Technology Transfer Workshop, Salt Lake City, UT, 12/09/13
Matches: 15
RO/NF Basics & Terminology
This PowerPoint presentation discusses the basics for reverse osmosis and nanofiltration membrane technology...
Membrane Autopsy
This presentation discusses autopsy procedures for reverse osmosis (RO) membranes. The presentation includes procedures for identifying physical membrane damage, particulate fouling, organic fouling, scaling, and biological fouling. Testing procedures discussed include visual inspection, the Fujiwara test, energy dispersive X-ray analysis, and Chro...
MBR Basics
This presentation provides fundamental information on membrane bioreactors (MBRs) including definitions, applications, types, and advantages/disadvantages. The differences between MBRs and conventional activated sludge processes are outlined and MBR manufacturers are listed. The presentation concludes with a discussion on advantages and disadvantag...
MF/UF Membrane Replacement
This presentation discusses indicators for microfiltration (MF) and ultrafiltration (UF) membrane module replacement, presents replacement case studies, provides a summary of lessons learned, and highlights recent developments in system design that allow for increased flexibility during module replacement. The three case studies include a discussio...
Options RO/NF Residual Management in the Salt Lake Valley
This presentation discusses reverse osmosis (RO) and nanofiltration (NF) concentrate management options, existing technologies, case studies, and emerging technologies. Concentrate disposal, beneficial reuse, and concentrate treatment options are presented along with approaches for achieving zero liquid discharge. Technologies discussed include sec...
Troubleshooting RO/NF Operations - Data Collection & Analysis
This presentation provides information on data collection and analysis for reverse osmosis (RO) and nanofiltration (NF) systems. The presentation begins with a discussion of RO/NF process basics. Data normalization is then discussed followed by graphical illustrations showing how flow, pressure, and salt concentration vary through a low pressure RO...
Considerations for MF/UF Procurement, Design & Operation
This PowerPoint outlines various considerations for Microfiltration and Ultrafiltration systems Procurement, Design and Operation...
RO Case Study: Southwest Groundwater Treatment Plant
This PowerPoint give a case study of the Southwest Groundwater Treatment Plant that utilizes reverse osmosis technology for the Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District in Utah....
Troubleshooting MF/UF Operations -Data Collection & Analysis
This presentation provides information on data collection and management for microfiltration (MF) and ultrafiltration (UF) membrane processes. The discussion includes data collection recommendations for membrane warranties, plant startup, process monitoring, and membrane cleaning. Data trending examples are provided along with troubleshooting tips....
MF/UF Membrane Basics & Terminology
This PowerPoint presents the basics and terminology of microfiltration and ultrafiltration membrane technology...
Plant Case Study: Park City
This presentation discusses the Park City, Utah water system and includes descriptions of the city's water treatment facilities and microfiltration (MF) system. The presentation begins with an overview of the history of both Park City and the Park City water system. An overview of the treatment facilities is then provided inclusive of a metals remo...
MF/UF Residuals - Lessons Learned
This presentation discusses the types of microfiltration (MF) and ultrafiltration (UF) residual streams, residual handling approaches, MF/UF system design considerations, and a case study from the Bajamont Way Water Treatment Plant in Carmichael, California. The discussion includes water chemistry concerns related to chemical cleaning solutions and...
Jordan Basin Water Reclamation Facility: The Ups and Downs of Start Up
This presentation shows a visual depiction of the Jordan Basin Water Reclamation Facility located in Riverton, Utah. The treatment process includes a membrane bioreactor (MBR) system and an odor control system. Several facility startup issues are also highlighted....
Overview of the Holliday Water Company, MF Treatment Plant
This PowerPoint presentation gives an overview of Holliday Water Company Microfiltration Treatment Plant prior to a plant tour....
Implementation of Utah's Drinking Water Regulations & Cases of Membrane Treatment Plant Review
This PowerPoint reviews membrane treatment usage in Utah and the implementation of their regulations and usage plan review process....