Presentations by Ben Movahed, PE, BCEE
Matches: 29
Pretreatment Basics for Membrane Systems
Overview of pretreatment requirements for brackish and seawater reverse osmosis systems....
Utilizing Reverse Osmosis to Remove Radionuclides from Drinking Water
This presentation discusses the details of two systems in Maryland, USA which use RO/NF membrane technologies to remove Radio-nuclides from drinking water. Plant 1 is a two stage, Nanofiltration, 600 gpm system removing Radium 226 and Radium 228. Plant 2 is a two stage, low pressure RO, 60 gpm system, removing Polonium Operational data, system co...
Review of the Basics for Planning a Membrane Plant
This presentation covers the basics for planning a membrane plant. The presentation covers the basic capabilities and limitations of all membrane processes: Seawater and brackish water Reverse osmosis,EDR, Nanofiltration, Ultrafiltration, Microfiltration as well as Integrated Membrane Systems (IMS). The author covers the eight phases of a membrane...
Basic Overview of Various Membrane Technologies
This PowerPoint give a basic review of various Membrane Technologies in 2009...
Update of Large Vessel-Based Mobile Seawater Desalination Plants
Update of Large vessel - based mobile Seawater Desalination Plants...
Introduction to Microfiltration and Ultrafiltration
Overview of microfiltration and ultrafiltration technologies. This powerpoint presentation compares membrane filtration technologies to conventional filtration and addresses procurement, regulation, procurement and design...
The Basics of Low Pressure RO
Overview of microfiltration and ultrafiltration technologies including types, costs and applicable regulations....
Salt Rejecting Membranes - What are They, What Can They Do?
A detailed presentation on salt rejection membrane technology that addresses principles of operation, membrane element construction, desalination plant components and configurations, pretreatment and post treatment, as well as improvements in efficiency and cost....
Introduction and Applications of Low Pressure Membranes, Micro and Ultrafiltration
Overview of low pressure microfiltration and ultrafiltration membrane technologies including types, procurement, cleaning, maintenance, performance and integrity tests, costs and applicable regulations....
Low Pressure Membrane Technologies (MF/UF) Their Applications and Costs
Basic review of Microfiltration (MF) and Ultrafiltration (UF). The application and cost of low pressure membrane technologies....
Membrane Applications for Various Water Quality Issues
This presentation describes various membrane applications and elaborate on how low pressure membranes (MF, UF & MBR) can effectively be utilized for surface water treatment, ground water under Influence, wastewater treatment and other applications; and high pressure desalting membranes (NF & RO) can be used for brackish and sea water desalination ...
Lessons Learned from Six Years of Successful Operation of the JCSA 5 mgd Brackish Water RO Plant in Virginia
The paper descirbes the lessons learned from six year of successufl operation of the James City Service Authority 5 MGD Brackish water reverse osmosis plant in Virginia....
Membrane Applications for Various Water Quality Issues
This PowerPoint presentation describes the basics of membrane technology and emphasizes the applications in which reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, ultrafiltration and microfiltration and used. Some terminology is also given in the powerpoint....
General Membrane Plant Controls
This presentation provides a general overview of instrumentation and control basics for membrane plants. Descibes the ten components of a plant control scheme. Gives examples of types of comntrol loops, and gives examples of performance of a well-designed control system....
Reducing Operating Costs of Desalination Plants
This PowerPoint presentation describes how to reduce operating costs at seawater desalination plants considering energy recovery, chemical consumption and other operating parameters...
Basic Understanding of Membrane Filtration and Reverse Osmosis Technologies
This PowerPoint presentation gives a basic understanding of : Membrane Filtration and Reverse Osmosis Technologies...
Basic Understanding of NF and RO Processes
The presentation begins with a discussion on fundamental desalting concepts and the influence of salinity on operating pressures for brackish and seawater systems. Typical operation and maintenance costs are also provided. The presentation concludes with a discussion on membrane fouling and pretreatment options....
Various Membrane Solutions for Different Applications in Northeast
This presentation gives an overview of membrane treatment facilities along the east coast between Virginia and Maine. It includes general information on RO, MF, UF, EDR, and MBR facilities operating on various types of source water....
11 Years of Successful Brackish Water RO Membrane Operation with High silica in well water
Case study of a brackish water Reverse Osmosis plant in Virginia which has been in operation on original membranes for eleven years will be presented. The raw water from wells has a high silica content. Various blending scenarios were investigated during study phase. The plant final design was based on optimum bypass blend, which has been proven to...
NF / RO Basics
Basic understanding of Brackish water and Seawater Reverse Osmosis technologies as well as Nanofiltration systems. Limitations and applications of these technologies will be explained with full scale project examples. Basic equations, definitions and terminologies for NF and RO systems will be covered....
Initial Critical Steps in the Design of Successful Membrane Plants
Steps in designing a membrane treatment facility will be discussed. Critical steps such as water quality needs, plant capacity, number of membrane units, relationship between membrane and upstream/downstream equipment, waste production consideration, power consumption estimates will also be discussed....
Challenges and Rewards with Design and Construction of 2 MGD Brackish Water RO Plant in Maryland
CHALLENGES AND REWARDS OF DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF A 2 MGD BRACKISH WATER RO PLANT IN MARYLAND.In 2008, WATEK Engineering was hired by MES to perform a comprehensive evaluation and make recommendations for plant upgrade and/or replacement. The WTP was not meeting water quality requirements and had major capacity and system deficiencies. This pre...
Pretreatment Strategies for MF/UF
To prevent membrane scaling or fouling, pretreatment is utilized in advance of microfiltration of ultrafiltration. Although usually limited to strainers or screens, the presentation details how more elaborate strategies are used to combat higher organic loadings including settling and coagulation....
Fundamentals of Membrane Technologies
Provides a general overiew of membrane technology from MF to RO, giving the reader an understaing of what each membrane does and its lmiitations...
Overview and Fundamentals of Membrane Technologies (MF, UF, NF, RO, EDR and MBR)
This presentation from a preconference workshop in 2014 is an introduction to membrane technology fundamentals for water treatment. The presentation describes each technology and the differences in their performance and products used....
MF/UF CapabilitiesEPA and State Regulations
The presentation will cover capabilities and limitations of Microfiltration (MF) and Ultrafiltration (UF) and a review the EPA guidelines and other state criteria for designing and implementing low pressure membrane systems for municipal applications....
Challenges and Rewards of Replacing a 100-Year-Old Conventional Plant With a 6 MGD Microfiltration Plant for City of Ithaca, NY
The City of Ithaca, New York decided to replace their 100 year old plant with a more advanced technology. A comprehensive pilot test was conducted, and three manufacturers were selected for preparing life cycle bids for this 6 MGD facility. Plant construction was implemented in 5 phases due to complexity of keeping the old plant in service. We beli...
Step-by-Step Procedure and Logistics of Replacing the 12 year old RO Membranes at the Five Forks Water Treatment Facility in Virginia
James City Service Authority (JCSA) has been successfully operating a 5.0 MGD brackish water RO plant since April 2005. Although the membranes were still meeting the water quality requirements, budget was set aside to replace them primarily due to their age, to reduce power consumption, take advantage of the newer membrane technology and have more ...
The Pennsylvania State University Integrated Membrane Water Treatment Plant
The presentation will review the design, cost and operational performance of a 5.2 MGD Integrated Membrane facility at PSU. The source water consists of two well fields, each with multiple wells, considered under the influence of surface water. One of the well fields has moderate levels of hardness. The process consists of Microfiltration (MF) foll...