Technology Transfer Workshop, Fairfax, VA, 07/16/12
Matches: 11
Controls and SCADA at the Cranberry Membrane Filtration Plant
This presentation descibes a new membrane filtration water treatment plant, treating wellwater under the influence. The description of the plant design features includes the instrumentation and control system. Several examples of the HMI screens are provided, in addition to some advisory remarks....
A PLC Primer - Introduction to PLC Programming
This presentation describes the history components function and programming of a PLC....
The Application of Simplified Statistical Variance Techniques to Enhance the Detection of Filtration Integrity Loss
This presentation describes the application of both turbidity and particle counting to monitor the integrity of fibers in a membrane filtration module. Examples of monitoring a direct filtration pilot plant and a membrane filtration pilot plant are given....
Control Logics & Programmable Logic Controller ( PLC) Programming
This presentation describes the steps required to develop and test the process control logic for an RO/NF unit. Development of the piping and instrumentation diagram is described. Selection of instrumentation and development of the control sequence including timers, deadband, etc, is also described....
Handheld Devices and Sample Kits
This paper describes and compares portable and handheld instruments for field measurement of important water quality parameters. It discusses the drivers for selection of a device, care and maintence, accuracy, and repeatability....
PLC Programming & Instrumentation
This presentation discusses prgrammable logic controllers, input and output modules, central processor, and the steps required to program. Examples of screenshots are given, sillustrating the programming steps....
Instrumentation Overview & Best Practice Examples
This presentation discusses flow and pressure instrumentation best practices. Examples of devices for each parameter are presented. Diagnostic information is provided, together with steps necessary to integrate wireless devices....
Optimization of a Membrane Treatment System Through Advanced Control Strategies
This presentation describes the control of membrane fouling when using coagulants for TOC reduction. The presentation discusses enhanced coagulation, the impact of pH on the control strategy, discusses the change in pH caused by coagulant addition, and emphasizes the importance of robust pH control for long term operating efficiency....
"GIGO" The Importance of Instrument Calibration
This presentation discusses the need for accuracy within the instrumentation and control system that monitors and controls the operation of RO and NF plants. The presentation includes advice on location of instrumentations the need for redundancy in some critical parameter measurement, the benefit of standardizattion, and the reminder that garbage ...
General Membrane Plant Controls
This presentation provides a general overview of instrumentation and control basics for membrane plants. Descibes the ten components of a plant control scheme. Gives examples of types of comntrol loops, and gives examples of performance of a well-designed control system....
This presentation describes system control and data acquisition systems (SCADA). The introduction describes SCADA systems, what they are, and the compnents involved. Examples are given of typical screens, including alarms....