Technology Transfer Workshop, San Juan, PR, 01/19/10
Matches: 16
Belle Pumping Station RO, Barbados
An overview of the water supply and water quality issues in Barbados and specifically the Belle Aquifer. This presentation describes the planning and development of the Belle reverse osmosis water treatment facility....
Caribbean Basin Water Management Programme (CBWMP Inc.) Operations and Member Services
This powerpoint presents an overview of the Caribbean Basin Water Management Programme including history, membership, mission and governance. Membership services are also discussed....
Advancement of Energy Recovery Devices in Membrane Separation Applications,
This presentation discusses available energy recovery devices for reverse osmosis and compares and contrasts different types of energy recovery devices including centrifugal and positive displacement energy recovery devices...
Case History: Experiences on Start Up and Operation of Membranes for Municipal Drinking Water Treatment Systems
This powerpoint describes the start-up and operation of a ultrafiltration membrane facility in Puerto Rico. The presentation describes the various components of the facility and discusses the operations and maintenance of the facility....
Case History: Experiences on Start Up and Operation of Membranes for Industrial Wastewater Treatment & Water Reuse
Overview of 3 case histories from Puerto Rico of membrane facilities utilized for industrial wastewater treatment and water reuse...
Immersed Membrane Bioreactors for Water Reuse
Overview of membrane applications for wastewater reuse including membrane bioreactors and tertiary filtration....
RO Operation and Troubleshooting ,
This presentation discusses the operation and troubleshooting of reverse osmosis membrane systems. Operations topics include system monitoring and data normalization. Troubleshooting topics include probing, bubble testing, autopsy, fouling, abrasion, oxidation and scaling....
Implementing Regional Desalination in Florida: Technical and Project Challenges
An overview of the status of the Coquina Coast Desalination Project in Florida. A comparison of land-based and vessel-based desalination options is included....
Implementing Best Practices for RO Systems
This powerpoint addresses best practices for reverse osmosis membrane systems. Fouling including biological growth, colloidal material, dissolved organics and mineral scale are all addressed....
Water Quality Considerations for Concentrate Recovery Membrane Systems
This powerpoint addresses water chemistry and chemical properties that can be used to improve pretreatment and membrane efficiency. An example of a functioning system in Puerto Rico is discussed....
RO Master Planning for New Providence, Bahamas .,
This powerpoint addresses water supply planning in the Bahamas and the use of reverse osmosis membrane technology, as part of a potable water franchise, to treat either brackish surface or groundwater or seawater....
Increasing Seawater RO Plant Production while Reducing Energy Consumption and Plant Cost for the Island of St. Maarten
This powerpoint highlights the plant upgrades and system redesigns for the Cay Bay seawater desalination plant and the construction of the Cupecoy seawater desalination plant on the island of St. Maarten...
Desalting Permeate Conditioning and Handling Needs
This presentation focuses on desalted permeate conditioning and handling and specifically addresses permeate stabilization, distribution system impacts, degasification and air stripping, alkalinity and disinfection. The presentation also summarizes the findings of Water Research Foundation Project 4079, "Post treatment Stabilization of Desalted Pe...
Caribbean Seawater RO Case Studies
This powerpoint presents an overview of water supply conditions for various islands in the Caribbean region and draws upon desalination plant case studies in St. Martin and San Andres...
The Basics of Low Pressure RO
Overview of microfiltration and ultrafiltration technologies including types, costs and applicable regulations....
Salt Rejecting Membranes - What are They, What Can They Do?
A detailed presentation on salt rejection membrane technology that addresses principles of operation, membrane element construction, desalination plant components and configurations, pretreatment and post treatment, as well as improvements in efficiency and cost....