Technology Transfer Workshop, Portland, OR, 11/09/10
Matches: 15
RO/NF Basics
Reverse Osmosis (RO) and Nanofiltration (NF) basics and a comparison between the two membrane processes. Introduction to technical terms used in describing these two membrane processes and characterizing performance....
MF/UF Integrity Testing
Integrity testing for Microfiltration (MF) and Ultrafiltration (UF) membranes and reasons for conducting test. Direct and indirect testing techniques and how to interpret results. Designing to avoid membrane integrity failures and factors that impact integrity loss....
Emerging Contaminants - Membranes to the Rescue!
Contaminates of Emerging Concern (CEC) relative to human and aquatic health impacts. Recommendations for monitoring. Membranes to the rescue. CECs removal studies for the effectiveness of a wide range of processes....
Use of Coagulants in MF/UF Applications - Case Studies
Three case studies using coagulation with Microfiltration (MF) potable water applications. Bench test at the Olga WTP, Lee County, FL with Microfiltration (MF). Pilot study using Microfiltration (MF) in treating Columbia River water at the WTP for City of Pasco, WA. Full-scale test using immersed Microfiltration (MF) in treating Santiam River wa...
Membranes Now and For the Future
The results of evaluating submerged Microfiltration (MF) membranes after several years of problematic operation. The system was designed to replace granular media filtration at City of Kennewick WA WTP treating Columbia River water. The labor intensive process required to install pins isolating failed microfiltration hollow fibers increased to the...
MBR Basics
Membrane Bioreactor basics and a comparison between hollow fiber and flat sheet. Introduction to terminology used in describing the MBR systems and characterizing performance in WWTP applications....
Steps to Achieve Sustainable MF/UF Operation
Sustainable Microfiltration (MF) and Ultrafiltration (UF) operation achieved in five steps. 1. Membrane selection. 2. Proper procure document. 3. Conservative system design. 4. Proper installation and startup. 5. Proactive operation and performance monitoring....
Coordinated Delivery of the Membrane Filtration Facility, St Helens Oregon
City of St. Helens, OR pre-selected pressure membrane filtration over conventional filtration and other options to reliably meet long-term potable regulatory compliance. Qualifying 3 manufactures, Microfiltration (MF) was piloted concurrent with procurement accelerating schedule to 18 months. The MF supplier was selected on life-cycle cost and O&M...
Design, Construction and Start-Up of Tri-City Water Pollution Control Facility
Design, construction and startup of Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) at the Tri-City Water Pollution control Plant (WPCP) Oregon facility....
Optimizing Treatment to Meet Water Quality Needs: Operation of Slow Sand and Membrane Treatment Facility
Sand filtration vs. membrane filtration is not necessarily an ?out with the old and in with the new?. Comparing a unique combination of the oldest and the newest filtration technologies operated side by side and discovering that employing two very different treatment processes is actually advantageous, not a burden. At the North Clackamas County...
Regulatory Approval for Membranes in Oregon
This presentation provides an overview of the regulations concerning approval and operations of membrane treatment technologies in Oregon....
Chemical Cleaning MF/UF Systems
Why backwashing and/or air scrubbing (scouring) alone is not always effective and efficient in cleaning Microfiltration (MF) and Ultrafiltration (UF) membranes. How membrane types and material influence chemicals and procedures. Intermittent chemical enhanced backwash (CEB) can extend time between rigorous clean in place (CIP) requirements. The a...
MBR Air Scour Efficiency: Plug Flow vs. Bubble Flow
Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) air scour efficiency, bubble vs. plug flow modeling case study, Modesto, CA....
Surface Water Treatment Rule Update (LT2)
Brief review of Reverse Osmosis (RO) and Nanofiltration (NF) membrane basics. Overview of regulations in conjunction with the Surface Water Treatment Rules LT2 Update. And a discussion of RO / NF pathogen removal. The 2005 understanding, 2007 understanding and application of the LT2 update in 2010....
Low Pressure Membrane Technologies (MF/UF) Their Applications and Costs
Basic review of Microfiltration (MF) and Ultrafiltration (UF). The application and cost of low pressure membrane technologies....