Technology Transfer Workshop, Key Largo, FL, 10/23/12
Matches: 16
Membrane Retrofitting for Power Savings
This presentation discusses recent improvements in ro membrane performance, including specific flux, salt passage, and active area per unit. It also discusses the application of these improvements to reduce membrane cost and pressure requirements. Examples are given where these have been accomplished....
On-Site Chlorine Generation
This presentation describes the decision making behind the decision to install onsite hypochlorite generation instead of purchasing bulk hypochlorite. Costs are provided together with a description of the water treatment facilities....
Piloting to Decrease Chemical Consumption
This presentation discusses the value of piloting not only to gather design data for the RO, but also to examine the optimization of chemical usage to minimize cost without impacting the mission....
VFDs and How They Save Money
This presentation presents a discussion of the use of variable frquency electric motor drives to save energy in municipal water and wastewater treatment plants. Some examples are given of savings in wastewater treatment, for pumping and aeration....
Membranes in Paradise Hydrating the Florida Keys
This presentation describes the water system in the Florida Keys; Florida keys Aqueduct Authority; shallow aquifer treatment by lime softening; bracckish water Ro for additional supply; seawater RO for emergency supply; long high pressure distribution system....
Benchmarking Major Electrical Usage at Devices to Assure Optimal Operation
This presentation describes the need for benchmarking electrical energy usage in an RO plant; describes how to set up a spreadsheet, and populate it with the information needed. Also considers similar approach for other cost centers in the plant....
Selecting an Energy Recovery Process for the North Lee County RO WTP Expansion
This presentation provides a comparison between methods of reducing power consumption in an existing brackish water RO plant by utilizing energy recovery devices. Three options are examined, and a comparison of pumping horsepower and permeate quality is given....
Reduce Supply Well TDS Increases for Power Savings
This presentation describes the hydrogeology of the Floridan aquifer; the variations with depth and thickness; the use of modelling to control and predict the natural increases in TDS due to horizontal and vertical leakance; design of wellfield to sustain well production and quality....
ERD Case Study-Glades Regional WTP
This presentation describes the retrofit of an existing high TDS brackish water RO plant designed and installed without interstage boost/energy recovery. A discussion of options is given, and limitations due to pipe pressure rating are discussed....
Incorporating Sustainability in Desalination Plant Planning to Reduce Overall Project
This presentation describes the various aspects of the Coquina Coast desalination project that was considered for Northeast Florida...
Raw Water System Efficiency
This PowerPoint presentation discusses the evaluation of concentrate disposal alternatives and Zero Liquid Discharge evaluation along with the pilot study that confirmed treatability, feasibility, and economics as favorable for Palm Coast Florida membrane treatment plants...
Piloting to Increase Product Recovery
This PowerPoint presentation describes how pilot testing can be used to increase product recovery in a membrane plant...
Discounted Electrical Rates
This PowerPoint presentation describes electrical rates and how to minimize costs...
Get Your Head Out of the Sand! Planning for Asset Renewal & Replacement
This PowerPoint presentation describes how to evaluate asset replacement and renewal and achieve sustainability at a water treatment plant....
Jupiter Cash for Cost Savings Program
This PowerPoint presentation discusses effective management methods and what the Town of Jupiter has done to encourage employee input and motivation. It also discusses the Nanofiltration plant that was build for the Town of Jupiter...
Reducing Operating Costs of Desalination Plants
This PowerPoint presentation describes how to reduce operating costs at seawater desalination plants considering energy recovery, chemical consumption and other operating parameters...