Technology Transfer Workshop, Yankton, 08/16/22
Matches: 7
Effective Membrane Cleaning Tips, Tricks & Procedures
Effective Membrane Cleaning Tips, Tricks & Procedures to optimize membrane system performance and reduce OPEX. - Membrane Cleaning Economics - Membrane Cleaning Basics and Variables - Cleaner Selection & Procedures...
Introduction to UF
This presentation will lay out the main concepts of ultrafiltration. We will discuss the basic operating principles, how to choose the right UF technology for your application, key design factors, and common problems and troubleshooting techniques....
Understanding Rejection: The Path to a Healthy Membrane Life
This presentation is all about membrane rejection, how to calculate it, where to sample for it, and what the numbers are telling us. Knowing how to collect and analyze this information on a RO membrane system will allow an operator to setup a conductivity profile and then a rejection profile for all parts of the RO process. Using these skills will ...
A Parallel Pilot Study of Polymeric and Ceramic UF Membranes of the Missouri River
The City of Pierre, SD currently has a water supply that consists of minimally treated groundwater, which has high hardness, total dissolved solids and manganese. The City conducted a facility plan to evaluate potential source water and treatment alternatives for their water system. The recommended source and treatment alternative featured a surf...
How Ceramic Flat Membrane Solutions are Changing the Status Quo of Water and Sewage Treatment
Pilot Study and Full-Scale Implementation of Greensand Filtration and Reverse Osmosis at Prestage Foods
This presentation covers the pilot study or iron removal filtration followed by reverse osmosis and the subsequent full scale system design and implementation at Prestage Foods in Eagle Grove, Iowa. This treatment system was to provide all site water requirements for the new Prestage pork processing facility. The challenges with iron removal and fo...