Technology Transfer Workshop, Chicago, IL, 09/29/09
Matches: 11
Greening Water Treatment: Energy Reduction and Green House Gas
Overview of energy management tactics, sustainability and benchmarking applied to membrane treatment facilities...
Geneva RO Water Treatment Facility
Review of the Geneva, Illinois 8mgd Water Treatment Facility. This facility draws both shallow and deep groundwater, utilizing separate pretreatment schemes prior to reverse osmosis treatment....
Energy and Cost Implications of Concentrate Disposal in Inland Areas
This powerpoint presents an overview of concentrate disposal options for inland desalination facilities. Case studies include brine minimization/recovery and zero liquid discharge examples....
Retrofitting Conventional Filters to Membranes PE
Overview of the design, construction and commissioning issues associated with retrofitting a conventional filter basin with membrane filtration technology...
Integrate Membrane Systems.
A detailed powerpoint presentation covering membrane filtration plant process design, facility design, hydraulics, chemical cleaning, construction and start-up and operations and maintenance....
Lake Forest Water Treatment Plant (Pressurized UF
This PowerPoint discusses membrane filtration water plant expectations versus reality at the The City of Lake Forest, IL for a low pressure membrane process....
Introduction to Nanofiltration and Reverse Osmosis
A general overview of nanofiltration and reverse osmosis water treatment technologies. Topics include feedwater and peremeate water quality, membrane and pressure vessel assembly construction as well as membrane fouling and data normalization...
Membrane Systems in Illinois
This powerpoint reviews of the state of membrane treatment facilities in Illinois and addresses the permitting requirements for membrane treatment facilities in Illinois. The presentation also addresses pilot testing as a means to facilitate the permitting of a full-scale facility...
Future of Membrane Technology
This powerpoint presentation addresses the future of membrane filtration and membrane separation technologies including the optimization of current technologies as well as new techniques and new materials on the horizon....
Algonquin Water Treatment Plant (Submerged MF/UF)
A case study of the implementation of the Algonquin Water Treatment Plant. This facility uses membrane filtration technology to remove iron and manganese from shallow groundwater....
Introduction to Microfiltration and Ultrafiltration
Overview of microfiltration and ultrafiltration technologies. This powerpoint presentation compares membrane filtration technologies to conventional filtration and addresses procurement, regulation, procurement and design...