Presentations by Benoit Tranape
Matches: 2
Ceramic membranes used for Produced water and Mining application
Ceramic membrane is a proven technology to recycle O&G produced water as well as tailing pond effluent from the mining industry. Several case studies will be detailed. A 50,000 bpd produced water reclamation facility has been in operation since 2012 using CeraMem membranes. A Lithium mine in Australia selected CeraMem to treat a 150 m3/h tailing po...
Ceramic Membranes Used for Spring Water, Ultra-Pure Water, Beverage, MBR
Tubular ceramic membranes have been used for more than 20 years in a wide range of applications in the municipal and industrial sector. The presentation will provide several case studies including:Spring water filtration for the purpose of removing iron (using Kleansep membranes)Ultra-pure water production for the purpose of removaing pyrogenic su...