Presentations by Ben Antrim
Matches: 4
New MBR Module for Large-Scale MBR Plants
This presentation discuss' how features of a new MBR module make it particularly applicable to large-scale MBR plants. Features such as an optimized permeate extraction manifold and air supply lines reduce the number of piping connections during installation. To simplify membrane cleaning and maintenance, the proprietary central aeration system an...
Optimizing Energy Consumption of MBR Systems
Membrane Bioreactors (MBRs) are widely accepted today for the treatment of industrial and municipal wastewater. Benefits of MBR technology over alternative technologies include superior water quality and reduced footprint. The energy consumption of MBRs however, is greater than the energy consumption of a conventional activated sludge (CAS) plant. ...
Improving Organic Reduction and Overcoming Challenges of a Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) Treating Wastewater from Plastic Production
The Chesapeake Bay Watershed Initiative (CBWI) of 2010 required many wastewater treatment plants discharging to affected waterways to meet progressively lower effluent contaminant levels. While the initiative's impact was felt most profoundly by municipal plants that now had to meet lower nutrient limits, it also affected many of the area's industr...
Batch-Style Membrane Bioreactor Allows Municipality to Reuse Wastewater, Meet Low Total Nitrogen Limits, and Increase Capacity
This presentation describes how the town of Riverhead, NY, is saving 100 million gallons per year of potable water by reusing its wastewater for landscape irrigation. The existing SBR basins were converted into a unique batch-style membrane bioreactor (MBR) while maintaining capacity and treatment during the upgrade. The design flow increased from ...