Presentations by Brian Sahely, M.A.Sc., PE
Matches: 3
Performance Testing of a 380 ML/d Retrofitted Membrane/UV Oxidation WTP
This article presents the results at the Lorne Park Water Treatment Plant (WTP) in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada of the performance testing that was conducted and lessons learned for future membrane performance testing. Once the Lorne Park WTP was fully commissioned, the membrane system had to be tested in accordance with the pre-selection documen...
Back to the Future: Achieving Membrane Quality Water With Granular Media Filter Simplicity
This paper focuses on a novel technology, blending the high-treated water quality of a membrane with the simplicity of a granular media filter. This ?MGF? technology is a direct replacement for filter media and underdrains inside the filter box and operates in gravity mode, using the existing hydraulic profile. Unlike immersed membrane filtration, ...
Membrane Condition Evaluation for 3 100-MGD Plants
This paper provides details on lessons learned from a membrane condition assessment for 3 major UF membrane facilities owned by Region of Peel, Canada. In addition to typical membrane autopsy analyses with SEM and EDX, this paper details the results from advanced testing with SEI analysis, fiber tensile strength testing comparing new and old fibers...