Presentations by Adam Zach
Matches: 4
Approaches to Brine Minimalization and Piloting for Inland Desalination Plants
This excellent presentation covers the reduction of RO brine for inland desalination facilities. It starts by covering the basic drivers and recovery issues and then moves on to discuss the benefits of high recovery and the various concentrate disposal methods including conventional and emerging. The presentation then moves to discuss the USBR proj...
An Evaluation of the Impacts to Membrane Filtration under the Influence of TOC, MIB, and Geosmin
The paper and presentation is of interest to utilities that are challenged by total organic carbon (TOC), Geosmin, and MIB in their source water and are considering the use of membrane filtration to meet disinfection by-product (DBP) maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) and address taste and odor (T&O). Current operations are compared from plant to p...
Potential Drought Conditions Prompt UF & RO Pilot Study on High Organic Surface Water
Surface waters, from a water treatment perspective, can be difficult to treat due to variations in seasonal source water quality. The City of Grand Forks, ND water treatment plant (GFWTP) utilizes surface water that is further complicated with high organic material (influent TOC concentrations averaged 14 mg/L and range from 4-26 mg/L seasonally). ...
Experiences at Grand Forks and Regional Facilities on Operations and Troubleshooting
Summary of unique, pilot, design, and operations for three regional facilities including Grand Forks, Hillsboro, and Traill (and Valley City). All of which have RO, with Grand Forks and Valley City including UF. Topics may include organics passing through membranes and fouling, antiscalant tricks to reduce catridge filter, membrane replacement st...