Presentations by Bruce Chalmers
Matches: 2
Increasing the Overall Recovery Rate at the Leo J. Vander Lans Water Treatment Facility to Greater than 92%
This paper is a case study that discusses increasing the recovery of the he Leo J. Vander Lans Water Treatment Facility (LVLWTF) to 92%. The plant was designed or a microfiltration recovery of 94% and a reverse osmosis recovery rate of 85%. In this study the 3rd stage RO system was piloted to confirm its viability. This paper then highlights the d...
Optimization of WWRO for Alamitos Barrier - Improving Performance Through More Aggressive Operation
The use of reverse osmosis (RO) to treat municipal wastewater for various reuse purposes has gained considerable momentum in recent years, with multiple facilities now exceeding 100 million gallon per day (mgd) in capacity. Early wastewater RO (WWRO) facilities, built 10 to 15 years ago, were generally designed with low RO fluxes to reduce the risk...