Technology Transfer Workshop, Kansas City, MO, 10/31/11
Matches: 16
RO/NF Basics
This presentation covers the basics of reveres Osmosis and Nanofiltration Membrane processes. Explanation of applicable pressure ranges, type of media, sizing considerations and other critical design considerations is provided and fouling and scaling concerns are addressed....
Membrane Procurement and Installation/Retrofit of Small to Medium Size Installations
This paper covers membrane procurement and installation of small to medium projects. Guidelines are provided for procurement process; contract documents and some of the legal challenges. Among other important considerations, it is emphasized that clear definitions of ?failed? modules; and ?substantial completion? are critical....
Membrane Applications - Capital and Operating Costs
This presentation provides an overview of capital and operating costs for microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis. Caution is given about what is included in the cost calculations and it is emphasized that concentrate disposal should be considered from early stages of the project....
Case Study: New RO Plant Solves Hardness, Sulfate and Nitrate Issues for Kansas Town (Clay Center, KS)
This presentation provides an overview of a new RO Plant to resolve hardness, sulfate, and nitrate Issues. Reference is made to how pilot testing provided valuable data for final design. The selected membrane and chemicals allowed for maximized recovery, while providing high reduction In iron and hardness and flexibility in operations of the p...
City of Olathe Membrane Filtration
This presentation provides a case study of a microfiltration membrane plant. Detailed discussion of the membrane feed pumps; strainers; back wash pumps; backwash reclaim tanks; membrane high service pumps and the Clean in place system is presented. Recommendations are made for how to Improve membrane performance, reduce down time and reduce chem...
Thin Film and Hollow Fiber Membrane Construction
Repeat- See Line Number 2 above...
Trends in MBR Energy Consumption: Past, Present and Future
This presentation covers trends in MBR energy consumption by comparing the past, present, and future of this technology. Some of the parameters discussed include primary clarifiers, air blowers, hydraulic profile: and mixed liquor cascades into the membrane trains....
Membrane Plant Operations and Management - Things to Watch Out for from a Management Perspective
This presentation covers important parameters to monitor from a management perspective when operating a membrane plant. The most critical factor is the quality of raw water. For fairly unstable raw water, need to monitor much more often. Some of the parameters to consider include Silt Density Index; bacteriological; turbidity; Total Dissolved So...
Kansas Department of Health & Environment: Permitting Requirements for Membrane Installations
This presentation provides detailed instructions for permitting requirements for membrane filtration installations in Kansas. A comprehensive overview of treatment objectives; pretreatment; waste disposal options; submittals; review and approval process; and post-construction inspection requirement is provided. The presentation concludes that wi...
MF/UF Design Considerations
This presentation covers design considerations for MF/UF membrane systems. Basic parameters including flowrate, treatment goals, feed water quality and other critical parameters are listed. System should be designed to waste less water minimize energy and chemical use and reduce foot print to lower costs....
Design & Operation of Hutchinson, KS RO Plant
This presentation covers design and operation of new 10.0 MGD Reverse Osmosis (RO) membrane water treatment plant in Hutchinson, KS. The source water includes remediation groundwater and part of the funding for the project is from the payment made by companies responsible for contaminating the groundwater. Lessons learned include the need for s...
Chemical Applications - Pre/Post/Cleaning Membrane Systems
This presentation provides an overview of chemical applications in pre and post cleaning of membrane systems. It addresses scaling and other critical membrane maintenance issues and provides criteria for when to clean the membranes as well as valuable tips for membrane cleaning procedures....
Big City Membrane Performance in a Small Plant Package
This presentation describes three small membrane filtration plants located in Missouri. The size locations and water quality data are provided....
Membrane Applications for Various Water Quality Issues
This PowerPoint presentation describes the basics of membrane technology and emphasizes the applications in which reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, ultrafiltration and microfiltration and used. Some terminology is also given in the powerpoint....
Troubleshooting RO Systems
This presentation discusses the three most common types of RO membrane fouling. Identification of the fouling mechanism is discussed. Examples of chemical fouling, biofouling, and colloidal fouling are presented....
Design & Operations of the WaterOne 31 mgd Wolcott WTP
This presentation provides a detailed overview of the design and operations of expansion of an existing water plant with new microfiltration membranes. The chemical feed system, process selection, pilot testing and operational success stories and challenges are included....