed and efficiency over existing urine treatment technologies, specifically regarding ammonia recovery. It was shown that up to 95 m% of all ammonia present in hyd...
Three Years Piloting of Osmotic MBR for Potable Reuse: Performance and Life-Cycle Assessment
This paper describes a hybrid ultrafiltration forward osmosis-osmotic membrane bioreactor (UFO-MBR) as a multi-barrier reuse technology that has been studied at the pilot level continuously in the last three years. UFO-MBR treatment has been shown to almost completely remove conventional wastewater contaminants (carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus) an...
Application of Cryptosporidium Sensor and Bromate Ion Sensor to Optimization of Produced Wastewater Reuse As Drinking Water Source
This study summarizes the effectiveness of online and automation technology to monitor Cryptosporidium and bromate ion. A Bromate Ion Sensor and CrypotSensor developed for online and automation measurement were evaluated for their performance with water samples. The Bromate Ion Sensor: fluorescence measurement of bromate ion concentration showed a ...
Time to Clean Again? Changes in Cleaning Frequency and Effectiveness at the Richard A. Reynolds Groundwater Desalination Facility
This paper presented past and present operational data from the Richard A. Reynolds Groundwater Desalination Facility (RAR) in Chula Vista, CA operated by the Sweetwater Authority. Potential areas for optimization are identified including an evaluation of the clean in place (CIP) process, for the effectiveness of the current Reverse osmosis cleaner...
Using Neural Networks to Process a Large Database to Quantify Causes of Reverse Osmosis Fouling
Artificial neural network (ANN) modeling was used to analyze a multi-year process database to extract detailed information about Reverse osmosis membrane fouling in a complex, dynamic Ground Water Recovery System (GWRS) process run by the Orange County Water District (OCWD). OCWD wants to improve the RO?s performance and sought to mine the large d...
Predicting Antiscalant Dosages in RO/NF Feedwater With High Ferric Iron Concentrations
This paper discusses certain aspects of iron behavior, the developed computer model, and its application and validation using a pilot system at the Florida RO plant. Speciating the hydrolysis states of ferric iron with respect to pH, ionic strength, and temperature, is essential to predicting the concentration factor as well as the scaling potentia...
The Development and Use of a Cost Estimating Tool to Compare Submerged and Pressurized Low Pressure Membrane Filtration to Granular Media Filtration
This paper describes a preliminary level design tool that was developed to compare foot print requirements, capital costs, and operational costs between granular media filtration and membrane technologies, both submerged and pressurized. The model creates an output for each filtration technology that allows an engineer to compare capital, operation...
NSF/ANSI 419: A New National Standard for Membrane Filtration
This paper presents NSF/ANSI 419 Public Drinking Water Equipment Performance - Filtration, a new NSF/ANSI national standard for microfiltration (MF) and ultrafiltration (UF) membrane modules. This new standard establishes performance testing protocols that are consistent with the product-specific microbial challenge testing requirements for Cryptos...
Pilot Testing for a New Membrane WTP With no Feed, Filtrate, or Backwash Pumps
This paper describes how the City of Port Townsend, WA chose low pressure membrane filtration to comply with LT2ESWTR for Cryptosporidium removal. The system had to match the existing system hydraulic grade line (HGL) to supply the entire water pressure system by gravity. he City opted to conduct a two-step procurement process. The initial step was...
Making the Switch from Lime to Membrane Softening: When is it the Right Time?
This paper summarizes the decision process utilities may use to look at replacing the lime softening system with nanofiltration (NF) or even low-pressure reverse osmosis (LPRO). The factors that go into this analysis are presented and a real-life example at Marco Island Florida of the analysis is given....
Emergency Raw Water Desalination for Texas Drought Response
This presentation will detail the unique planning, design, discharge and treatment permitting, and construction procurement/execution implemented to provide a crucial new water supply to the Palo Pinto CMWD1 and City of Mineral Wells with 8 months? notice from planning to operations. Emergency options to maintain an uninterrupted supply of water we...
Coping With Increasing Groundwater TDS at the Largest Inland RO Treatment Plant
The presentation provides an overview of the alternatives and the estimated costs for the Kay Bailey Hutchison (KBH) Desalination Facility in El Paso, Texas to deal with increasing TDS levels in the groundwater that they treat using a low pressure reverse osmosis (LPRO) process, and blend the low TDS permeate with groundwater. The groundwater TDS h...
Quincy Water Reuse Utility TDS Control
The paper describes the new Q1W Utility that will integrate its industrial and municipal wastewater treatment systems in Quincy, Washington. At the core of the utility are new membrane ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis treatment systems to control total dissolved solids in the reused water. The ultrafiltration system will be used to meet the Wash...
First Year Performance at the LVL WTF
This paper describes work done at the Leo J Vander Lans Water Treatment Facility . After a pilot test for reclaiming backwash from the microfiltration and brine from the reverse osm osis trains, a full expansion was done to implement these changes. The results of the first year in operation are reported in this paper....
Is Ozone Pretreatment Best Approach for Improving MF/UF Productivity?
This paper describes a detailed assesment and comparison of a 2 MGD pressurized microfiltration facility that treats secondary effluent from a non-nitrifying facility with or without ozone treatment. The results should aid designers of similar facilities as to use or not use ozone as a pretreatment....
Hydraulic Cleaning Methods for Ceramic Membranes - A More Conventional Approach to Facilitate Retrofits
This paper will present hydraulic cleaning design summary options for ceramic and polymeric low pressure membranes as well as field testing data comparing more conventional to more aggressive methods. The paper also presents some retrofit case histories where ceramic has replaced polymeric membranes....
Evaluation on Water Quality for MF/UF Filtration in Pretreatment of RO Membrane for Direct Potable Reuse and Groundwater Recharge
This paper examines the water quality of a ceramic microfiltration used for the pretreatment of a reverse osmosis membrane for water reuse in a ground water recharge. The study evaluates the biological regrowth potential of the MF filtrate without the use of chlorine disinfection. The optimization of the membrane filtration was observed using the C...
Tripling the Capacity of the Lakeshore WTP by Retrofitting an Interchangeable Membrane System
This paper will outline the details of the design process and present information on the advantages of an interchangeable membrane system as they relate to the Lakeshore WTP in the Town on Innisfil Canada....
Expanding Submerged Plant Operating Window Through Double-Ended Filtration
This paper describes the application of a double ended submerged filtration system in Sydney Australia. Several different modules were tested and high turbidity experienced during the test period were handled effectivity and showed that the method was sound. Test results are presented....
Making the Most of Limited Space: Repurposing Existing Structures to Maximize Capacity, Reduce Costs and Improve Facility Layout
This paper provides a case history of the Highland Park Water Treatment Project, highlighting how repurposing existing structures was used to meet the project goals. The project involved retrofitting an existing 21 MGD facility with a modern 30 MGD submerged membrane system. Special attention was paid to the limited space available for this 40% inc...
Groundwater Replenishment Performance and Operations: Lessons Learned During Clearwater's One-Year Pilot
This paper describes the pilot testing at Clearwater Florida of a modified full advanced treatment for potable reuse for one year. Ultrafiltration was followed by reverse osmosis and then advanced oxidative process at the Northeast Water Reclamation Facility. Extensive operating data were collected showing removal of non-regulated contaminants. Mem...
Moving Fouling Away From Membrane: Microgranular Adsorptive Filtration and Fouling Isolation
This PowerPoint describes research to use microgranular filtration media to isolate fouling from a membrane surface. Captures Natural organic matter ( NOM) and integrates adsorption and granular media filtration in a thin, permeable, back-washable layer. Heated aluminum oxide particles were used for the tests....
Properties Governing the Transport of Organic Pollutants Through Ion-Exchange Membranes in ED Desalination of Complex Waste Streams
This PowerPoint describes work done to examine the properties governing organic pollutant transport through an Ion Exchange Membrane in a Electrodialysis desalination of complex waste streams. A series of potential organic pollutants were examined in the work....
When is a Breach a Breach? - Testing MF and RO Barriers
This project examined the robustness and reliability of treatment barriers that are used in two key process barriers for water reuse, microfiltration and reverse osmosis. The tests were performed at the Scottsdale Water Campus in Arizona. The project involved observing the response of failures in ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis membranes by int...
Evaluating a Direct Integrity Monitor for RO Membranes in a Potable Reuse Application
The paper presented a study to demonstrate a method with which higher log removal values for virus can be confirmed using a more appropriately sized tracer compound. Currently RO installations at potable reuse facilities can only achieve a maximum of approximately 2-log virus removal credit based on online measurements of conductivity or total orga...
Not Your Father's Water Treatment Plant
This paper describes the history of water treatment in Bozeman, Montana and the efforts that went into starting up and operating the 22 MGD Sourdough Water Treatment Plant that uses microfiltration in 2014. There is a thorough review of the challenges in training and operations and understanding of the needs of the operators....
Post Treatment Optimization for Desalination and Groundwater Recharge
This paper presents three studies of post treatment of membrane treatment, with a focus on more than a dozen lessons learned from the following three desalination and groundwater recharge facilities: Clearwater, FL Groundwater Replenishment (GWR) Project, San Antonio Water System (SAWS) Brackish Groundwater Desalination (BGD) Program , Tarpon Spri...
North American's Largest MBR WWTP...Breaking it Down to Make it Cost Effective and Small Plant Mentality
The paper and will explain the design, optimization methodology, and cost efficiencies of the City of Canton Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) ,the largest membrane bioreactor activated sludge (MBR) process in North America. Flows, unit process and MBR process components and trains, associated support systems, levels of redundancy, chemicals syste...
Membrane Bioreactors (MBR) and Reverse Osmosis (RO) for Leachate Treatment
This paper describes four pilot studies that were conducted to evaluate the Membrane bioreactor (MBR) process for leachate treatment. Both hollow fiber and cross-flow systems from several vendors were evaluated. One system also includes application of RO following the MBR process as a polishing step. Data from these systems highlight biological per...
Pilot Testing with Hollow Fiber Nanofiltration Membranes for Removal of NOM from Surface Water
This paper describes the 10 months pilot trial on a full-size Hollow fiber Nanofiltration membrane (HFNF) module of type HFW1000. During this pilot continuous high removal rates of Natural Organic Matter ( NOM) > 80%, Color > 90% and COD > 75% were established. A virus removal of 99.9% was obtained. Water municipalities are orientating on HFNF to...
Evaluation of Scinor Membrane for Retrofit and Future Expansion at the SPMWD
This paper describes pilot testing at the San Patricio Municipal Water District (SPMWD) to quality a Scinor membrane module for use for a retrofit and expansion at the plant. The plant wanted to evaluate alternative membranes that could be used as replacement for the currently installed membranes. Pilot procedures and data along with analyses are p...
Verdigris River WTP - Lessons Learned in First Year of Operation
This paper focuses on the lessons learned from the first 18 months of plant operation including performance of the pretreatment facility, membrane system fouling, and algae monitoring at the Verdigris River Water Treatment Plant (WTP), located in Broken Arrow, OK. It is a 20 million gallon per day (mgd) ultrafiltration treatment plant that was plac...
The Sherman Water Treatment Plant MF/UF and RO Pilot Study: Piloting During the 100 Year Flood
This paper summarizes the MF/UF and RO pilot study conducted on behalf of the City of Sherman for the upcoming expansion to their water treatment plant. The pilot took place March - June of 2015 During May and June of 2015 the north Texas region experienced record rainfall that resulted in flooding. The paper describes membrane performance througho...
Water Treatment Plant Solves Membrane Integrity Problems and Satisfies New State Requirements
This paper details the City of Butler, MO existing low pressure membrane system and its integrity issues. To resolve some concerns, they tested a new membrane in one train and the paper defines how the selected membrane has been able to resolve those issues, meet the Long Term 2 (LT2) Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule, and outperform the existi...
Failure Testing as a Startup Tool for Membrane Filtration Plants
This presentation summarizes startup testing methodology used on six membrane filtration municipal water plant startups and will be soon used on startup of the second municipal ceramic membrane plant installation in the U.S. This method provides a testing and checkout process that contrasts to the typical I/O checkout and performance demonstration...
Incorporating Membranes into Your Treatment Process: Startup and Lessons Learned
This paper will present the challenges and solutions to implementing low pressure membranes at the Dallas County Park Cities Municipal Utility District (DCPCMUD), plant that treats surface water from Lake Grapevine. The membrane start-up challenges and lessons learned from over two years of membrane facility operation are presented. The change at t...
Accommodating Offsets in the RO Plant
This paper will review the risks of handling misalignment with a single coupling, and discuss the proper method for designing piping systems to accommodate an offset with two flexible grooved couplings. In any kind of reverse osmosis (RO) facility, lateral misalignment, also known as an offset, is common where feed headers connect to membrane housi...
Pilot to Full Scale Comparison of Wheeling, WV WTP
This PowerPoint presentation outlines the pilot testing at the Wheeling, WV location. A microfiltration system was installed and the performance test on startup is discussed with results presented....
Operation Strategies And Mechanism For Shortening The Start-Up Period Of Self-Forming Dynamic Membrane Bioreactors (Sfdmbrs)
This paper presents the effect of membrane permeate flux and backwash interval on the dynamic layer formation in self-forming dynamic membrane bioreactors (SFDMBRs). The basis of evaluation looked at effluent turbidity, effluent particle size distribution, trans-filter pressure (TFP) and dynamic layer properties. The start-up period of a SFDMBR can...
Membrane Ageing and Replacement - Impact on Pathogen Removal in Full-Scale MBR
The aim of this study was to assess temporal changes in log removal values (LRV) for a suite of microorganisms, for time scales relevant to the expected life of modern MBR modules. A higher level of fouling on the older membranes likely improved rejection, although not consistently, when compared to new clean membranes. Larger bacteria and protozoa...
Mxene-Based Membranes as Novel Materials for Ion Separation
This PowerPoint presentation discusses MXene-basesd membrane synthesis and properties. MXene- Polymer layer are prepared and tested. Cation permeation through MXene membranes is examined....
A Novel Air Backwashing Method for Reversing Wetting in Membrane Distillation
This paper describes a new method to reverse wetting of the hydrophobic membrane in membrane distillation. Pressurized air is pushed through the wetted membrane from the distillate side, thus forcing out wetted feed water, instead of merely allowing it to evaporate. To test its effectiveness, the liquid entry pressure (LEP) of the membranes was tes...
Membrane Fouling and Energy Consumptions in Anaerobic Fluidized Bed Membrane Bioreactor
This paper describes a study to show the effect of media characteristics on fouling control and energy consumption in anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AFMBR) system for the application of domestic wastewater....
Phasing and Pretreatment Considerations for Clifton Water District's Media Filter to Membrane Filter Conversion
This paper discusses the phasing and pretreatment considerations for the Clifton Water District (CWD) project to convert the 12 MGD of granular media filters at its drinking water treatment plant to a membrane filtration system. The conversion took place over the 10 month period between ground breaking and the membrane system was put into service....
An Integrated Membrane Solution for a Most Challenging Surface Water - The New Grand Forks, ND Regional Water Treatment Plant
This paper summarizes the steps, processes, and results for the membrane solution on a challenging surface water in Grand Forks, ND and includes the following: Introduction; Initial Plant Design; Membrane Feasibility Piloting; Membrane Optimization Piloting; Technology Selection; and Conclusion....
On-Demand, Gravity Powered, Ceramic Filtration Facility: Forget What You Know About How a WTP is Supposed to Operate.
The City and County of Butte-Silver Bow (BSB) serves the public water supply system from three surface water sources. An administrative order from the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has resulted in the need to add filtration to the Basin Creek source. Initial efforts focused on site selection, pilot testing, hydraulic analysis, d...
Piloting MF into NF for Hardness Removal
This paper describes the pilot program for treating a surface water for hardness reduction and the findings. Direct membrane filtration was selected for the filtration unit process. Nanofiltration with bypass blending was selected for the hardness removal unit process. The proposed new plant will have a maximum permeate production capacity of 420...
The Evolution and Practical Application of Scale Inhibitor Modelling and Dosage Optimization in Industrial Water Treatment
This paper discusses the development and practical application of state of the art models for controlling mineral scale formation in industrial systems. Models for scale inhibitor dosage optimization have been evolving since the 1970?s in parallel to the computerization of scale prediction methods. Increasing use of less than desirable water source...
Using Coagulant-Aided Tertiary Membrane Filtration to Achieve Ultra-Low Phosphorus Limit for City of Spokane
This presentation will summarize the methodology and results of the pilot testing at the City of Spokane Washington for implementing an innovative tertiary treatment project at their Riverside Park Water Reclamation Facility on the Spokane River. A pilot study was conducted to validate the ability of membrane filtration systems from two prequalifie...
City of Boca Raton?s NF Plant: A Plant History
This paper gives a history of the 40 MGD NanoFiltration (NF) Water Treatment facility at the City of Boca Raton, Florida that has operated since August 2004. . The original membranes lasted ten years and were replaced with the next generation of low fouling NF membranes. The new low fouling NF elements started up at only 63 psi for an initial 24% e...
Starting up a Tertiary Wastewater Membrane System for Enhanced Nutrient Removal
This paper describes the challenges faced and overcome during a start-up of a submerged membrane system used for tertiary treatment at the City of Coeur d?Alene Advanced Wastewater Treatment Facility (AWTF). The AWTF discharges into the Spokane River which has extremely low effluent ammonia and phosphorus limits....
Advanced Technologies and Innovative Solutions in Full-Scale MBR Installations: Rimini WWTP
This paper discusses the Rimini WWTP in Europe and the application of the MBR system in 2015 as the biggest MBR plant in operation in Europe. This increasing of capacity was due to centralizing some WWTP?s in the area. The new design foresees common pretreatment, then the wastewater is split in two lines: existing CAS line and new MBR line. The pa...
It Costs How Much? How MBR Economics are Changing the Game
This paper describes the experience of the La Center WWTP plant upgrade to MBR and reinforces the notion that MBR technology is cost competitive with conventional approaches for wastewater treatment. MBR?s higher-than-conventional MLSS concentration presents users with a unique opportunity to substantially reduce biosolids generation. The flexibili...
Quorum Quenching Membrane Bioreactor for Efficient Biofouling Control
This paper describes the investigation of a novel approach based on quorum quenching (QQ) to minimize biofouling and energy consumption in a Membrane bioreactor (MBR). More specifically, the effects of aeration intensities on biofouling control and energy efficiency were examined and compared with and without QQ approaches....
Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor (Anmbr) Successfully Treating High-Strength Food Processing Wastewater for Seven Years
The paper discusses the first full-scale vendor supplied Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor AnMBR) system in North American at Ken?s Foods plant Foods in Marlborough, Massachusetts that has been treating salad dressing and BBQ sauce wastewater successfully for seven years since being commissioned in July 2008. The (AnMBR) process incorporates anaerobi...
Combining PAC, Haops and Microgranular Adsorptive Filtration to Enhance Membrane Performance
This paper presents and investigation into two pretreatment processes for Natural organic matter (NOM) removal and fouling control of a low-pressure membrane.. Heated aluminum oxide particles (HAOPs) and powdered activated carbon (PAC), either alone or mixed, were used as adsorbents. The mixed adsorbents enhanced NOM removal compared to an equal to...
High Recovery Desalination in Developing Countries
This paper describes the Zero Discharge Desalination design process and optimization done at the University of Texas at El Paso, as well as plans for pilot testing in Honduras in 2016. The target was to produce 250 liters of drinking water with less than 600 mg/L total dissolved solids (TDS) and 8000 liters of irrigation water with no more than 55...
Development of a Zero-Carbon Footprint Brackish Water Desalination System
This paper discusses the feasibility and implementation of photovoltaic power in the development of a PV-ED desalination system. The results of this project summarized and determined the amount of incoming voltage and amperage needed to properly and efficiently run the PV-ED system. The operations of the unit was tested under three different phases...
Blending Waters From Multiple Membrane Treatment Processes for Drinking Water
This paper describes multiple blending schemes employed by the Town of Jupiter water system since the introduction of enhanced lime softening in the late 1980?s to brackish water reverse osmosis in 1989, addition of anion exchange in 1999 through the process currently being implemented of replacing lime softening with nanofiltration and blending wi...
Addressing the Unique Constraints of Small-Scale Ultrafiltration Systems
Recent trends in membrane system design, such as the open-platform system concept, are discussed in this paper. In addition, the results of a pilot study are shown which demonstrate the effectiveness of ay Ultrafiltration (UF) membranes available on the market. Finally, case studies of challenging small-scale systems in Utah and Oregon are discusse...
Design Challenges of Retrofitting a Conventional WTF to Membranes to Increase Year Round Water Production
This paper will describe how The San Jose Water Company (SJWC) retrofitted Montevina Water Treatment Plant (WTP) with a membrane system. The project will help reduce reliance on imported water supplies, which have been subject to severe cutbacks during the current California drought. HDR was selected to design and construct the project using a pro...