Technology Transfer Workshop, Columbus, OH, 10/25/16
Matches: 16
MF, UF, NF, RO -Ohio?s Membrane Water Plants
The use of membrane technology for the production of drinking water is becoming more commonplace and more cost-effective every year. Many utilities are converting to membrane filtration to help fortify their facilities for current or future regulations. The author has been fortunate to at the front lines of the membrane wave in Ohio - having part...
Advancement of NF Softening in Ohio and Critical Considerations
Three recent case studies in Ohio investigated the appropriate technology selection for softening. Financial comparisons between membrane softening and more traditional softening technologies like lime softening and ion exchange softening were comparable. However, additional critical factors beyond finances have the ability to disqualify membran...
How Do I Select the Right Polymeric MF/UF for Your Application
The field of commercially available membrane products is vast and expanding. In the early 2000's the majority of the market share was held by 3 to 4 suppliers each offering a single product. Driven by demand to meet more challenging applications, these suppliers expanded their offerings to new membrane polymers and hydraulic configurations. Today,...
MBR: Present and Future
This discussion examines the current state of MBR technology in North America and seeks to present thought provoking discussion on where the MBR technology is going in the the future. The presenation examines both municipal and industrial applications, alternative technologies, resue appilications, and overall MBR system optimization opportunies....
Increasing Capacity and Performance with Membrane Bio Reactor (MBR)
This presentation will discuss the Canton, OH MBR system as a case study for increasing capacity and performance using best available technology (BAT). MBR technology was selected based on the ability to meet tighter nitrogen and phosphorus effluent performance limits while also increasing the capacity from a design flow of 28 MGD and 42 MGD. Exi...
City of Lancaster, Ohio Case Study
This presentation will provide background information and operational information from the conception of the project, through pilot testing, full-scale commissioning and the past ten years of operation....
Upper Hocking Water Pollution Control Facility
This presentation provides an overview for the selection, design, implementation and operations of Upper Hocking WWTP. The rationale for selecting the MBR process will be reviewed, answering the "why MBR?" The design and implementation covers construction cost and start-up lessons learned. The operations section highlights operating data since star...
MF/UF CapabilitiesEPA and State Regulations
The presentation will cover capabilities and limitations of Microfiltration (MF) and Ultrafiltration (UF) and a review the EPA guidelines and other state criteria for designing and implementing low pressure membrane systems for municipal applications....
Proactive Corrosion Control Strategies To Avoid Flint Tragedy
The tragic events in Flint Michigan that occurred when lead levels rose well above the allowable concentrations in some homes resulted from corossion control efforts and protocols that did not adequately address changes in water quality when the raw water source and treatment processes changed. All drinking water utilities are best served by adopti...
Contaminants of Emerging Concern: Occurrence in Shallow Groundwater and Removal by Nanofiltration
Chemicals are being discovered in water that previously had not been detected; these are generally referred to as contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) because the risk to human health and the environment, frequency of occurrence and source may not be known. CECs, including pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) have been detected at ...
Closed Circuit RO -Succeeding Where Traditional RO Fails RO Process Design Innovation is the Future
As fresh water supplies become more limited, industry and municipalities are demanding greater treatment efficiency and resorting to alternative water resources that are often too difficult for traditional water purification methods to treat effectively. Reverse Osmosis (RO) is the standard for water purification and reuse, but it?s a 40 year old t...
Advances In Membrane Fouling Prediction & Autopsies
This presentation will focus on how the latest analytical tools are used to identify foulants on membrane surfaces and how the spacial orientation and deposition mechanisms help to predict future process changes. Examples of both spiral RO membranes and hollow fiber UF membranes are used to demonstrate how science provides the most reliable path fo...
Ceramic MF/UF - Technology for the Future?
Ceramic membranes may be the future for microfiltration and/or ultrafiltration (MF/UF) membrane-based water treatment. Presentation compares ceramic MF/UF to the more widely applied polymeric options, considering advantages and disadvantages, as well as a summary of currently available ceramic membrane systems....
Case Study: Delaware UF & RO Facility
The City of Delaware operates an integrated membrane facility with three Ultrafiltration and five Nanofiltration trains. The Ultrafiltration units are used as a pretreatment to three of the nanofiltration trains which are used to primarily reduce hardness in the feed water. The two remaining Nanofiltration trains are used to treat ground water with...
Case Study: NAWA WTP -Tipp City, OH 1-MGD NF Concentrate Management
The primary purpose of feeding antiscalant at a membrane plant is to prevent calcium deposits on the membranes. A secondary benefit of feeding antiscalant is to keep calcium in suspension until the concentrate is discharged. However, if retention time of the concentrate exceeds the scale control limits of the antiscalant scale formation forms on th...
Personnel Issues Converting to a Membrane Plant
Bozeman, MT is located in Southwest Montana and has a population of about 38,000 people and has experienced rapid growth in the last 15 years. The original water treatment plant was a direct filtration plant with multimedia filters and built in 1984 with a capacity of 10 MGD on a shoe string budget when EPA regulations were much less strict. In 199...