Technology Transfer Workshop, Seattle, WA, 05/21/12
Matches: 15
Airlift MBR- The Hybrid Membrane Bioreactor
This presentation discusses a hybrid membrane bioreactor which does not use an immersion tank. Flow is inside out. Equipment detail is provided, together with two examples of real world applications. Wastewater quality, and effluent quality data are provided....
MBR/MF/UF Membrane Basics & Terminology
this presentation introduces the listener to the basic description of membrane filtration and membrane bioreactor theory and practice. Equations are provided, together with simplified process flow diagrams. The difference between outside in and inside out water flowpath is explained....
A RE-Evaluation of the Economics of the MBR Process - Has a Tipping Point Been Reached?
This presentation discusses the economics of modern membrane bioreactors. A technology overview is provided, and a discussion of the benefits of the technology compared to traditional wastewater treatment. The design factors that impact process cost are presented....
Design and Operation of Membrane Bioreactors for Nutrient Removal and Reuse
This presentation discusses the application of membrane reactor technology for nutient removal and water reuse. Aqlternative flowsheets are presented, with a discussion of alternatives to RO for MBR effluent polishing. A case study for Rancho Rio, NM, is presented....
MBR/MF/UF Technology Status and Trends
This presentation describes the MF-UF market as it stands today compared to 10 years back. Water treatment and MBR plants are larger. TIPS no longer an exclusive fiber. Dicusses practice in North America, Europe and Asia. Discusses integration of UF as pretreatment for RO.....
Considerations for MF/UF Procurement, Design & Operation
This presentation describes the path taken from pilot plant options (vendor driven, owner driven) thriough interpretation of pilot plant data. It further vdescribes the application of the pilot plant data to development of the membrane filtration equipment specifications, and discusses warranty considerations....
Retrofitting the Arlington Treatment Plant with MBR Technology - Challenges and Results
This presentation discusses the retrofit of an existing wastewater treatment bplant with Membrane bioreactor technology. Discusses design and permitting, contractor schedule. Provides project costs, dynamic changes to accommodate hidden conditions. Presents changes made to fix unexpected conditions. Presents operating data....
Brightwater Treatment Plant : Design, Construction, and Operational Experiences for the Nations Largest MBR
This presentation describes the design construction and operation of a grass roots MBR of peak monthly capacity of 39 MGD. The presentation discusses the design philosophy, and provides construction details and equipment descriptions. Operating data is also provided....
A Tale of Two Screens & Other MBR Things
This presentation describes operational issues with a water r3eclamation plant that includes membrane bioreactors. Problems were experienced with rapid flux decline. The problem was traced to the screen size which was replaced with a smaller screen. Problem solved....
Nanaimo South Fork WTP Procurement & Design Case Study
This presentation discusses the implementation of a new surface water treatment plant, with wide annual temperature range. The paper describes piloting, and discusses pilot plasnt results. Also discussed is the performance of the plant during demonstartion testing....
Low Pressure Membrane Plant Conversion to Meet LT2 Standards
This presentation describes the retrofit of a lerge submerged membrane water treatment plant to meet LT2-ESWTR requirements. Descibes steps taken to modify the plant to accept larger surface area cassettes in same footprint. Discusses challenges, and requirements for significant changes to the control logic, requiring total reprogramming....
Membrane Operational Issues :Clarifier & UF Chemistry
This presentation discusses the steps necessary to properly integrate a clarifier ahead of a MF-UF process. Discusses thebalance between clarifier and membrane plant, discusses system integration, system chemistry and system economics....
Accelerated Testing Protocols for Membrane Development
This presentation discusses the development and introduction to the market of new MF-UF products. Included is a discussion of piloot testing new products. Also discussed is the forensic work performed to idnetify product weaknesses, and corrective steps....
Toray Flat Sheet MBR Case Study
This presentation describes a small MBR for a island based residential community. The presentation discusses the design of the plant, citing advantages of this technology in this application. Operating results are presented, together with a brief discussion of operating protocol....
Low Pressure Membrane Filtration: A State Perspective
The application of membrane water treatment is presented, from a state regulators perspective. The requirements of LT-2 are presented together with a discussion of operating parameters. Results of a pilot test to determine coagulant type and dose for NOM removal are presented. Equations for intergrity testing are included. and a discussion of opera...