Presentations by Brian Wise
Matches: 4
Comparative Capiltal Costs for Ceramic and Polymeric Membranes
Ceramic Microfiltration (MF) membranes are compared cost wise to polymer based MF and ultratfiltration (UF). Present Worth Cost of 20-years show comparable long term costs. Ceramic membranes are said to be more robust, have higher pressure ratings, and chemical resistance when compared to polymer membranes....
Novel Segmented Ceramic Monolith Ultrafiltration Membrane Provides Improved Pre-Treatment For Power Plant Cooling Tower Blowdown ZLD System
This presentation will describe the pilot testing results used and the conceptual design and operating cost estimates of the full-scale upgrade of the Cooling Tower Blowdown (CTBD) treatment plant, which benefits from the use of ultrafiltration ceramic membrane used in the process....
Hydraulic Cleaning Methods for Ceramic Membranes - A More Conventional Approach to Facilitate Retrofits
This paper will present hydraulic cleaning design summary options for ceramic and polymeric low pressure membranes as well as field testing data comparing more conventional to more aggressive methods. The paper also presents some retrofit case histories where ceramic has replaced polymeric membranes....
Data And Economic Analysis of Ceramic Ultrafilter Membranes In Backwash Water Recovery and Waste Water Reuse Applications
With the latest advances in ceramic ultrafiltration (UF) membrane manufacturing the capital costs are now competitive to polymeric UF membranes. The presentation will review performance data of the latest ceramic UF membranes in installations and pilot trials treating backwash water recovery and secondary effluent for reuse. The data highlights th...