Technology Transfer Workshop, Des Moines, IA, 07/15/13
Matches: 16
The Role of Membranes in the Future of Water
This PowerPoint presentation reviews the current state of membrane technology and future developments anticipated in 2013....
RO Troubleshooting, Brining Analytical & Chemistry Together
This PowerPoint presentation discusses membrane fouling and methods to determine what the foulant is and how much fouling has occurred....
Membranes and Ozone on the Missouri River at Emmons County WTP
This PowerPoint discusses ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis membranes and Ozone on the Missouri River at Emmons County WTP...
MF/UF Operator Training: Transitioning from Granular To Membrane Filters
This PowerPoint discusses MF/UF Operator Training: Transitioning from Granular Media to Membrane Filtration...
Why RO Operators Don't Whistle While They Work and What to do About It
This PowerPoint discusses operator experiences at reverse osmosis plants....
MF/UF Design Considerations
This PowerPoint discusses microfiltration and ultrafiltration plant design considerations....
Nitrate Removal at the Central Iowa Water Associations' RO Plant
This PowerPoint discusses Nitrate removal at the Central Iowa Water Association Reverse Osmosis Treatment Plant...
8 Years and 40,000 Miles: Minneapolis Columbia Heights Membrane Plant
This PowerPoint discusses eight years of operation at the Minneapolis' Columbia Heights Ultrafiltration Membrane Plant...
Operation of Saylorville WTP (UF and RO)
This PowerPoint discusses the Saylorville Water Treatment Plant Start Up Experience of a UF/RO Plant...
Immersed vs. Pressure for Low Pressure Membranes, A Manufacturers Perspective
This PowerPoint gives GE's perspective on Immersed vs. Pressurized for Low Pressure Membranes....
Overview of Low, Medium, and High Pressure Membrane Systems
This PowerPoint gives and overview of low, medium and high pressure membrane systems....
Regional Application Issues for NF/RO Treatment
This PowerPoint presents a review of Midwest USA membrane issues including pilot plants, costs, and application issues for membrane treatment...
Membranes on the Mississippi at Keokuk's Lime Softening WTP
This PowerPoint discusses the Keokuk WaterWorks Ultrafiltration plant that treats Mississippi water....
Membranes: A Regulators View
This PowerPoint presents a Regulators view of membrane technology for the Midwest USA....
Costs of Membrane WTPs
This PowerPoint discusses costs for membrane systems built and operated in the Midwest USA....
Membranes at Sioux City's Southbridge Regional Water Treatment Plant
This PowerPoint discusses Membranes at Sioux City's Southbridge Regional Water Treatment Plant and compares them to conventional treatment options....