Technology Transfer Workshop, Atlanta, GA, 04/04/17
Matches: 16
Overview of MBR Processes
Membrane bioreactor (MBR) technology is well positioned to play a critical role in wastewater and reuse applications, both domestically and internationally. Technological advances over the past 10 years have brought MBR costs down dramatically and no other wastewater treatment process is as efficient and effective. From retrofits to decentralized...
How Rapid Growth in Fort Mill Necessitated Evaluation of New Treatment Technologies
The Fort Mill Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) is nearing the design capacity of its exsting secondary treatment system, with influent TKN loading approaching 90% of the design loading. At the same time, rapid growth projections in this suburb of Charlotte, North Carolina correlate to a tripling of influent flow/load in the next thirty years. ...
The Case for Removing Post-Disinfection from MBR Treatment
A tremendous amount of pressure is put on municipalities to provide higher-quality effluent within increasingly constrained capital and operating budgets - they are required to do more with less. Wastewater treatment industry stakeholders should strive to understand and prove the capabilities of technology so as to enable the implementation of the ...
MBR Processes: Today & Thoughts on What Tomorrow May Bring
This discussion examines the current state of MBR technology in North America and seeks to present thought provoking discussion on where the MBR technology is going in the the future. The presenation examines both municipal and industrial applications, alternative technologies, resue appilications, and overall MBR system optimization opportunies....
Innovative Technologies in MBR
Koch Membranes will present how innovations in membranes and MBR design have led to increased efficiency and maximum throughput in wastewater management. KMS will present specific examples of how innovative MBR technology has been utilized to successfully solve challenging wastewater problems globally....
Johns Creek Environmental Campus - Tour
The presentation is intended to provide a brief history and overview of the Johns Creek Environmental Campus prior to a tour of the facility. The topics covered in the presentation will pertain tothe plant's background, construction, key treatment processes, and "good neighbor" aspects....
Shakerag WRF a Case Study
Design and construction of the Shakerag WRF as the first plant in Forsyth County to discharge to the Chattahoochee River, the southermost trout stream in the US. The lessons learned from other membrane treatment plants in Forsyth County and how those lessons impacted the design of the Shakerag WRF....
EPA Regulations on Reuse
The Guidelines for Water Reuse published by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 2012 facilitates development of water reuse by serving as an authoritative reference. The document covers both non-potable and potable reuse, but does not provide detailed information on current direct potable reuse practices. A challenge in imple...
LENA MBR Demonstration at Ulu Pandan Water Reclamation Plant
The LENA MBR system utilises mechanical membrane reciprocation in place of membrane air scouring to reduce energy consumption. Membrane reciprocation creates an inertial force which acts on the membrane fibres, propelling foulants from the membrane surface. Furthermore, due to the loose packing of the fibres, these fibres are able to move relative ...
Why Reuse?
The presentation will look at reuse with the focus of identifying what factors influence the utility's decisions to proceed with reuse. A historic look at the early features of reuse will highlight municipalities across the nation whom have integrated reuse into their utility offerings, credits gained from the integration of reuse into their utlit...
Silicon Carbide (SiC) Ceramic Membranes for MBR
The presentation will discuss the applicability of Silicon Carbide ceramic submerged UF membranes for industrial applications, including the advantages and limitations. In addition to this, a comparison to conventional organic membrane technologies is included along with case study data and field experiences....
Case Study - Jurong WRP Ceramic MBR
The Jurong WRP has been utilizing a ceramic MBR in a 1MGD demonstration facility for almost 4 years now. The MBR provides consistent high quality filtrate for industrial reuse regardless of the high strength and highly variable feed water. A project overview will be provided from piloting through its current operating condition....
Case Study: Direct Potable Reuse in Texas
The advanced treatment plant that closes the loop on the first DPR project in the country consists of microfiltration (MF), reverse osmosis (RO), and a UV advanced oxidation process (AOP). This study examined the effectiveness of each process for removing a wide range of chemical and microbial constituents. MF acts mainly as pretretment for RO, but...
Compounds of Emerging Concern
Chemicals are being discovered in water that previously had not been detected; these are generally referred to as contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) because the risk to human health and the environment, frequency of occurrence and source may not be known. CECs, including pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) have been detected at ...
Sewer Mining: Tapping Into an Unused Resource
As one who loves to play golf, I would argue that the game itself is an absolute necessity - as would many others of course. Every day, tens of thousands of business transactions take place on golf courses across America. But what you and I may see as a fundamental necessity, many others see as a luxury - especially when it competes with families...
Membrane Operator Certification (MOC) Training
In this topic we will discuss an overview of the MOC curriculum, this overview will include the change from one course to the now four courses that are being offered by the AMTA affialiates....